

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第九十六期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖基于美国旧金山住宅彩票分析建筑环境的局部特征与交通行为模式的关系,芝加哥以税收为基础的振兴政策如何影响城市房地产发展,都柏林的住房运动与住房正义,关于巴西的城市研究议题的综合讨论,以及洛杉矶维护治安秩序和街区变化之间的关系,欢迎阅读。


What do residential lotteries show us about transportation choices?


Adam Millard-Ball(加州大学洛杉矶分校)




Credibly identifying how the built environment shapes behaviour is empirically challenging, because people select residential locations based on differing constraints and preferences for site amenities. Our study overcomes these research barriers by leveraging San Francisco’s affordable housing lotteries, which randomly allow specific households to move to specific residences. Using administrative data, we demonstrate that lottery-winning households’ baseline preferences are uncorrelated with their allotted residential features such as public transportation accessibility, parking availability and bicycle infrastructure – meaning that neighbourhood attributes and a building’s parking supply are effectively assigned at random. Surveying the households, we find that these attributes significantly affect transportation mode choices. Most notably, we show that essentially random variation in on-site parking availability greatly changes households’ car ownership decisions and driving frequency, with substitution away from public transport. In contrast, we find that parking availability does not affect employment or job mobility. Overall, the evidence from our study robustly supports that local features of the built environment are important determinants of transportation behaviour.




affordable housing, car ownership, public transportation


经济适用房, 汽车保有, 公共交通




How do tax-based revitalisation policies affect urban property development? Evidence from Bronzeville, Chicago


Minjee Kim(美国佛罗里达州立大学)



Fiscal incentives are frequently used to stimulate property development in distressed communities but the efficacy and impacts of this approach have been contested. In this study, a theory of real estate production was utilised to evaluate the Opportunity Zones (OZ) policy in the USA. Qualitative data collected from interviews and fieldwork are analysed to understand how the property development scene of a predominantly African-American neighbourhood had been affected by the OZ designation. Interviewees, including black local developers, represented diverse types and scales of real estate production. It was found that new investment capital was flowing into Bronzeville but not into projects proposed by small, local developers and community organisations. This was largely for two reasons: first, the less experienced and resource-constrained players had insufficient resources and expertise to connect with the OZ-induced investors. Second, when they were connected, their projects were deemed highly risky and thus unattractive. The perception of risk was likely amplified in Bronzeville, a historically marginalised black neighbourhood. For tax-based urban revitalisation policies to increase marginalised communities’ access to capital, appropriate public interventions must be accompanied to level out the playing field for the under-resourced and historically marginalised players of real estate production. One such intervention might be to create and support a network of financial intermediaries that specialise in connecting capital to projects proposed by black developers, other non-profit developers and community organisations. Without such measures, policies such as OZ are likely to exacerbate existing inequalities rather than uplifting disadvantaged communities.


财政激励经常被用来刺激贫困社区的房地产开发,但这种方法的有效性和影响一直存在争议。在本项研究中,房地产生产理论被用来评估美国的机会区 (OZ) 政策。我们分析通过访谈和实地调查收集的定性数据,以了解OZ指定对一个以非裔美国人为主的社区的房地产开发的影响。受访者,包括当地黑人开发商,代表了不同类型和规模的房地产生产者。我们发现,新的投资资本正在流入布朗斯维尔,但没有流入当地小型开发商和社区机构提议的项目。这主要是因为两个原因:第一,缺乏经验和资源有限的开发商没有足够的资源和专业知识与受OZ诱导的投资者联系。其次,即使联系了投资者,他们的项目也会被投资者认为是高风险、缺乏吸引力的项目。由于布朗斯维尔是一个历史上被边缘化的黑人社区,这种风险意识可能会被放大。针对以税收为基础的、旨在增加边缘化社区获得资本的机会的城市改造政策,必须有适当的配套公共干预,为资源不足和历史上被边缘化的房地产生产参与者创造公平的竞争环境。其中一种可能的干预是创建和支持一个金融中介网络,专门负责将资本与黑人开发商、其他非营利开发商和社区组织提议的项目联系起来。如果没有这些措施,OZ之类的政策可能会加剧现有的不平等,而不是提高弱势群体的地位。


enterprise zones, place-based initiatives, real estate, tax incentives, urban revitalisation


企业园区, 基于地方的倡议, 房地产, 税收激励, 城市改造




From housing crisis to housing justice: Towards a radical right to a home


Valesca Lima(爱尔兰梅努斯大学)

首次出版时间:2021/3/19 | 研究论文 


Amidst a protracted housing crisis that has affected major cities in Europe and beyond, vibrant social movements for housing justice are trying to challenge the notion that housing is a commodity, with transformative demands framing housing as a fundamental human right. This paper explores the ways housing movements in Dublin use direct and confrontational approaches as political action. Previous literature has examined the emergence of new housing movements as a direct consequence of the economic and social challenges that arose as a result of the economic downturn and neoliberal austerity policies. However, there is, as yet, little that addresses the ways autonomous housing groups engage in non-violent direct action and the challenges they face in trying not just to promote a radical change of policy but also in carrying out practical prefigurative action. As such, the findings in this study provide insights into how emerging direct-action-oriented housing groups fight for housing justice.




housing, politics, social justice


住房, 政治, 社会正义




On urban studies in Brazil: The favela, uneven urbanisation and beyond


Mariana Fix(巴西圣保罗大学)

