

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第九十九期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖全球金融城际贸易的空间规律、英国公共厕所的空间污名和基于城市权重塑公共卫生场所的政策建议、乌兰巴托供暖基础设施的环境污名、墨西哥华瑞兹市男性身份在边缘工作中的污名、以及柏林智慧城市和智慧电网建设,欢迎阅读。


The spatial reach of financial centres: An empirical investigation of interurban trade in capital market services


Tom Hashimoto (立陶宛管理经济大学)Vladimír Pažitka (英国牛津大学)Dariusz Wójcik(英国牛津大学)首次出版时间:2021/4/16|研究论文

AbstractThis article investigates the spatial patterns of interurban trade in capital market services by analysing 16,324 trade links involving advisers and clients in the Visegrád Four plus Austria and their counter-parties worldwide between 2000 and 2014. We aim to address a gap in the research on financial centres and interurban trade by providing empirical evidence on the relationship between the complexity of services and the size of market areas across which they are traded. We utilise recent contributions to Central Place Theory (CPT), which provide us with suitably general models of interurban trade applicable to financial services. The key proposition of CPT in this respect is that more complex services are traded across larger market areas, thus translating into a further spatial reach of service centres. Given that these propositions are derived at a very general level, we rely on global city theory for explaining the underlying causal mechanisms in the context of capital market services. Our analysis examines the geography of adviser–client trade links to investigate how spatial patterns of interurban trade in capital market services are shaped by the characteristics of the services traded. We uncover evidence that more complex and larger transactions are associated with higher distance between clients and financial services providers. This in turn means that more complex services are traded across larger market areas. While clients in Central and Eastern Europe can generally find suitable providers for less complex capital market services locally, they often rely on financial services providers globally for the most complex transactions.
摘要本文通过分析2000年至2014年间维谢格拉德集团四国 (Visegrád Four) 及奥地利的顾问和客户及其在世界范围内的对手方之间的16,324个贸易联系,研究城市间资本市场服务贸易的空间规律。我们的目标是通过提供关于服务的复杂性与其交易的市场区域规模之间关系的经验证据,填补金融中心与城市间贸易研究中的一个空白。我们利用中心地方理论 (CPT) 方面的最新研究成果,其为我们提供了适用于金融服务的城市间贸易的适当的一般模型。CPT在这方面的关键主张是,更复杂的服务在更大的市场区域进行交易,从而转化为服务中心的进一步空间延伸。鉴于这些主张是在非常普遍的层面上得出的,我们信赖全球城市理论来解释资本市场服务背景下的潜在因果机制。我们的分析考察了顾问-客户贸易联系的地理分布,以研究城市间资本市场服务贸易的空间规律是如何由所交易的服务的特征决定的。我们发现的证据表明,更复杂和更大规模的交易与客户和金融服务提供商之间更远的距离相关。这反过来意味着更复杂的服务在更大的市场区域内进行交易。虽然中欧和东欧的客户通常可以在当地找到不太复杂的资本市场服务的合适提供商,但他们往往依赖全球金融服务提供商进行最复杂的交易。
Keywords capital market services, Central Place Theory, financial centres, global city, interurban trade
关键词资本市场服务, 中心地方理论, 金融中心, 全球城市, 城市间贸易


‘Fountain’, from Victorian necessity to modern inconvenience: Contesting the death of public toilets


Catalina Pollak Williamson(伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/4/6|研究论文
AbstractDrawing on the politicised history of Public Conveniences in England since the 19th century, this paper traces the socio-political motives for their provision and for their gradual withdrawal in recent decades. It discusses the effects these developments have had on public mobility, and the socio-political complexity these infrastructures pose to city-making agendas. In particular, the essay highlights the notions of stigma associated with these spaces in relation to gender, body-politics and control, which led to a lack of political interest in their provision and a pattern of closures that began in the Thatcher era and has continued through later times of economic austerity. To unfold these arguments, the essay examines a series of initiatives put forward to reclaim for public use a derelict toilet in the centre of London: from the concept of an interactive site-specific intervention to raise awareness of its closure, to a campaign for its listing as an Asset of Community Value, to contest its privatisation. This case study is used to address the spatial stigma that public toilets carry as a contested locus of public sanitation and, furthermore, to highlight important questions surrounding their provision in the context of contemporary citizen-driven urban agendas. To articulate this argument, the case study exemplifies how critical spatial practices can operate as a form of pedagogical urban praxis for awareness-raising and citizen engagement, advancing a Lefebvrian ‘right to the city’ against hegemonic neoliberal agendas.
摘要 以19世纪以来英国公共厕所的政治化历史为鉴,本文追溯了近几十年来公共厕所提供及其逐渐退出的社会政治动机。本文探讨了这些发展对公众出行的影响,以及这些基础设施给城市建设议程造成的社会政治复杂性。特别是,本文凸显了与这些空间相关的,性别、身体政治和控制方面的污名概念,这导致了对这些空间的提供缺乏政治兴趣,以及始于撒切尔时代并持续到后来经济紧缩时期的关闭。为了展开这些论点,本文研究了一系列倡议,这些倡议提出改造伦敦市中心一个废弃的厕所以供公众使用,其中包括针对特定地点的互动干预、以引起对其关闭的关注的概念,以及一场主张将其列为有社区价值的资产、以质疑其私有化的运动。这一案例研究旨在解决公共厕所作为争议性公共卫生场所承受的空间污名,并进一步突出在当代公民驱动的城市议程背景下、其提供所产生的重要问题。为了阐明这一论点,本案例研究举例说明了批判性空间实践如何作为一种提高认识和公民参与的教学城市实践形式,推进列斐伏尔所提出的“城市权”,从而反对新自由主义的霸权主义议程。
Keywords critical play, critical spatial practice, public toilets, right to the city, spatial stigma
关键词 批判性游戏, 批判性空间实践, 公共厕所, 城市权, 空间污名
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098021994705


