

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第七十一期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖英格兰的渐进式住宅开发、中国粤港澳大湾区特大城市科学体系的多中心城市结构、全球城市食品治理中的知识政治、纽约绅士化过程中的需求和供给关系、以及对加拿大自行车道设施建设的社交媒体讨论欢迎阅读。


Incremental residential densification and urban spatial justice: The case of England between 2001 and 2011


Peter Bibby (英国谢菲尔德大学) 

John Henneberry (英国谢菲尔德大学) 

Jean-Marie Halleux (比利时列日大学)



Study of the relation between urban density and social equity has been based mostly upon comparative analysis at the city level. It therefore fails to address variations in intra-urban experience and sheds no light on the process of urban densification. Incremental residential development is particularly poorly recorded and under-researched, yet cumulatively it makes a substantial contribution to the supply of dwellings. The article presents a detailed examination of this form of development in England between 2001 and 2011, and considers its impact on urban spatial justice. We find that the incidence of soft residential densification was very uneven. It had disproportionately large effects on neighbourhoods that were already densely developed and that were characterised by lower income households with access to relatively little residential space. It thus contributed to an increase in the level of inequality in the distribution of residential space, increasing socio-spatial injustice.




England, incremental residential development, spatial justice, urban densification


英格兰, 渐进式住宅开发, 空间正义, 城市密集化



Proximity and the evolving knowledge polycentricity of megalopolitan science: Evidence from China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 1990–2016


Haitao Ma (中国科学院)

Yingcheng Li (东南大学)

Xiaodong Huang(华东师范大学)



Despite the two key defining features of megalopolises as incubators and hinges in a globalising knowledge economy, how intercity knowledge flows could shape the polycentric structure of the science system of a megalopolis has only gained popularity in recent years. This study focuses on measuring and explaining the evolving knowledge polycentricity of the science system of China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA) megalopolis during the 1990–2016 period. Our empirical results are generally robust when we adopt different measurement approaches and draw upon different publication databases. Overall, the degrees of knowledge polycentricity at different geographical scales have been generally increasing during the study period, though with some fluctuations. In addition, the degree of knowledge polycentricity becomes smaller at higher geographical scales. The mechanisms behind the evolving knowledge polycentricity have been further investigated from the proximity perspective. The increasing geographical proximity, institutional proximity and social proximity between cities within and beyond the GBA megalopolis have contributed to the strengthening knowledge polycentricity of its science system at different geographical scales.




knowledge collaboration, megalopolis, polycentricity, proximity, urban networks


知识协同, 超大城市, 多中心性, 邻近性, 城市网络





Unpacking the new urban food agenda: The changing dynamics of global governance in the urban age


Roberta Sonnino (英国卡迪夫大学)

Helen Coulson(英国卡迪夫大学)



Moving beyond the methodological ‘cityism’ of urban food scholarship, in this paper we focus on the ways in which the ‘urban’ is conceptualised, utilised and implicated in post-Quito development discourse. The analysis of international policy documents and data collected through interviews with stakeholders from prominent global organisations highlights the pervasiveness of globally orientated narratives of interconnected, multiscalar food governance that draw upon socio-technical agendas of ‘smart’, ‘territorially integrated’ and ‘resilient’ ideology of capitalised urbanisation. To counteract the tendency of these narratives to reduce complex metabolic processes to mere indicators and targets there is a need for a new research and policy agenda that takes account of urban agencies, inequities of power and the politics of knowledge that permeate multilevel food governance. As we conclude, the problematisation of the ‘urban’ and the contested emergence of smart (food) urbanisms require urgent attention to explicate strategies for a more polycentric and plurivocal food system governance.



development, environment, food, governance, networks, policy, sustainability

发展, 环境, 食品, 治理, 网络, 政策, 可持续性




Does demand lead supply? Gentrifiers and developers in the sequence of gentrification, New York City 2009–2016


Kasey Zapatka(美国纽约城市大学)

Brenden Beck(美国弗洛里达大学)



