

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第七十期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖城市环境与移民群体动员的关系、城市中心在城市化过程中的角色、中国和谐社区的治理、中国土地融资与分配正义,以及加拿大酷儿的重新定位,欢迎阅读。


Bridging city environments: A contextual approach to the mobilisation of immigrant groups


Cristina Lacomba (哈佛大学) 



Although cities are thought of as environments conducive to collective mobilisation, we know less about the collective processes by which marginal social groups take advantage of these environments to advance their claims. This article uses the concept of bridging social capital to explain the process by which immigrants living in cities with high diversity mobilise. It introduces the concept of bridging environments to show how city context shapes the collective mobilisation of immigrants. Mobilisation is contingent on the bridging environments with which immigrants can connect within the cities in which they settle. This argument is exemplified by a comparative analysis of the collective mobilisation of Ecuadorian immigrants in New York City and Madrid. This research contributes to how city context matters for the mobilisation and political incorporation of immigrants in liberal democracies.




collective action, diversity, immigrants, political incorporation, social capital, cities


集体行动, 多样性, 移民, 政治整合, 社会资本, 城市



The future of the city centre: Urbanisation, transformation and resilience – a tale of two Newcastle cities


Robert J Rogerson(斯特拉斯克莱德大学) 

Bob Giddings(英国诺森比亚大学)



Recent debates over the content and theoretical orientation of urban studies act as a strong reminder that the nature and existence of the city as a form of spatial urban agglomeration is changing. They have acted positively as a heuristic to inspire critical analysis of urbanisation and helped to illuminate the considerable empirical variation over time and space in urban agglomeration forms. However, in shifting the focus onto the planetary reach of urbanisation, such debates risk deflecting attention away from the city core at a time when it too is being subjected to transformation. The city centre has been taken for granted as critical attention has been given to the impact of development and enterprise in extending the city outwards. The recent proliferation of public and policy interest in the future of the city centre as the archetypal expression of urban agglomeration has not been matched by similar growth in academic and theoretical accounts of its transformation. Drawing on the examples of two city centres, and placing them in the context of the recent debates of urban agglomeration theory, this article seeks to initiate deeper analysis and dialogue about the future of the urban core, including how it is being articulated and by whom. It argues for a greater analytic understanding of the ways in which the city centre as a physical and emotional entity has been so resilient, and advocates for stronger engagement with initiatives seeking to reactivate the city centre as a crucial epicentre of urban agglomeration.




planning, policy, redevelopment, regeneration, theory, urban studies


规划, 政策, 再开发, 更新, 理论, 城市研究





Governing for and through harmonious community: The emergence of moral clinics in China


Shaoying Zhang(上海政法学院)

Derek McGhee(英国基尔大学)



In this article, we advocate the adoption of ‘more temporal and processual characters’ to understand contemporary community governance in China. We show that communities in China are seen both as producing moral problems and as being the solutions to these problems. Furthermore, we argue that the establishment of the moral clinic provides an alternative to neoliberal ways of self-governance. In the article, we present moral clinics as a new form of community self-governance whose aim is to achieve a complex balance between various conflicts in the context of China’s unprecedented urbanisation in the name of governing for and through community harmony. Through examining the establishment of moral clinics, we expose how the relationship between the moral ‘hospitalisation’ of society and the socialisation of individuals can be understood in new ways. We argue that the institutionalisation of this ‘moral work’ is a strategy based on old techniques of Chinese traditional medicine that are being enhanced by modern organisational settings. In addition, we examine the micropolitics of the moral clinic through exposing the power relations behind its structural design, and especially its links with the state.



agglomeration/urbanisation, Chinese traditional medicine, community, governance, local government, moral clinics, public space

集聚/城市化, 中医药, 社区, 治理, 地方政府, 道德诊所, 公共空间




Government debt, land financing and distributive justice in China


Meina Cai(美国康涅狄格大学)
Jianyong Fan(复旦大学)
Chunhui Ye(浙江大学)
Qi Zhang(复旦大学)



Massive funds that are necessary to finance China’s capital-intensive urbanisation are channelled through Local Government Financing Vehicles (LGFVs), which are established by local governments to circumvent the prohibition on borrowing. This study examines LGFV development and how this land financing development strategy influences villagers. We argue that China’s discriminatory land property system and the feature of land being a captive asset allow local governments to transfer their debt pressure to land-losing villagers. Specifically, we find that more indebted local governments take a more extractive approach by paying land-losing villagers less compensation, suggesting the intrinsic connections of the local state, land-centred local public finance and society in China’s urban transformation. Our findings suggest that local governments can be developmental and predatory at the same time. Our arguments are developed using data that combine a self-compiled data set on LGFV debt with the China Household Finance Surveys. It systematically examines the connections between land financing via LGFVs and land-losing villagers. It contributes to a better understanding of the debt-fuelled urbanisation in China and, more broadly, of how the state intervenes in the economy and impacts distributive justice in developing and transition economies.


