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Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies每年会出版约180篇论文,旨在推动城市研究领域的知识积累和理论发展。为了更好地推广城市研究学者的作品,Urban Studies推出了Editors’ Featured Articles 栏目,即主编在每一季度会推荐数篇读者关注度较高、理论贡献较大的论文作品,并为读者提供限时免费阅读和下载的渠道。



Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches


Simon Pemberton(基尔大学,英国)

Jenny Phillimore(伯明翰大学,英国)

首次出版时间:2016/7/5 |研究论文


Whilst attention has previously focused on the importance of monolithic ethnic identities on migrant place-making, less attention has been paid to how place-making proceeds in super-diverse urban neighbourhoods where no single ethnic group predominates. This paper makes an original contribution by identifying the factors that shape migrants’ affinity with, or alienation from, super-diverse neighbourhoods. Through using and critiquing an analytical framework developed by Gill (2010 Pathologies of migrant place making: The case of Polish migrants to the UK. Environment and Planning A 42(5): 1157–1173) that identifies ‘ideal’ and ‘pathological’ place-making strategies, the paper contrasts two super-diverse neighbourhoods in the UK with different histories of diversity. We show how ‘ideal’ migrant place-making is more likely to occur where there is a common neighbourhood identity based around diversity, difference and/or newness, and where those with ‘visible’ differences can blend in. In contrast, ‘pathologies’ are more likely where the ongoing churn of newcomers, coupled with the speed and recency of change, undermine migrants’ affinity with place and where the diversity of the neighbourhood is not yet embedded. Even where neighbourhood identity based on diversity is established, it may alienate less visible migrants and culminate in a new form of (minority) white flight.


先前的研究主要关注单一族群身份对移民地方营造的重要性,对于在没有单一族群占主导地位的超级多样城市街区中地方营造如何开展,并没有给予足够重视。本文通过识别影响移民与超级多样街区的亲和或疏离关系的因素,作出了原创性的贡献。Gill (2010, Pathologies of migrant place making: The case of Polish migrants to the UK. Environment and Planning A 42(5): 1157–1173) 发展了一个分析框架来识别“理想的”和“病态的”地方营造策略。本文利用并批判这一分析框架,对比了英国两个有着不同多样性历史的超级多样街区。我们展示了,一个地方如果围绕多样性、差异性和/或新颖性而形成了共同的街区认同,并且具有“明显”差异的人可以融入其中,就更有可能发生“理想的”移民地方营造。与之相对的,一个地方如果出现持续的新移民流失,再加上不断快速变化,削弱了移民与地方的亲和关系,并且街区的多样性尚未扎根,则更可能是“病态的”。即使建立了以多样性为基础的街区认同,也可能疏远那些默默无闻的移民,最终形成新的“白人群飞”(少数族群迁移)形式。

migrant place-making, neighbourhood, super-diversity


移民地方营造, 街区, 超级多样性




Estimating the local employment impacts of immigration: A dynamic spatial panel model


Bernard Fingleton(剑桥大学,英国) 

Daniel Olner(谢菲尔德大学,英国)

Gwilym Pryce(谢菲尔德大学,英国)

首次出版时间:2019/12/12 |研究论文


This paper highlights a number of important gaps in the UK evidence base on the employment impacts of immigration, namely: (1) the lack of research on the local impacts of immigration – existing studies only estimate the impact for the country as a whole; (2) the absence of long-term estimates – research has focused on relatively short time spans – there are no estimates of the impact over several decades, for example; (3) the tendency to ignore spatial dependence of employment which can bias the results and distort inference – there are no robust spatial econometric estimates we are aware of. We aim to address these shortcomings by creating a unique data set of linked Census geographies spanning five Censuses since 1971. These yield a large enough sample to estimate the local impacts of immigration using a novel spatial panel model which controls for endogenous selection effects arising from migrants being attracted to high-employment areas. We illustrate our approach with an application to London and find that no migrant group has a statistically significant long-term negative effect on employment. EU migrants, however, are found to have a significant positive impact, which may have important implications for the Brexit debate. Our approach opens up a new avenue of inquiry into subnational variations in the impacts of immigration on employment.




demographicsdiversity/cohesion/segregationemployment/labourlump of labour fallacymigrationrace/ethnicityspatial panel models

人口统计多样性/凝聚力/隔离就业/劳动力固定劳动总量谬论 (lump of labour fallacy)移民种族/族裔空间面板模型




Housing, urban growth and inequalities: The limits to deregulation and upzoning in reducing economic and spatial inequality


Andrés Rodríguez-Pose(伦敦政治经济学院,英国)

Michael Storper(伦敦政治经济学院,英国)

首次出版时间:2019/9/17 |研究论文


Urban economics and branches of mainstream economics – what we call the ‘housing as opportunity’ school of thought – have been arguing that shortages of affordable housing in dense agglomerations represent a fundamental barrier to economic development. Housing shortages are considered to limit migration into thriving cities, curtailing their expansion potential, generating rising social and spatial inequalities and inhibiting national growth. According to this dominant view, relaxing zoning and other planning regulations in the most prosperous cities is crucial to unleash the economic potential of cities and nations and to facilitate within-country migration. In this article, we contend that the bulk of the claims of the housing as opportunity approach are fundamentally flawed and lead to simplistic and misguided policy recommendations. We posit that there is no clear and uncontroversial evidence that housing regulation is a principal source of differences in home availability or prices across cities. Blanket changes in zoning are unlikely to increase domestic migration or to improve affordability for lower-income households in prosperous areas. They would, however, increase gentrification within metropolitan areas and would not appreciably decrease income inequality. In contrast to the housing models, we argue that the basic motors of all these features of the economy are the current geography of employment, wages and skills.



