

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零二期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇online-first论文,主题涵盖美国帮派社区的拒贷和污名化,城市构成与批判性城市理论的批判,家庭企业和联合办公场所中的自雇妇女,约翰内斯堡的非正式移民产业及社会空间转型,中国在埃塞俄比亚和乌干达的开发区对当地城市与工业发展的影响,欢迎阅读。


Mapping and making gangland: A legacy of redlining and enjoining gang neighbourhoods in Los Angeles


Stefano Bloch(美国亚利桑那大学)Susan A. Phillips(美国匹泽学院)首次出版时间:2021/5/13|研究论文
AbstractWe provide an example of how race- and place-based legacies of disinvestment initiated by New Deal Era redlining regimes under the auspices of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) were followed by decades of anti-gang over-policing tactics at the scale of the neighbourhood. We show how HOLC-mediated and mapped redlining has sustained community disinvestment and stigmatisation wrought by unjust and racist social policy seen to this day in contemporary geographies of gang abatement in the form of mapped gang injunction ‘safety zones’. As we illustrate with the use of two case studies from Los Angeles – in South-Central LA and LA’s San Fernando Valley – it is overwhelmingly redlined neighbourhoods that have remained marginalised, becoming civilly enjoined ‘gang’ neighbourhoods faced with oppressive anti-gang policing tactics over the past few decades.
摘要我们提供了一个例子,说明在新政时代由房主贷款公司 (HOLC) 执行的拒贷制度开始引起撤资、从而导致的种族性和地方性遗留问题之后,随之而来的数十年的街区层面反帮派过度警务策略。我们展示了由HOLC主持和标定地域的拒贷是如何维持社区撤资和污名化的。而中间环节则是维持至今的不公正的、种族主义的社会政策,其在当今以消除帮派为名,按地域划定禁止帮派的“安全区”。我们用洛杉矶的两个案例研究(在洛杉矶中南部和洛杉矶的圣费尔南多山谷)来说明,绝大多数被拒贷的社区仍然被边缘化,在过去几十年里成为了面临压迫性反帮派警务策略的、被社会抛弃的“帮派”街区。
Keywords gang injunctions, gangs, Los Angeles, mapping, policing, redlining

关键词帮派禁令, 帮派, 洛杉矶, 地域标定, 警务, 拒贷


The constitution of the city and the critique of critical urban theory


Allen J. Scott (美国加州大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/13|研究论文
AbstractA theoretical account of the genesis and internal spatial structure of cities is given. The essence of the urbanisation process is described in terms of the following main developmental phases: (a) the emergence of relationships based on specialisation and interdependence in society; (b) the pre-eminent role of the division of labour within these relationships and its recomposition in dense spatial nodes of human activity; and (c) the concomitant formation of the networked intra-urban spaces of the city. These phases are then contextualised within three intertwined dimensions of urban materiality, namely, an internal dimension (the internal organisation and spatial dynamics of the city), a socially ambient dimension (the relational structure of society at large) and an exogenous dimension (the geographic outside of the city). In light of this account, an evaluative review of what I designate ‘the new critical urban theory’ is carried out, with special reference to planetary urbanisation, postcolonial urban theory and comparativist methodologies. I argue that while every individual city represents a uniquely complex combination of social conjunctures, there are nonetheless definite senses in which urban phenomena are susceptible to investigation at the highest levels of theoretical generality.
摘要 本文从理论上阐述了城市的起源和内部空间结构。城市化进程的本质可以分以下几个主要发展阶段来描述:(a) 基于社会专业化和相互依存关系的出现;(b) 劳动分工在这些关系中的突出作用及其在人类活动密集空间节点中的重组;以及 (c) 伴随形成的城市内部网络空间。然后,这些阶段被置于城市物质性的三个相互交织的维度中,即内部维度(城市的内部组织和空间动态)、社会环境维度(整个社会的关系结构)和外部维度(城市外部的地理环境)。基于这一叙述,本文对我所谓的“新批判城市理论”进行了评价性回顾,特别是全球城市化、后殖民城市理论和比较主义方法论。我认为,虽然每个城市都代表着一个独特而复杂的社会事件组合,但在某些特定的意义上,城市现象很容易在理论普遍性的最高层面上进行研究。
Keywords agglomeration, division of labour, planetary urbanisation, postcolonial urbanism, urban land nexus, urban theory 
关键词 集聚, 分工, 全球城市化, 后殖民城市化, 城市土地关系, 城市理论
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211011028


Non-standard work in unconventional workspaces: Self-employed women in home-based businesses and coworking spaces


Paula Rodríguez-Modroño(西班牙巴勃罗·德·奥拉维德大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/19|研究论文