为中国资本密集型城市化融资所需的巨额资金,是通过地方政府融资平台 (LGFV) 输送的。地方政府融资平台是地方政府为规避借款禁令而设立的。本研究考察了地方政府融资平台的发展,以及这种土地融资发展策略如何影响村民。我们认为,中国歧视性的土地产权制度和土地作为被控制资产的特点,允许地方政府将债务压力转移给失去土地的村民。具体来说,我们发现负债更多的地方政府采取了一种更具榨取性的方式,向失去土地的村民支付更少的补偿,这表明了地方政府、以土地为中心的地方公共财政和社会在中国城市转型中的内在联系。我们的发现表明,地方政府可能同时具有发展性和掠夺性。我们的论点是以数据为基础的,这些数据结合了自编的地方政府融资平台债务数据集和中国家庭金融调查。本文系统地考察了通过地方政府融资平台进行土地融资与失去土地的村民之间的联系。本文有助于更好地理解中国债务推动的城市化,更广泛地说,有助于更好地理解国家如何干预经济以及如何影响发展中经济体和转型经济体的分配正义。


China, distributive justice, government debt, land financing, local government financing vehicles, urbanisation


中国, 分配正义, 政府债务, 土地融资, 地方政府融资平台 (LGFV), 城市化 



Relocating queer: Comparing suburban LGBTQ2S activisms on Vancouver’s periphery


Alison L Bain(加拿大约克大学)

Julie A Podmore(加拿大约翰阿伯特学院)



Scholarly understandings of LGBTQ2S activist geographies are largely informed by a metronormative analytical lens that inadequately captures the shifting landscapes of sexual diversity in Canadian city-regions. The gap between the available services in peripheral municipalities and the rising demand from their growing LGBTQ2S populations has mobilised fractured groups of activists to lobby for policy, programming and service changes. This paper examines sexual politics in suburban civil society, focusing on the grassroots organising of not-for-profit activist groups as they interact with local government outside of the electoral process. It compares LGBTQ2S activist practices in two neighbouring, although differently sized and demographically divergent, peripheral municipalities in the Vancouver city-region: Surrey and New Westminster. A comparative case study approach reveals how LGBTQ2S activists work through variations in suburban political opportunity structures, resource landscapes and inter-organisational relations resulting in differential practices of mobilisation and collective action. In contrast with an urban legacy of insurgent practices of LGBTQ2S resistance, suburban LGBTQ2S activisms primarily centre on enactments of local resourcefulness, community resilience and institutional reworking within more dispersed resource landscapes.


学术界对男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者、酷儿和双灵人 (LGBTQ2S) 活动人士地理的理解,很大程度上是基于一种都市规范的分析视角,这种视角没有充分捕捉到加拿大各城市地区性多样性格局的变化。周边城市可获得的服务与其日益增长的LGBTQ2S群体之间的差距,已促使分裂的活动人士团体进行游说,以促进政策、规划和服务变革。本文考察了郊区市民社会中的性政治,重点是非营利活动团体在选举过程之外与地方政府互动时的基层组织。我们比较了温哥华市区两个相邻的边缘城市(萨里和新威斯敏斯特)的LGBTQ2S活动人士的行为,尽管这两个城市的规模不同,人口构成也有所不同。比较案例研究方法揭示了LGBTQ2S活动人士如何在相互差异的郊区政治机会结构、资源状况和组织间关系环境中开展工作,这导致了动员和集体行动方面的不同做法。与城市LGBTQ2S反叛行为传统形成鲜明对比的是,郊区LGBTQ2S活动人士的活动侧重于在更分散的资源环境中推动当地资源配置、社区复原力和机构改造方面的立法。


activisms, LGBTQ2S, metronormativity, metropolitan periphery suburbs
关键词行动主义, 男女同性恋, 双性恋, 变性者, 酷儿和双灵人 (LGBTQ2S), 都市规范, 大都市周边郊区



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