

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零一期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖中国国内移民的流动趋势、东京新宿车站的物质性、协商性和包容性、里约热内卢的金融资本流动和超现代城市发展、西雅图因房产流转导致的流离失所、以及中国资本对推动非洲经济开发区城市化的作用,欢迎阅读。


Moving down the urban hierarchy: Turning point of China’s internal migration caused by age structure and hukou system


Xiaoyan Mu(香港大学)及其四位合作者首次出版时间:2021/5/6|研究论文
AbstractInternal migration is critically important in China, where the fertility rate is declining and international immigration is under strict control. This study explores the massive population movement in China, examines the migration pattern of non-hukou migrants, 2010–2015 and 2014–2015 migration patterns through the urban hierarchy of the urban system using migration trajectories derived from the 2015 One Percent Population Sample Survey. Results reveal an emerging reversal from a predominantly upward pattern (e.g. most of the net flows move to high-level cities) to a downward one (e.g. from super-large/extra-large cities to large cities) in the recent migration trend. Regional disparities are significant. An upward and eastward tendency still dominates in the western, central and northeastern regions, whereas a downward and decentralised tendency has been initiated in the eastern region. The causes for the structural change include common factors found in developed countries, such as the influence of age and life courses. The age structure of China’s population caused by the ‘one-child’ policy weakened the upward momentum and led to a strengthening downward trend in the current migration pattern. The contextual and institutional factor hukou also has a significant effect on people’s migration directions. Hukou attracts people to move up or down the hierarchy to their registered place or where they can acquire registration. The characteristics of registered migrants reflect the different criteria of cities in granting hukou.
Keywords age structure, Chinese cities, hukou, migration, urban hierarchy

关键词年龄结构, 中国城市, 户口, 迁移, 城市等级


The crowd and citylife: Materiality, negotiation and inclusivity at Tokyo’s train stations


Romit Chowdhury (荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学学院)Colin McFarlane(英国达勒姆大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/6|研究论文
AbstractIn the history of urban thought, density has been closely indexed to the idea of citylife. Drawing on commuters’ experiences and perceptions of crowds in and around Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station, this article offers an ethnographic perspective on the relationship between urban crowds and life in the city. We advance understandings of the relations between the crowd and citylife through three categories of ‘crowd relations’– materiality, negotiation and inclusivity – to argue that the multiplicity of meanings which accrue to people’s encounters with crowds refuses any a priori definitions of optimum levels of urban density. Rather, the crowd relations gathered here are evocations of citylife that take us beyond the tendency to represent the crowd as a particular kind of problem, be it alienation, exhaustion or a threshold for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ densities. The portraits of commuter crowds presented capture the various entanglements between human and non-human, embodiment and mobility, and multiculture and the civic, through which citylife emerges as a mode of being with oneself and others.
摘要 在城市思想史上,密度与城市生活的理念密切相关。根据通勤者对东京新宿站内和周围人群的体验和看法,本文提供了一个关于城市人群与城市生活之间关系的人类学视角。我们通过三类“人群关系”——物质性、协商性和包容性——来推进对人群和城市生活之间关系的理解,以证明人们与人群接触所产生的多重意义否定了任何关于城市密度最佳水平的先验定义。相反,本文所探讨的人群关系是城市生活的写照,它让我们超越了将人群描述为一个特殊问题(无论是异化、耗尽还是“好”和“坏”密度的门槛)的倾向。展示的通勤人群的肖像捕捉到了人类和非人类、化身和流动性、多元文化和市民文化之间的各种纠葛,通过这些纠葛,城市生活成为一种与自己和他人相处的模式。
Keywords citylife, crowds, density, Tokyo, transport
关键词 城市生活, 人群, 密度, 东京, 交通
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211007841


Legacy participation and the buried history of racialised spaces: Hypermodern revitalisation in Rio de Janeiro’s port area


Abigail Friendly (荷兰乌特勒支大学) Ana Paula Pimentel Walker(美国芝加哥大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/6|研究论文

