

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第九十八期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖城市“适应性复原力”和“变革性变化”之间的区分与辨析,雅典的城市品牌与城市公共生活,多元民族或宗教居民在高层住宅共同居住与社会互动,城市集中度对国家经济效益变化的影响,以及美国俄亥俄州房屋翻新计划对周边犯罪率的影响,欢迎阅读。


‘Remaining the same or becoming another?’ Adaptive resilience versus transformative urban change

“保持不变还是发生质变?” 适应性复原力与变革性城市变化

Stephan Leixnering(维也纳经济贸易大学)Markus Ho¨llerer(新南威尔士州悉尼商学院)首次出版时间:2021/3/29|研究论文
AbstractStructural change of cities has long been a central theme in urban studies. Recent manifestations of urban change have been described either as instances of ‘adaptation’, often associated with flexible adjustment and reorganisation, or of ‘transformation’, implying a deeper and more radical scope of change. The conceptual difference between these two ideas, however, remains surprisingly under-theorised and ambiguous in the extant literature. We find both notions casually (and at times even interchangeably) employed in recent debates on ‘resilient cities’. Addressing this conceptual imprecision, our commentary focuses on the structure–identity relationship, coupling resilience thinking with an institutional perspective that has provided the intellectual moorings for recent scholarly approaches to city identity. Through this prism, city identity is firmly conceptualised as a distinctive set of socio-political values; the structure of a city, then, provides the means to realise these values. In consequence, we are able to offer a precise conceptual differentiation between what we here dub ‘adaptive resilience’ and ‘transformative urban change’ as the two facets of change in city contexts: if structural change is accompanied by a shift in socio-political values (and thus a change in identity), we refer to this as transformative; if no such identity shift takes place, this is an instance of adaptive urban change, primarily on the level of structures. We illustrate our argument with the empirical case of the city of Vienna. Overall, our commentary’s ambition is to add nuance, clarity and conceptual precision to the debates on resilience currently raging in the field of urban change.
Keywords adaptation, city identity, institutional perspective, resilience, transformation, urban change, values, Vienna
关键词适应, 城市身份, 制度视角, 复原力, 转变, 城市变化, 价值观, 维也纳


The refugees’ right to the centre of the city: City branding versus city commoning in Athens


Charalampos Tsavdaroglou(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)Maria Kaika(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2021/3/29|研究论文
AbstractOver the years, cities have figured as exemplary places for neoliberal urban policies which tend to appropriate the right to the city through city-branding policies. However, as this article demonstrates, there are important claims of the right to the city raised by newly arrived refugees in the city of Athens. Although most refugees reside in overcrowded state-run camps on the outskirts of the city, there are many cases in which refugees enact the production of collective common spaces, occupying abandoned buildings in the urban core and claiming the right to the centre of the city. In this context and following the Lefebvrian notion of the right to the city and the spatial analysis on commons and enclosures, we explore the actions of refugees, and the way they engage in commoning practices that not only strive against the official state policies, but also often contest city-branding policies. In particular, we focus on the area of Exarcheia in Athens, which is an emblematic case of the conflicted nexus between investors’ and refugees’ right to the city.
摘要 多年来,一些城市已经成为新自由主义城市政策的典范,这种政策倾向于通过城市品牌政策侵占城市权。本文展示,雅典的新难民提出了与城市权相关的重要主张。虽然大多数难民居住在由政府运营的、位于城市郊区拥挤不堪的难民营,但在许多情况下,难民创造了集体公共空间、占据了城市核心的废弃建筑、并要求进入城市中心的权利。在这种背景下,遵循列斐伏尔 (Lefebvrian) 的城市权概念和对公共空间和封闭空间的空间分析,我们探讨了难民的行动,以及他们如何参与公共实践活动。这些实践活动不仅反对政府的正式政策,而且经常质疑城市品牌政策。特别是,我们关注雅典的埃克萨尔西阿 (Exarcheia) 地区,这是投资者的城市权与难民的城市权相互冲突关系的典型案例。
Keywords Athens, city branding, commons, refugees, right to the city
关键词 雅典, 城市品牌, 平民, 难民, 城市权
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098021997009