Pedro Fiori Arantes(巴西圣保罗联邦大学)



This essay discusses some key ideas and debates about urban studies in Brazil, considered historiographically, from the mid-1900s to the present. It presents the main components and particularities of what emerges as the Brazilian matrix of urban studies, interrogating the most influential work in the field with the country’s own experiences of industrialisation and urbanisation. It discusses some key urban debates of the 21st century, namely new planning models associated with globalisation, global mega-events, public–private partnerships, inner-city gentrification, housing and city financialisation, rising forms of urban warfare and social control in slums (favelas), and new activisms and urban insurgencies. Through this analysis, we point to contradictions and tensions in relation to European and North American urban theory, calling for the need to formulate new categories and hypotheses to better understand the unequal and extreme processes resulting from violent expansion of capitalist relations over the entire planet, and comment on the new practices and forms of social mobilisation emerging from turbulent contexts.


本文从历史学的角度探讨从20世纪中期到现在巴西城市研究的一些关键观点和争论。我们展现了巴西城市研究领域的主要组成部分和特殊性,用巴西自身的工业化和城市化经验来探究该领域最具影响力的工作。我们探讨了21世纪的一些关键城市辩论,即与全球化相关的新规划模式、全球大型活动、公私伙伴关系、市中心绅士化、住房和城市金融化、贫民窟 (favelas) 城市战争和社会控制的新形式、以及新的激进主义和城市骚乱。通过这一分析,我们指出了相对欧洲和北美城市理论而言的矛盾和张力,呼吁制定新的类别和假设,以更好地理解资本主义关系在全球暴力扩张所导致的不平等和极端过程,并对动荡背景下出现的新的社会动员实践和形式进行评论。


Brazil, favelas, Global South, Latin America, slums, spatial theory, urban studies


巴西, 贫民窟 (favelas), 全球南方, 拉丁美洲, 贫民窟, 空间理论, 城市研究




Policing gentrification or policing displacement? Testing the relationship between order maintenance policing and neighbourhood change in Los Angeles

管制绅士化还是管制流离失所? 检验洛杉矶维护治安秩序和街区变化之间的关系

Charles R. Collins(美国华盛顿大学)

Forrest Stuart(美国斯坦福大学)

Patrick Janulis(美国西北大学)



Urban scholars increasingly contend that local police departments play a central role in facilitating neighbourhood change. Recent critics warn that ‘order maintenance’ policing and other low-level law enforcement tactics are deployed in gentrifying areas to displace ‘disorderly’ populations. Despite influential qualitative case studies, there remains scant quantitative research testing this relationship, and few studies that evaluate the link between policing, displacement and gentrification. We address this lacuna, drawing on new citation data from the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and employing a measure of neighbourhood change that focuses on the displacement of low-income residents. Examining policing patterns in 978 US Census tracts in Los Angeles over four years, our analysis reveals that tracts experiencing gentrification – defined as the simultaneous increase in non-poor residents and decrease in the number of people in poverty – experience a greater number of citations compared with other tract types. Similar patterns emerge in our analysis of citations that explicitly target homelessness and extreme poverty. In post-hoc analyses, we found that Census tracts characterised by a decrease in the number of people in poverty experienced greater numbers of total police citations and of citations targeting homeless individuals, compared with other tract types. These findings carry important theoretical implications for understanding the divergent manifestations of, and potential mechanisms driving, order maintenance policing. Methodologically, we contend that police citations provide a more precise measure of order maintenance policing compared with previous studies, and that classifying neighbourhoods in terms of relative displacement of residents in poverty provides much-needed interpretive clarity.


城市学者越来越多地认为,地方警察部门在促进街区变化方面发挥着核心作用。最近一些评论警告说,“维持秩序”2警务和其他低层次的执法策略被部署在绅士化地区,以驱逐“无序”的人口。尽管定性案例研究颇具影响力,但检验这种关系的定量研究仍然很少,评估警务、驱逐与绅士化之间关系的研究也很少。我们利用来自洛杉机警察局 (LAPD) 的新传唤数据,并采用一种关注低收入居民被驱逐情况的街区变化衡量标准,来填补这一空白。通过研究洛杉矶978个美国人口普查区四年来的治安模式,我们的分析显示,与其他类型的地区相比,正在经历绅士化的地区(定义为非贫困居民数量增加,同时贫困人口数量减少)人们被传唤的次数更多。在我们明确针对无家可归者和极端贫困者的传唤的分析中,也出现了类似的规律。通过析因分析,我们发现,与其他类型的人口普查区相比,以贫困人口数量减少为特征的人口普查区的警察总传唤次数和针对无家可归者的传唤次数更多。这些发现对于理解维持秩序型警务的不同表现和潜在驱动机制具有重要的理论意义。在方法上,我们认为,与以前的研究相比,警察传唤的次数提供了维持秩序型警务的、更为精确的的衡量标准,并且根据贫困居民被驱逐的相对程度对社区进行分类提供了急需的解释清晰度。


crime, displacement, exclusion, gentrification, neighbourhood, neoliberal urbanism, policing, poverty, redevelopment, regeneration, social order


犯罪, 驱逐, 排斥, 绅士化, 街区, 新自由主义城市化, 警务, 贫困, 再开发, 再生, 社会秩序





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