AbstractScholars have documented how financial capital has produced displacement driven by hypermodern urban spaces characterised by luxury and exclusivity. In this article we highlight how hypermodern public–private partnerships (PPPs) often re-write history, creating a futuristic global city image. Our case study of Porto Maravilha’s PPP reviews a dualistic narrative in the context of changes in Rio de Janeiro in preparation for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. Porto Maravilha aimed to position Rio de Janeiro as a centre of global competition and capital. However, this narrative re-framed the history of the transatlantic slave trade through discursive tactics that diluted and undermined the brutality of slavery in Rio’s port. Furthermore, this hypermodern PPP reinforced the post-abolition discriminatory urban planning policies that dislodged Africans and Afro-Brazilians from their places of residence, work and culture in the port district. The result is the erasure of the experiences of Black Brazilians in the port area for touristic consumption, selling the city on the world stage. Given this contradiction, we develop the concept of ‘legacy participation’ to secure the rights of Afro-Brazilians and their organisations to make decisions about their own territory.
摘要 学者们已经论及金融资本如何通过以奢华和排斥为特征的超现代城市空间实现驱逐。在本文中,我们凸显了那些超现代公私合作项目 (PPP) 如何创造未来的全球城市形象以改写历史。以里约热内卢为筹办2014年世界杯和2016年奥运会而发生的变化为背景,我们对马拉维利亚港区 (Porto Maravilha) PPP项目的案例研究回顾了一个二元叙事。马拉维利亚港区项目旨在将里约热内卢打造为全球竞争和资本中心。然而,通过淡化和削弱里约港口奴隶制残酷性的话语策略,这种叙述重新构建了跨大西洋奴隶贸易的历史。此外,这一超现代PPP项目强化了废除奴隶制后的歧视性城市规划政策,这些政策将非洲人和非洲裔巴西人驱逐出他们在港口区的居住地、工作地和文化归属地。其结果是为了促进旅游消费并在世界舞台上出售这座城市而抹去巴西黑人在港口区的历史。鉴于这一矛盾,我们提出了“遗产参与”的概念,以确保非洲裔巴西人及其组织对自己的领土做出决策的权利。
Keywords Black urbanism, Brazil, financialisation, hypermodernity, mega-events, racialised spaces, slavery
黑人城市化, 巴西, 金融化, 超现代, 大型活动, 种族化空间, 奴隶制
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211008824


Displacement through development? Property turnover and eviction risk in Seattle


Alex Ramiller(美国加州大学伯克利分校)首次出版时间:2021/5/10|研究论文

AbstractEviction is a powerful form of displacement that perpetuates and amplifies socioeconomic and racial inequalities through the rental housing market. Examining the relationship between evictions and property turnover through Neil Smith’s theories of gentrification and uneven geographical development, this article considers the argument that eviction provides a mechanism for property owners to facilitate displacement prior to property redevelopment and neighbourhood change. Models of property-level turnover in the city of Seattle reveal that evictions are more likely to occur at properties that are sold in the same year, properties where planned demolition or remodelling activity is imminent and buildings that have been recently constructed. Increased likelihood of eviction is also associated with a greater volume of remodelling and demolition permit applications filed in the surrounding neighbourhood, suggesting that evictions may be more likely to occur at the early stages of development-driven neighbourhood change. These findings highlight the multifaceted relationship between evictions and property turnover and illustrate the value of administrative microdata for displacement research.
摘要收回房屋是一种强有力的驱逐形式,通过租赁住房市场延续和扩大了社会经济和种族不平等。本文通过尼尔·史密斯 (Neil Smith) 的绅士化与地域发展不均衡理论来考察收回房屋与房产换手率之间的关系,从而研究这样一种论点,即收回房屋为房产所有者提供了一种在房产改造和街区改变之前实现驱逐的机制。西雅图市的房产换手率模型显示,在同一年出售的房产、即将进行规划中的拆迁或改造的房产、以及最近建成的房产更有可能发生房屋收回。收回房屋的可能性增加还与周边街区提出的更多改建和拆除许可申请相关,这表明收回房屋更有可能发生在开发驱动的社区变化的早期阶段。这些发现凸显了收回房屋与房产换手率之间的多方面关系,并说明了行政微观数据对驱逐研究的价值。
Keywordsdemoviction/renoviction, displacement/gentrification, eviction, housing, redevelopment/regeneration
关键词拆除收回/翻新收回, 驱逐/绅士化, 收回房屋, 住房, 改造/更新



Manufacturing urbanism: Improvising the urban–industrial nexus through Chinese economic zones in Africa


Tom Goodfellow (英国谢菲尔德大学)Zhengli Huang(同济大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/13|研究论文
AbstractThe relationship between industrialisation and urban development is subject to assumptions based on experiences in the global North, with little research on how it plays out in countries undergoing urbanisation and industrialisation today. In the context of recent excitement about China’s role in stimulating an ‘industrial revolution’ in Africa, we examine how Chinese zones in Ethiopia and Uganda are influencing the urban–industrial nexus. We argue that Chinese zones are key sites of urban–industrial encounter, but these dynamics are not primarily driven by the government officials that dominate the ‘policy mobilities’ literature, nor by the State-Owned Enterprises usually associated with Chinese activity overseas. Rather, they are emerging through the activities of inexperienced private Chinese actors who do not even operate in the worlds of urban policy. Faced with government histories and capacities that vastly differ from China’s, directly replicating the Chinese experience is virtually impossible; yet the tentative and improvisational relationships between Chinese firms, African government authorities and other local actors are gradually moulding new urbanisms into shape. The piecemeal bargaining and negotiation that unfolds through these relationships bridges some of the gaps between industrialisation and planning, but this cannot compensate for the governance of the urban–industrial nexus at higher scales.
KeywordsAfrica, Chinese investment, development, economic processes, infrastructure, policy, special economic zones, urbanisation
关键词非洲, 中国投资, 发展, 经济进程, 基础设施, 政策, 经济特区, 城市化



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