Accessing heat: Environmental stigma and ‘porous’ infrastructural configurations in Ulaanbaatar


Rebekah Plueckhahn(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)首次出版时间:2021/4/28|研究论文

AbstractThis article explores the experience of living among diverse infrastructural configurations in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and forms of stigmatisation that arise as a result. In this capital city that experiences extremely cold winters, the provision of heat is a seasonal necessity. Following a history of socialist-era, centrally provided heating, Ulaanbaatar is now made up of a core area of apartments and other buildings undergoing increased expansion, surrounded by vast areas of fenced land plots (ger districts) not connected to centrally provided heating. In these areas, residents have historically heated their homes through burning coal, a technique that has resulted in seasonal air pollution. Expanding out from Wacquant’s definition of territorial stigmatisation, this article discusses the links between heat generation, air pollution and environmental stigmatisation arising from residents’ association with or proximity to the effects of heat generation and/or infrastructural lack. This type of stigma complexifies the normative divide between the city’s two main built areas. Residents’ attempts to mitigate forms of building and infrastructural ‘quality’ or chanar (in Mongolian) form ways of negotiating their position as they seek different kinds of property. Here, not only are bodies vulnerable to forms of pollution (both air and otherwise), but also buildings and infrastructure are vulnerable to disrepair. Residents’ assessments of infrastructural and building quality move beyond any categorisation of them being a clear ‘resistance’ to deteriorating infrastructural conditions. Instead, an ethnographic lens that positions the viewpoint of the city through these residential experiences reveals a reconceptualisation of the city that challenges infrastructurally determined normative assumptions.
摘要 本文探讨了生活在蒙古乌兰巴托不同基础设施配置中的体验,以及由此产生的污名化形式。在这个冬天极其寒冷的首都城市,供暖是季节性的必需品。在经历了社会主义时代集中供热的历史之后,乌兰巴托现在有一个由公寓和其他建筑组成的、且正在不断扩展的核心区,而周围是大片大片与集中供暖无缘的围栏区块(蒙古包区)。在这些地区,居民历来通过烧煤来取暖,这种技术导致了季节性空气污染。本文对华康德 (Wacquant) 的领土污名化定义进行扩展,讨论了供暖、空气污染和环境污名化之间的联系,这些联系的产生是因为居民生活在受供暖和/或基础设施缺乏影响的地区或附近地区。这种污名使该城市两个主要建筑区之间的规范界限变得复杂。当居民寻求不同类型的物业时,他们试图消除建筑形式和基础设施质量方面的差别,这构成了争取自身地位的方法。在这里,不仅人体容易遭受各种形式的污染(包括空气污染和其他污染),建筑物和基础设施也容易年久失修。居民对基础设施和建筑质量的评估超出了对基础设施状况恶化的明显“抵制”的范畴。相反,如果我们从人类学的视野出发,从这些居民的体验看待城市,我们就能揭示对城市的重新概念化,这种重新概念化挑战基础设施决定的规范性假设。
Keywords air pollution, construction, energy, heating, infrastructure, stigma, Ulaanbaatar
关键词 空气污染, 建筑, 能源, 供暖, 基础设施, 污名, 乌兰巴托
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211000532


Coloniality and the political economy of gender: Edgework in Juárez City


Jennie Gamlin(伦敦大学学院)