cities, economic growth, housing, inequality, migration, regulation, urban planning


城市, 经济增长, 住房, 不平等, 移民, 条例, 城市规划




A regional growth ecology, a great wall of capital and a metropolitan housing market


David Ley(英属哥伦比亚大学,加拿大)

首次出版时间:2020/1/27 |研究论文


In a narrative framed by Harvey Molotch’s growth machine thesis, this article examines the globalisation of property in gateway cities, and its contribution to house price inflation in Vancouver, the least affordable market in North America. In response to a floundering British Columbia (BC) economy, a favourable investment and immigration climate welcomed capital and invited capitalists to re-locate their economic skills. Substantial funds flowed to Vancouver from the buoyant Asia Pacific, from distant investors and wealthy immigrants. Capital flows were facilitated by a powerful growth coalition, as the provincial government benefited significantly from these funds, and held a common interest with a vigorous trans-Pacific property industry. Supporting this growth coalition, the deregulation of private institutions and the under-resourcing of public agencies working in the capital/real estate nexus provided an ecology favourable to the ‘animal spirits’ of the market, including real estate opportunism and money laundering. Such a growth ecology, exacerbating severe unaffordability, may exist in other globally networked cities, though relations are rarely so well developed and so powerful in their effects.


本文的论述以哈维•莫洛奇(Harvey Molotch)的增长机器理论为框架,探讨门户城市的房地产全球化,及其对温哥华这一房价最超负担能力的北美市场房价上涨的贡献。为了应对苦苦挣扎的不列颠哥伦比亚省经济状况,该省营造了有利的投资和移民环境,欢迎资本的到来并鼓励资本家带着其经济技能前来。大量资金从繁荣的亚太地区、遥远的投资者和富裕的移民流向温哥华。强大的增长联盟促进了资本流动,省政府从这些资金中受益匪浅,并与蓬勃发展的跨太平洋房地产业有着共同利益。对私人机构的放松管制、以及在资本/房地产关系中工作的公共机构资源不足导致了一个鼓励市场“动物精神”的生态环境(包括房地产投机和洗钱),支持着这一增长联盟。这种增长生态进一步加剧了本已严重的房价超负担能力。其也可能存在于其他全球网络内的城市中,尽管此等关系很少如此成熟,影响如此强大。


deregulation, globalisation of property, growth machine, unaffordable housing, Vancouver
关键词放松管制, 房地产全球化, 增长机器, 房价超负担能力, 温哥华



Temporary use of space: Urban processes between flexibility, opportunity and precarity


Ali Madanipour(纽卡斯尔大学,英国)

首次出版时间:2017/5/9 |研究论文


The temporary use of privately-owned, empty space has been advocated by some as economically sensible and socially progressive, making use of unproductive and empty spaces by providing access to space for those who are otherwise unable to obtain it. The article critically examines this concept, arguing that the temporary use of space should be analysed as part of the urban development process with its temporal and spatial fluctuations and its multivalent outcomes. It investigates the production of empty space and the temporary use of space as a space of opportunity and a flexible method of production. By drawing on the case of Chesterfield House in London, in the context of the British response to the global financial crisis, the temporary use of space is shown to be a moment in a complex process, offering some opportunities, but also revealing the brevity of this moment and the precarity of its users. Beyond the realm of necessity, it may be transformed into a cultural choice, a lubricant of urban development and a medium of social change, signifying a space of opportunity for some and vulnerability for others.




flexibilityopportunityprecarityspatial productiontemporary urbanism
关键词灵活性, 机遇, 不稳定, 空间生产, 临时都市主义




Temporary use in England’s core cities: Looking beyond the exceptional


Michael Martin(奥尔堡大学,丹麦)

Stephen Hincks(谢菲尔德大学,英国)

Iain Deas(曼彻斯特大学,英国)

首次出版时间:2020/2/18 |研究论文


This paper develops an understanding of the structural and spatial characteristics of regulated forms of temporary use across England’s core cities. The paper’s contribution lies in its adoption of an extensive research design that goes beyond the intensive qualitative approaches that predominate in the temporary use literature. We employ a novel data set of 5890 temporary use interventions that have been recorded over a 15-year period (2000–2015). Informed by the temporary use literature, we distinguish between ‘extraordinary’ (e.g. urban beaches) and ‘ordinary’ (e.g. car parks) forms of temporary use alongside other characteristics that include the time of occurrence, the function of space appropriated, decisions taken and whether instances were isolated or reoccurring. Logistic regression is used to test whether the odds that a temporary use was defined as ‘ordinary’ or ‘extraordinary’ increased or decreased owing to their underlying structural characteristics. The analysis revealed that applications for extraordinary temporary uses increased in the period following the 2007/2008 financial crisis but that ordinary forms of temporary uses remained much more common before and after the recession. It also revealed differences between ordinary and extraordinary uses in relation to the functions of the spaces appropriated and decisions taken by the planning authority in processing the application. Geospatial approaches were then applied to two case study cities – Bristol and Liverpool. The analysis revealed a tendency towards the clustering of temporary uses that was spatially and temporally uneven, with extraordinary uses in particular concentrated in the cores/downtowns of the two cities.




built environmentland usemethodplanningredevelopmentregenerationtemporary urbanismtemporary use




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