

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖内盖夫/纳卡布定居者殖民主义与规划、健康之间的关系,荷兰公民身份取得与移民居住流动性之间的关系,首尔以代驾和快递为代表的新兴夜间经济,法国财政补贴政策对减少就业中的居住歧视的实证评估,以及城市创新才能的双面性,欢迎阅读。

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Beyond ‘causes of causes’: Health, stigma and the settler colonial urban territory in the Negev/Naqab


Haim Yacobi(英国伦敦大学学院)Elya Lucy Milner(以色列内盖夫本古里安大学)

AbstractThis article critically analyses and theoretically conceptualises the links between settler colonialism, planning and health. Based on the case of the Bedouin community in the Negev/Naqab, we argue that the production of settler colonial space has a profound impact on health, and should therefore be referred to as a specific category for analysing health disparities, simultaneously entangling territorial control and biopolitics towards indigenous communities. Furthermore, we suggest that this relationship between space and health constructs stigma that justifies and facilitates – in turn – the ongoing territorial control over the indigenous Bedouin population in Israel. By reviewing existing data on health and planning, especially in relation to infrastructure and access to services, we contribute to the growing literature on the nexus of settler-colonialism/health with urban and regional planning. Importantly, throughout this paper we refer to the Bedouin localities as part of the production of urban territory, illuminating the urban as a multidimensional process of political struggle, including the metropolin informal fringes.
摘要本文批判性地分析定居者殖民主义、规划和健康之间的关系并在理论上将其概念化。基于内盖夫/纳卡卜 (Negev/Naqab) 贝都因社区的案例,我们认为,定居者殖民空间的产生对健康有着深远的影响,因此我们在分析健康不平等时应将其视为一个特殊类别,同时将对待原住民社区的领土控制和生物政治联系在一起。此外,我们认为,空间和健康之间的这种关系产生了污名,而这又反过来为对以色列境内贝都因人口的持续领土控制提供了辩护和便利。通过考察健康和规划方面的现有数据,特别是与基础设施和服务可得性有关的数据,我们丰富了关于定居者殖民主义/健康与城市和区域规划之间关系的、日益繁多的文献。重要的是,在文中我们自始至终将各个贝都因地点作为城市领土生产的一部分,说明城市是一个多层面的政治斗争过程,包括大都市的非正规边缘。
Keywords health, informality, infrastructure, Israel/Palestine politics, settler colonialism
关键词健康, 非正规性, 基础设施, 以色列/巴勒斯坦政治, 定居者殖民主义


Citizenship acquisition and spatial stratification: Analysing immigrant residential mobility in the Netherlands


Christophe Leclerc(荷兰马斯特里赫特大学)Maarten Vink(意大利欧洲大学学院)Hans Schmeets(荷兰马斯特里赫特大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/3|研究论文
AbstractWhereas the so-called ‘citizenship premium’ in the labour market has been widely studied, we know little about how naturalisation affects immigrants’ lives beyond work and income. Focusing on the Netherlands, this paper analyses the relationship between citizenship acquisition and immigrant residential mobility, in particular the propensity of immigrants to move away from areas with high concentrations of migrants. We draw on register data from Statistics Netherlands (N = 234,912). We argue that possessing Dutch citizenship reduces spatial stratification by diminishing the risk of housing market discrimination, thereby facilitating mobility outside of migrant-concentrated areas. Our findings show that naturalised immigrants are 50% more likely to move out of concentrated neighbourhoods, all else constant. The effect of naturalisation is especially relevant for renting without housing benefits and for home ownership, and for mid-risk immigrants who earn around the median income and hold permanent jobs, whose applications face strong scrutiny from landlords, rental agencies and mortgage lenders.
摘要 尽管劳动力市场中所谓的“公民溢价”已得到广泛研究,但在工作和收入之外,我们对于入籍如何影响移民的生活知之甚少。本文以荷兰为重点,分析了公民身份取得与移民居住流动性之间的关系,特别是移民从移民高度集中的地区迁出的倾向。我们使用的是荷兰统计局的登记数据(N = 234,912)。我们认为,拥有荷兰公民身份(通过降低住房市场歧视的风险)会减少空间分层,从而促进移民向移民集中的地区以外流动。我们的研究结果显示,在其他条件不变的情况下,归化的移民迁出集中居住区的可能性要高出50%。入籍的影响对于以下方面和群体特别突出:非福利租房和拥有住房,以及中等收入并拥有长期工作的中等风险移民(他们的申请面临房东、租赁机构和抵押贷款机构的严格审查)。
Keywords ethnicity, exclusion, housing, migration, poverty, race
关键词 种族, 排斥, 住房, 移民, 贫困, 种族
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211006030