AbstractThis article looks into the new production dynamics and workspaces related to urban change by examining a rising group of workers: self-employed women who have started their own businesses or freelance activities from home or coworking spaces. This empirical study applies an intersectional approach to examine the job satisfaction and work–life balance of home-based workers according to employment status, gender and generation by means of a mixed-method approach, combining the statistical analysis of a dataset of 43,850 workers from the European Working Conditions Survey with in-depth interviews. The findings reveal that work intensity, working time quality and prospects depend more on an individual being self-employed than on being home-based; however, earnings and time devoted to care work are strongly shaped by working from home. Moreover, the profiles of home-based self-employed workers were completely different by gender and age. Although millennials (i.e. those born between 1980 and 1995) differ significantly from previous generations, gender inequality also prevails among the young. Combining working at home with coworking could be a solution to offset the lack of interactions and social capital of home-based entrepreneurs and to increase their earnings.
摘要 本文研究一个不断增长的工人群体:在家里或共享工作空间自己创业或开展自由职业的自雇妇女,从而探讨与城市变化相关的新的生产动态和工作空间。本实证研究采用混合方法,将对欧洲工作条件调查 (European Working Conditions Survey) 中43,850名工人数据集的统计分析与深入访谈相结合,根据就业状况、性别和世代,采用交叉方法来研究在家工作的工人的工作满意度和工作-生活平衡。调查结果显示,工作强度、工作时间质量和前景更多取决于自雇人士个人,而不是在家工作这种模式;然而,在家工作极大地影响了收入和照料家人的时间。此外,在家工作的自雇人士的情况因性别和年龄而完全不同。虽然千禧一代(即1980年至1995年出生的人)与前几代人有很大不同,但性别不平等在年轻人中也很普遍。将在家工作和共享工作空间结合起来可能是一个好的解决方案,可以弥补在家创业的企业家缺乏互动和社会资本的问题,并增加他们的收入。
Keywords coworking space, home-based business, self-employed women, urban entrepreneurship
共享工作空间, 在家创业, 自雇妇女, 城市创业
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211007406


An enclave entrepôt: The informal migration industry and Johannesburg’s socio-spatial transformation


Tanya Zack(南非金山大学)Loren B Landau (英国牛津大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/21|研究论文

AbstractThe spatial concentration of production in cities attracts international and domestic labour in ways that change the character and scale of urban space. Drawing on two decades of research on migration and informal trading in Johannesburg, South Africa, this article argues that the global trade in Chinese ‘fast fashion’ interacts with South Africa’s immigration policy, transportation networks, informal trade and established migration infrastructures to transform the city’s Park Station neighbourhood into an enclave entrepôt. Operated and supported by a network of informal logistics services that keep the enclave within but apart from the city, it is exquisitely tailored to cross-border shoppers. At the social and legal margins but at the city’s geographic core, it enables fluidity in an otherwise hostile space; it is at once highly visible and invisibilising. Formed in the shadows of formal institutions and law enforcement, this entrepôt is migrant-driven and serves the needs of people often seeking to remain invisible from the South African state and citizenry. As such, its services are adapted from the infrastructures that service legal and irregular migration in the subcontinent. Unlike ethnic enclaves or neighbourhoods that work as arrival zones, it provides the means to move ‘through’ rather than ‘into’ the city. The entrepôt is a form of migrant space-claiming by vulnerable and mobile people wishing to be in but not of the city. It acts as portal into, through and beyond national territory.
摘要城市生产的空间集中吸引了国际和国内劳动力,从而改变了城市空间的特征和规模。根据对南非约翰内斯堡20年来的移民和非正规贸易的研究,本文认为,中国“快速型”全球贸易与南非的移民政策、交通网络、非正规贸易和已建立的移民基础设施相互作用,将该市的公园站 (Park Station) 街区转变成了飞地转口港。该飞地转口港由一个非正规物流服务网络运营和支持(该网络将飞地保持在城市内部,但又与城市分开),专为跨境购物者精心定制。它处在社会和法律边缘,但位于城市的核心地带,它在空间中实现了流动性并避免了敌意;它既是高度可见的,又是隐身的。这个转口贸易港是在正规机构和执法机构的阴影下形成的,由移民驱动,满足那些寻求对南非国家和公民保持隐形的人们的需要。因此,其服务根据非洲次大陆合法和非法移民基础设施进行调整。不像少数民族飞地或街区,它提供了“穿过”而不是“进入”城市的手段。转口贸易港是一种提出移民空间主张的形式,这些主张是由那些希望进入城市、但又不归属城市的弱势和流动人群提出来的。它是进入、通过和超越国家领土的门户。
KeywordsAfrica, China in Africa, immigration, migration industry, spatial transformation, supply chains, urban mobility
关键词非洲, 中国在非洲, 移民, 移民产业, 空间转型, 供应链, 城市流动性



Incubators, accelerators and urban economic development


Margarida Madaleno (伦敦政治经济学院)及其他三位共同作者首次出版时间:2021/5/22|研究论文
AbstractWe combine theory and evidence on incubator and accelerator programmes and their effects on urban economic development. These structured co-working programmes have grown rapidly. However, a rich descriptive literature reveals little about their impact on participants or surrounding urban areas. We situate programmes in a conceptual framework of co-location tools, theorise objectives and benefits and report findings from systematic, OECD-wide reviews of the evaluation literature. These evaluations provide evidence that accelerators and incubators raise participant employment, with accelerators also aiding access to finance. Ecosystem features such as university involvement and urban economic conditions also influence programme outcomes. However, evaluation evidence is less clear on detailed intervention design. We consider wider lessons and lay out an agenda for future research.
Keywordsaccelerators, clusters, evaluation, incubators, urban economic development
关键词加速器, 集群, 评估, 孵化器, 城市经济发展



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