Consumption-side theorists of gentrification examine the flow of middle-class White people into previously working-class neighbourhoods and argue that their demand for housing stimulates gentrification. In contrast, production-side theorists emphasise the movement of capital into previously disinvested neighbourhoods and contend that profit-seeking development increases property values and sparks gentrification. Hybrid theorists argue that consumption and production occur simultaneously. This article operationalises arguments made by each approach, and asks: Do gentrifiers precede rising home values or do rising home values precede gentrifiers? To answer this question of sequence, we build a dataset of census and property tax assessment data for 2192 New York City census tracts between 2009 and 2016. Using cross-lagged regression models with tract and year fixed effects, we find neighbourhoods that experienced an increase in White, middle-class residents had related housing price spikes in each of the subsequent two years. A 1% increase in gentrifiers was associated with a subsequent 2.7% increase in property values. However, housing market growth did not predict future increases in gentrifiers. This suggests that consumption leads production during neighbourhood gentrification, and that developers are reactive, not proactive, in their investment decisions. Focusing on the sequence of gentrification’s subsidiary elements enables city officials, non-profits and social movements to better anticipate gentrification and develop more targeted policies.




gentrification, housing, longitudinal methods, property tax assessment data, real estate investment


绅士化, 住房, 纵向方法, 财产税征收数据, 房地产投资



From advocacy to acceptance: Social media discussions of protected bike lane installations


Colin Ferster U(加拿大维多利亚大学)及其合作者



Many North American cities are building bicycling infrastructure. Lively discussions on social media, where people passionately support or reject bicycling infrastructure projects, provide a unique data set on attitudes towards bicycling infrastructure. Our goal is to analyse social media posts in Edmonton and Victoria, Canada as new bike infrastructure was implemented to understand the thematic and social elements of the conversation and how these changed over time. We collected Twitter messages (n = 13,121: 7640 in Edmonton; 5481 in Victoria) and compared three timeframes: before lanes opened (January 2015 to lane opening); the first riding season (opening to April 2017); and the second riding season (May 2017 to November 2018). For each timeframe, we evaluated word-combination frequencies (to understand the use of language) and social network structures (to understand which accounts were influential and how they interacted). We observed a change in the three time periods. Before the bicycling infrastructure was built, Twitter activity was focused on advocacy, which was especially strong in Victoria. The first riding season had the most social media activity, the most diverse perspectives and the most controversy. The second riding season held more support. Based on the Twitter activity, we found that Edmonton had more support from local businesses and traditional media, launching a connected network of infrastructure with less social media opposition. Our results suggest that attitudes associated with change in bicycling infrastructure may have a cycle, with initial negative responses to change, followed by an uptick in positive attitudes.


许多北美城市正在建设自行车基础设施。人们在社交媒体上热烈讨论支持或拒绝自行车基础设施项目,这为人们对自行车基础设施的态度提供了一个独特的数据集。我们的目标是分析新的自行车基础设施实施之际,加拿大埃德蒙顿和维多利亚的社交媒体帖子,以了解对话的主题和社交元素,以及这些元素如何随着时间的推移如何变化。我们收集了推特帖子(n = 13,121,其中7640来自埃德蒙顿;5481来自维多利亚),并比较了三个时间范围:车道开放前(2015年1月至车道开放);第一个骑行季节(车道开放至2017年4月);以及第二个骑行季节(2017年5月至2018年11月)。针对每个时间段,我们评估了单词组合频率(以了解语言的使用)和社交网络结构(以了解哪些账户有影响力以及它们如何互动)。我们观察到了三个时间段的变化。在自行车基础设施建成之前,推特的活动主要集中在宣传上,这在维多利亚尤为突出。第一个骑行季有的社交媒体活动数量最多、视角最多样化、争议性也最大。第二个骑行季节获得了更多的支持。基于推特的活动,我们发现埃德蒙顿得到了当地企业和传统媒体的更多支持,其在推出一个基础设施互联网络时在社会媒体上遇到的反对较少。我们的结果表明,与自行车基础设施变化相关的态度可能有一个周期,最初对变化的反应是消极的,随后是积极态度的上升。


bicycle infrastructure, bikelash, public opinion, social media research, Twitter analysis
关键词自行车基础设施, 自行车非难, 公众意见, 社交媒体研究, 推特分析



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