Seoul’s nocturnal urbanism: An emergent night-time economy of substitute driving and fast deliveries


Jieheerah Yun(韩国弘益大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/6|研究论文

AbstractSeoul has undergone a very rapid urbanisation and modernisation process, particularly in the years since the Korean War, as the city became part of the global capitalist system. Examining night-time mobility in today’s Seoul, this article seeks to contribute to the recent scholarly attention given to night-time economies and related new spatial practices. In particular, it considers the night-time substitute driver services (or daeri-gisa) and fast grocery delivery, along with their spatial practices related to the urban built environment of Seoul. After examining statistical and ethnographic data on substitute drivers and grocery deliverers, I conclude that while the influence of external factors in global capitalism cannot be denied, the thriving night-time driver/delivery services in Seoul are also shaped by local urban conditions including intricate public transportation, a frequent ‘company night out culture’ and the predominantly vertical organisation of residential space.
摘要 随着首尔成为全球资本主义体系的一部分,它经历了一个非常快速的城市化和现代化进程,尤其是在朝鲜战争后的年间。本文考察了当今首尔的夜间流动性,试图为最近学术界对夜间经济和相关新空间实践的关注做出贡献。特别是,我们考察了夜间代驾服务和杂货店送货服务,以及它们与首尔城市建筑环境相关的空间行为。在研究了代驾司机和杂货店快递员的统计和人种学数据后,我得出了这样的结论:尽管全球资本主义的外部因素影响不容否认,但首尔繁荣的夜间代驾/快递服务也受到当地城市条件的影响,包括复杂的公共交通、频繁的“公司夜间活动文化”、和以高层公寓为主的住宅空间。
Keywords architecture, built environment, infrastructure, mobility, night, planning, transport
关键词 建筑, 建筑环境, 基础设施, 流动性, 夜间, 规划, 交通
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211005963


Can subsidies paid directly to employers reduce residential discrimination in employment? An assessment based on serial field experiments


Sylvain Chareyron(巴黎东-马恩拉瓦莱大学)

Abstract‘Emplois Francs’ is a new public policy in France that provides financial assistance to companies when they hire a jobseeker living in a disadvantaged neighbourhood. This study evaluates the effect of this policy by using three waves of correspondence tests spaced six months apart to measure discrimination in access to employment based on ethnic origin and place of residence. We find a substantial level of discrimination based on ethnic origin and a lower level of residential discrimination. We find that the programme decreases residential discrimination after six months, but we cannot conclude that the effect is still present 12 months later.
摘要“直通岗位 (Emplois Francs)”是法国的一项新的公共政策,当公司雇用居住在贫困社区的求职者时,政府会向公司提供一笔财政援助。本研究评估了这项政策的效果,我们采用了间隔六个月的三波对应测试,以衡量在就业方面基于族裔和居住地的歧视。我们发现基于族裔的歧视程度很高,而居住歧视程度则较低。我们发现,该政策在六个月后减少了居住歧视,但我们不能断定12个月后这种效应仍然存在。
Keywordsdiscrimination, employment, exclusion, labour, policy, poverty
关键词歧视, 就业, 排斥, 劳动力, 政策, 贫困


The Janus-faced genius of cities


Christof Parnreiter(德国汉堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/6|研究论文
AbstractDeparting from Storper’s (2013) notion of a ‘genius of cities’ but extending the concept from agglomeration economies to inter-city networks and the built environment as foundations of cities’ genius, I argue that cities’ genius is Janus-faced. My contention is that cities’ specific environments not only breed all the ‘good’ innovations that drive innovation and growth but they also generate the ‘bad’ ones, which allow for the development of the means of exploitation. Cities are, as a result of their very properties, key places for the organisation of uneven development.
本从斯托尔珀 (Storper, 2013) 的“城市天才”概念出发,但将这一概念从集聚经济扩展到城际网络和建筑环境,作为城市天才的基础。基于此,我认为城市天才具有两面性。我的论点是,城市的特殊环境不仅孕育了所有推动创新和增长的“好”创新,而且还产生了“坏”创新,这些坏创新带来的是翻新的剥削手法。由于城市本身的特性,城市是不公平发展形成的关键场所。
Keywordsagglomeration/urbanisation, built environment, inequality, networks, theory, uneven development
关键词集聚/城市化, 建筑环境, 不平等, 网络, 理论, 不公平发展




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