

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第六十八期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖城市网络的全球生态系统、酷儿的城市空间政治、住房金融化、特拉维夫移民的居住流动性与空间整合动态,以及中国农民工参加社会保险及其定居城市的意愿欢迎阅读。


Understanding the global ecosystem of city networks


Michele Acuto(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)

Benjamin Leffel(美国加州大学欧文分校)



Cities are formalising collaborations across borders at an unprecedented rate: ‘city networks’ now form a wide ecosystem of global partnerships between local authorities that is often underestimated. It might be time to think of city networks more explicitly as institutionalised and presenting a challenging form of more-than-local urban governance. To do so, our essay mixes a review of the overall global landscape (beyond the environmental sector where most of the literature is to be found), with both a network analysis of how these institutions work as a web of connections, as well as an ‘inside out’ view of how they are managed and what the challenges of that are. We do this by analysing a database of 202 of these networks, both statistically as well as via social network analysis. We find that: international initiatives are on the rise, but this context of partnerships has a well-established history, producing a wealth of information and outputs and offering a complex organisational landscape for cities to reach out beyond their local confines. We measure the relationship this has to the integration of cities into the global economy, the pathways it opens for further internationalisation of city leadership and the patterns of partnership with business and international organisations that it implies.




city networks, globalisation, governance, networks, social network analysis


城市网络, 全球化, 治理, 网络, 社会网络分析



Queer urban trauma and its spatial politics: A lesson from social movements in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem


Gilly Hartal(以色列巴伊兰大学)

Chen Misgav(以色列开放大学;以色列内盖夫本古里安大学)



Growing attention has been devoted to the political geography of urban social movements but trauma, its urban context and spatial politics, have been significantly neglected. This paper aims to develop the concept of ‘queer urban trauma’ and its aftermath in the sense of urban and spatial activism, through an analysis of two traumatic events for the LGBT community in Israel. It explains how traumatic events taking place within urban contexts affect the spatial politics of LGBT and queer urban activism. Based on geographies of sexualities and queer theory, this paper aims to fill this gap by analysing traumatic events in two Israeli cities: the 2009 shooting of two young queers in a youth club in Tel Aviv, and the 2015 stabbing of a young girl during the Jerusalem Pride Parade. Tel Aviv is considered the liberal centre of Israel and a local ‘gay heaven’, as well as a destination for global gay tourism. Jerusalem on the other hand is usually described with a sense of alienation among LGBT and queer individuals and movements, where every political, spatial, cultural and financial achievement is a struggle. We argue that the politics of trauma are constructed differently in these two urban settings, producing important nuances of urban activism and politics. Through this empirical discussion, we develop the concept of ‘queer urban trauma’, revealing divergent forms of spatial visibility, presence and activity of the queer movements within urban spaces.


人们越来越关注城市社会运动的政治地理,但创伤、其城市背景和空间政治却被严重忽视。本文旨在通过对以色列男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者 (LGBT) 群体的两起创伤事件的分析,在城市和空间行动主义的意义上发展“酷儿城市创伤”的概念并探究其后果。本文解释了发生在城市背景下的创伤性事件是如何影响LGBT群体的空间政治和酷儿城市行动主义的。基于性和酷儿理论的地理学,本文旨在通过分析两个以色列城市的创伤事件来填补这一空白。这两起事件分别是2009年特拉维夫一个青年俱乐部中两名年轻酷儿被枪杀,以及2015年耶路撒冷骄傲游行 (Jerusalem Pride Parade) 中一名年轻女孩被刺伤。特拉维夫被认为是以色列的自由中心和当地的“同性恋天堂”,也是全球同性恋旅游胜地。另一方面,LGBT以及酷儿个人和运动都描述了耶路撒冷的那种疏离感,在这些运动中,每一项政治、空间、文化和财政成就都是一场斗争。我们认为,创伤政治在这两个城市环境中是以不同的方式构建的,并产生了城市行动主义和政治方面的重要细微差别。通过这种实证性的讨论,我们发展了“酷儿城市创伤”的概念,揭示了城市空间中酷儿运动的空间可见性、存在和活动的不同形式。