Residential coexistence: Anonymity, etiquette and proximity in high-rise living


Tamir Arviv(以色列理工学院)Efrat Eizenberg(以色列理工学院)首次出版时间:2021/3/30|研究论文
AbstractThis paper offers a new perspective on everyday life in an ethno-nationally mixed vertical urban setting. It focuses on the cultivation of a shared residential identity that, seemingly, can overcome the binational divide. Drawing on interviews with Jewish and Arab residents in a new middle-class high-rise complex (HRC) in Haifa, Israel, we illustrate that Arabs and Jews share many reasons for living in the HRC, reflecting similarities between these populations that are often ignored. Moreover, the physical form of the complex – including its newness and its modern, universal design – makes it a relatively neutral space free from a particular ethno-national or religious identity. Finally, while the relevant literature largely assumes that ‘anonymity’ in high-rises is a negative force, the sense of privacy it affords allows residents to manage social proximity and cultivate a philosophy of ‘live and let live’.
摘要 本文提供了一个新的视角,审视在一个民族混合的高层建筑城市环境中的日常生活。我们强调培养一种共同的居民身份,这种身份似乎可以克服两个民族之间的纷争。通过对以色列海法一个新的中产阶级高层综合体中的犹太和阿拉伯居民的采访,我们展示阿拉伯人和犹太人居住在该高层综合体中的许多共同原因,反映了这些人群之间经常被忽视的相同之处。此外,综合体形式—包括其新颖和现代的通用设计—使其成为了一个相对中立的空间,没有特定的民族或宗教身份。最后,虽然相关文献大体上都假设综合体中的“匿名”是一种消极的力量,但它提供的隐私感使居民能面对社会邻近性,并培养“自己活,也让别人活”的理念。
Keywords built environment, class, cohesion, diversity, everyday life, high rise, neighbourhood, planning, segregation
关键词 建筑环境, 阶级, 凝聚力, 多元化, 日常生活, 高层建筑, 街区, 规划, 隔离
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020975967


Does urban concentration matter for changes in country economic performance?


Roberto Ganau(英国伦敦经济学院)
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose(英国伦敦经济学院)首次出版时间:2021/3/31|研究论文
AbstractThis paper uses a novel, globally harmonised city-level data set – with cities defined at the Functional Urban Area (FUA) level – to revisit the link between urban concentration and country-level economic dynamics. The empirical analysis, involving 108 low- and high-income countries, examines how differences in urban concentration impinge on changes in employment, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita and labour productivity at country level over the period 2000–2016. The results indicate that urban concentration reduces employment growth but increases GDP per capita and labour productivity growth. The returns of urban concentration are higher for high- than for low-income countries and are mainly driven by the ‘core’ of FUAs, rather than by suburban areas.
摘要本文使用了一个新颖的、全球协调的城市级数据集(在功能城市区 (FUA) 层面定义城市),来重新审视城市集中和国家级经济动态之间的联系。这项实证分析涉及108个低收入和高收入国家,研究了2000年至2016年期间城市集中度的差异如何影响国家一级的就业、人均国内生产总值和劳动生产率的变化。结果表明,城市集中降低了就业增长,但提高了人均国内生产总值和劳动生产率的增长。高收入国家的城市集中回报率高于低收入国家,并且,此等回报率主要是由FUA的“中心”、而不是由郊区驱动的。
Keywordscross-country analysis, employment growth, GDP per capita growth, labour productivity growth, long-run economic dynamics, urban concentration
关键词跨国分析, 就业增长, 人均国内生产总值增长, 劳动生产率增长, 长期经济动态, 城市集中度


Changes in crime surrounding an urban home renovation and rebuild programme


Michelle Kondo(美国国家森林局)及其他九位共同作者首次出版时间:2021/4/5|研究论文
AbstractNeighbourhood environments are a known social determinant of health. Vacant and abandoned buildings and lots and poor or hazardous housing conditions, combined with crime and violence, can affect residents’ health and wellbeing. Nationwide Children’s Hospital and its partners launched the Healthy Homes initiative in 2008, which sought to improve nearby residents’ health and wellbeing by rejuvenating vacant and abandoned properties and increasing homeownership in the South Side neighbourhood of Columbus, Ohio. Between 2008 and mid-2019 the initiative funded 273 repairs or renovations in this neighbourhood. We conducted a ZIP-code-level comparative case study of the Healthy Homes housing interventions using synthetic control methodology to evaluate changes in crime rate in the intervention area compared with those in a synthetic control area. While findings were mixed, we found some evidence of reduced thefts in the Healthy Homes area, relative to its synthetic control. This initiative to repair, rebuild and increase ownership of housing has the potential to reduce crime rates for neighbours of the Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
邻里环境是健康的已知社会决定因素。空置和废弃的建筑物和地段、恶劣或危险的住房条件、再加上犯罪和暴力,都可能影响居民的身心健康。全国儿童医院 (Nationwide Children’s Hospital) 及其合作伙伴于2008年发起了“健康之家 (Healthy Homes)”倡议。通过振兴俄亥俄州哥伦布市南区的空置和废弃房产以及增加自有住房,该倡议旨在来改善附近居民的身心健康。2008年至2019年年中期间,该倡议资助了这一街区的273次维修或翻新。我们使用综合控制方法对健康之家住房干预措施进行了邮政编码级别的比较案例研究,以评估干预区与综合控制区相比的犯罪率变化。虽然调查结果各异,但我们发现了一些证据,表明相对于综合控制区,健康之家地区的盗窃行为有所减少。这一修复、重建和增加自有住房的举措有可能降低全国儿童医院所在街区的犯罪率。
Keywordsbuild environment, crime, health, housing, planning, social order, synthetic control method
关键词建成环境, 犯罪, 健康, 住房, 规划, 社会秩序, 综合控制方法




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