AbstractThe manner in which urban locations are drawn into the global economy defines their spatial organisation, distribution and utilisation. The relationships that are generated by this process include economic exchanges, racialised dynamics between workers and owners, gendered divisions of labour and the use and abuse of natural resources and infrastructure. These encounters of globalisation are often unequal or awkward and mediated by varying forms of violence, from structural to interpersonal, as these are used to rebalance the terms on which they meet. Using coloniality as an analytical tool, this article discusses the delicate balance of these Western-led encounters. Globalisation has become colonial by embedding hierarchical relationships in the foundations of the modern political economy. Gender identities, whiteness and non-whiteness, developed and underdeveloped are continually redefined, stigmatising certain groups and locations while elevating others on the basis of colonial power dynamics. Through a case study of the US–Mexico border city of Juárez, this article examines ethnographic work in its global context to explore how shame has become attached to male identities in locations of urban marginality. Theorising around the coloniality of urban space production, I discuss how Juárez’s border location has shaped its development though gendered and racialised frictions that are kept in check with violence. A coloniality perspective enables the unpicking of dominant conceptions of industrial cities in the Global South as metonyms for underdevelopment. Using the concept of edgework, I draw out how violence oils the wheels of globalisation to renegotiate damaged identities in contexts of territorial stigma.
摘要城市地区融入全球经济的方式决定了它们的空间组织、分布和利用。这一过程产生的关系包括经济交流、工人和业主之间的种族主义动态、性别分工以及自然资源和基础设施的使用和滥用。这些全球化的遭遇往往是不平等或丑陋的,并以从结构性到人际性的各种形式的暴力为媒介,因为这些暴力被用来重新平衡全球化遭遇的条件。本文以殖民主义为分析工具,探讨了这些西方主导的遭遇的微妙平衡。通过将等级关系嵌入现代政治经济的基础,全球化已经变成了殖民主义。性别认同、白人和非白人、发达国家和不发达国家不断被重新定义,在殖民权力动态的基础上丑化某些群体和地方,同时抬高其他群体和地方。通过对美墨边境城市华雷斯城 (Juárez) 的个案研究,本文在全球背景下进行人类学研究,以探索在城市边缘地区男性身份是如何成为羞耻符号的。围绕城市空间生产的殖民化理论,我探讨了华雷斯城的边境位置是如何通过性别化和种族化的摩擦影响其发展的,而这些摩擦又通过暴力被约束。从殖民主义的角度来看,可以将全球南方工业城市的主导概念解析为欠发达的转喻。利用边缘工作的概念,我刻画了暴力如何润滑全球化的车轮,在领土污名的背景下重新谈判受损的身份。
KeywordsKeywords coloniality, masculinities, Mexico, territorial stigma, violence
关键词殖民主义, 男子气概, 墨西哥, 领土污名, 暴力


Imagining the smart city through smart grids? Urban energy futures between technological experimentation and the imagined low-carbon city


Leslie Quitzow (德国WZB柏林社会科学中心)Friederike Rohde(德国生态经济研究所)首次出版时间:2021/4/28|研究论文

AbstractCurrent imaginaries of urban smart grid technologies are painting attractive pictures of the kinds of energy futures that are desirable and attainable in cities. Making claims about the future city, the socio-technical imaginaries related to smart grid developments unfold the power to guide urban energy policymaking and implementation practices. This paper analyses how urban smart grid futures are being imagined and co-produced in the city of Berlin, Germany. It explores these imaginaries to show how the politics of Berlin’s urban energy transition are being driven by techno-optimistic visions of the city’s digital modernisation and its ambitions to become a ‘smart city’. The analysis is based on a discourse analysis of relevant urban policy and other documents, as well as interviews with key stakeholders from Berlin’s energy, ICT and urban development sectors, including key experts from three urban laboratories for smart grid development and implementation in the city. It identifies three dominant imaginaries that depict urban smart grid technologies as (a) environmental solution, (b) economic imperative and (c) exciting experimental challenge. The paper concludes that dominant imaginaries of smart grid technologies in the city are grounded in a techno-optimistic approach to urban development that are foreclosing more subtle alternatives or perhaps more radical change towards low-carbon energy systems.
目前,城市智能电网技术方面的想象正在描绘出一幅幅诱人的图景,人们在畅想关于城市能源的各种理想而又可以实现的未来。与智能电网发展相关的社会技术想象提出了关于未来城市的主张,展现了指导城市能源政策制定和实施实践的力量。本文分析了在德国柏林人们对城市智能电网未来的想象,以及这种想象是如何由各方面联合出产的。我们探索这些想象,展示了乐观的城市数字化现代化技术愿景、以及成为“智能城市”的雄心是如何推动柏林城市能源转型政治的。我们的分析基于对相关城市政策和其他文件的论述分析,以及对柏林能源、信通技术和城市发展部门主要利益相关者的访谈,包括来自负责该市智能电网开发和实施的三个城市实验室的主要专家。我们识别了三种主要的想象,它们分别将城市智能电网技术描述为 (a) 环境解决方案,(b) 经济需要和 (c) 激动人心的实验挑战。本文的结论是,智能电网技术在城市中的主导想象是基于对城市发展的技术乐观主义态度,这种态度排除了更微妙的替代方案,或者可能是更激进的低碳能源系统变革。
Keywordssmart city, smart grid, urban imaginary, urban laboratories
关键词智慧城市, 智能电网, 城市想象, 城市实验室




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