LGBT activism, memorialisation, queer urban trauma, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, urban social movements


LGBT行动主义, 纪念, 酷儿城市创伤, 特拉维夫和耶路撒冷, 城市社会运动





The financialisation of housing and the rise of the investor-activist


Nicole Cook(澳大利亚卧龙岗大学)

Kristian Ruming(澳大利亚麦格理大学)



The financialisation of housing is seen to undermine tenants’ rights, affordable housing and planning controls in order to make housing and homes more amenable to profit extraction. However, the extent to which owner-occupiers themselves seek to influence urban development and planning processes to protect their housing assets has been less well-considered. Through an online survey of 1122 owner-occupiers in Australia, this article redresses this gap. By identifying the financial values participants attach to their home, and their inclinations to join resident action groups, we reveal that those with the strongest investment values are also most inclined to join resident action groups. Expanding conceptualisations of investors beyond institutional investors, the article reveals the agency of financialised owner-occupiers who, as investor-activists, seek to influence planning processes to secure the profitability of their own housing assets. The article thus reconceptualises resident action as a financial strategy to protect long- and short-term housing investments and, in doing so, charts the urban implications of financialised home ownership and investor subjectivities.



Australia, densification, financialisation, investor-subject, opposition, owner-occupation

澳大利亚, 密集化, 金融化, 投资者主体, 反对, 业主自住




Immigrants’ spatial integration dynamics in Tel-Aviv: An analysis of residential mobility and sorting


Tal Modai-Snir(荷兰代尔夫特技术大学)

Pnina O. Plaut(以色列理工学院)



Residential mobility patterns of immigrant and majority groups are key in understanding immigrants’ spatial integration. This article explores the spatial integration dynamics of immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Tel-Aviv, Israel, as reflected in changing residential mobility behaviour. Unlike previous research, the article investigates the simultaneous effect of the relocations of both immigrants and majority members, with treatment of ethnic and socioeconomic dimensions of residential sorting considered simultaneously. Using a unique data set that spans the period 1997–2008, the analysis reveals a dynamic interplay of both groups’ mobility patterns. Their joint effect decreased residential sorting across both neighbourhood dimensions over time. Despite the decreasing magnitude, residential sorting processes remained active by the end of the research period, delaying the spatial integration of immigrants.




assimilation, immigrants, residential mobility, segregation, sorting, spatial integration


同化, 移民, 居住流动性, 隔离, 群分, 空间整合



Welfare migration or migrant selection? Social insurance participation and rural migrants’ intentions to seek permanent urban settlement in China


Shenghua Xie(华中师范大学)

Juan Chen(香港理工大学)

Veli-Matti Ritakallio(芬兰图尔库大学)

Xiangming Leng(华中师范大学)



The welfare system can be a crucial factor in the urban settlement of rural migrants, but its effects are difficult to determine because to do so one must distinguish the effect of welfare entitlement from the effect of ‘migrant selectivity bias’, which widely exists in cities in developing countries. Using survey data from 15 Chinese cities, this study examines the ways in which social insurance – the most critical social welfare package in China – affects rural migrants’ urban-settlement intentions. The results show that there is a ‘migrant selectivity bias’ in Chinese cities, that is, rural migrants who are better off socio-economically are more inclined to participate in social insurance and are more inclined to pursue permanent urban settlement. Meanwhile, social insurance participation is significantly and positively related to rural migrants’ urban-settlement intentions, and this positive relation remains even after we discount the effect of ‘migrant selectivity bias’ in the analysis. We argue that, for rural migrants in China, the effect of social insurance participation on urban settlement intentions closely resembles that experienced by those who move to migration-managed regimes. We conclude that the Chinese government should establish a more inclusive social welfare system to enable rural migrants to permanently settle in cities.




migrant selectivity biasrural migrantsocial insuranceurban settlement intentionwelfare migration

移民选择性偏见, 农村移民, 社会保险, 城市定居意愿, 福利移民



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