

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零三期,将介绍Urban Studies的1篇论文以及4篇online-first论文,主题涵盖城市公共基础设施再分配,海德拉巴非正式住区中地方政治行为者的政治企业家精神,英国公共交通工作可及性与居民就业,邻里场所的变化与犯罪影响,城市工作的新空间性,欢迎阅读。


Conceptualising modes of redistribution in public urban infrastructure


Ilan Wiesel(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)Fanqi Liu(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/15|研究论文
AbstractIn this paper, we distinguish between five modes of redistribution in the allocation of funding for public urban infrastructure, including: the prioritisation of disadvantaged urban areas (area-based redistribution); the prioritisation of infrastructures that support disadvantaged populations (differentiated redistribution); reorganisation of urban infrastructural networks to address issues such as centralisation (systemic redistribution); transformation of infrastructure funding allocation and delivery systems (structural redistribution); and the prioritisation of infrastructures that support a convivial urban culture (relational redistribution). We apply the first three modes of redistribution with a longitudinal comparative analysis of state government infrastructure expenditure in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, from 1999/2000 to 2015/2016. This analysis shows that infrastructure expenditure in Melbourne represented a more just approach to redistribution, in an area-based, differentiated and systemic sense. It highlights the potential and limitations of each mode of analysing redistribution and their combined application as a lens into spatial justice.
Keywords conviviality, distributive justice, infrastructure, just city, recognition, redistribution, spatial justice

关键词欢乐, 分配正义, 基础设施, 正义城市, 认可, 再分配, 空间正义


Of political entrepreneurs: Assembling community and social capital in Hyderabad’s informal settlements


Indivar Jonnalagadda (美国宾夕法尼亚大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/25|研究论文
AbstractThis paper theorises the political entrepreneurship of local political actors variously described as brokers, fixers or leaders, by examining their consistent and flexible labour towards gaining and maintaining political influence in informal settlements. Through close attention to how two exemplary individuals work and network with a combination of political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and local associations, I reveal the crucial role of political entrepreneurs in organising or representing local populations as legible ‘communities’, and thus, in mediating relations between communities and external agencies such as the state, political parties, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and also academic researchers. Observing informal settlements in this relational framework sheds light on how political entrepreneurs compete to become obligatory intermediaries between various institutions. This approach destabilises conceptions about the social infrastructure and social capital of a locality which underlie many community development programmes. Further, I argue that in the long-term, the careers of political entrepreneurs are punctuated by structural constraints in the form of limits to political party patronage, volatile NGO funding and the transient presence of academic researchers. The work of reproducing the social capital of the neighbourhood becomes a persistent and anxious striving with few actual opportunities for mobility.
摘要 本文通过考察当地政治行为者在非正规住区获得和保持政治影响力的一贯和灵活的努力,从理论上阐述了被分别称为经纪人、中间人或领导者的这些地方政治行为者的政治企业家精神。通过密切关注两个典型个人如何与政党、非政府组织和地方协会合作和建立联系,我揭示了政治企业家在组织或代表当地居民、从而使之成为清晰的“社区”方面的关键作用,以及在社区与外部机构(如国家、政党、非政府组织和学术研究人员)之间的关系中所发挥的关键中介作用。在这一关系框架中观察非正规住区,有助于了解政治企业家如何竞相成为各种机构之间的强制性中介。这种方法动摇了一个地方的社会基础设施和社会资本的概念,而这些概念是许多社区发展方案的基础。此外,我认为,从长期来看,政治企业家的职业生涯不时受到结构性制约的影响,这些制约表现为对政党赞助的限制、不稳定的非政府组织资助以及学术研究人员的变动。复制邻里社会资本的工作变成了一种持续而令人焦虑的努力,几乎没有实际的流动机会。
Keywords brokers, community, NGOs, political life, slums, social capital 
关键词 经纪人, 社区, 非政府组织, 政治生活, 贫民窟, 社会资本
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211014120


Does better job accessibility help people gain employment? The role of public transport in Great Britain


Jeroen Bastiaanssen(英国利兹大学)Daniel Johnson(英国利兹大学)Karen Lucas(英国曼彻斯特大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/25|研究论文

AbstractThe combined decentralisation of many firms and services and the increasing concentration of traditional public transport services in the main corridors of urban centres have made it more difficult for people to access jobs, in particular when residing outside these prime accessibility areas. This is the first national study within the context of Great Britain to examine whether better public transport job accessibility, modelled at the micro level of individuals, improves employment probabilities for people living in Great Britain. While previous studies have typically concentrated on US metropolitan areas, our study uses British national employment micro datasets to assess which urban and rural areas and population groups would benefit from better public transport services. In an important departure from most standard accessibility methodologies, we computed a public transport job accessibility measure applied nationwide and combined this with individual-level employment probability models for Great Britain. The models were corrected for endogeneity by applying an instrumental variable approach. The study finds that better public transport job accessibility improves individual employment probabilities, in particular in metropolitan areas and smaller cities and towns with lower car ownership rates and in low-income neighbourhoods. It further shows that mainly lower educated groups and young people would benefit from better public transport job accessibility. The findings in this study are important for policymakers in that they imply that, in particular, job seekers who rely on public transport services may benefit from more targeted public policies to improve their accessibility to employment and thereby their social mobility.
摘要 众多企业和服务机构的分散化,以及传统公共交通服务日益集中在城市中心的主要走廊,这两个因素降低了人们所享有的工作可及性,特别是当他们居住在这些交通设施的主要覆盖区域之外时。这是在英国范围内进行的第一项全国性研究,旨在以个人微观层面为模型调查更好的公共交通工作可及性是否能提高英国居民的就业概率。以前的研究通常关注美国大都市地区,但我们的研究使用英国国家就业微观数据集来评估哪些城乡地区和人口群体将受益于更好的公共交通服务。与大多数标准可及性研究方法的一个重要区别是,我们计算了一个适用于英国全国的公共交通工作可及性指标,并将其与个人层面的就业概率模型相结合。我们通过应用工具变量方法对模型进行内生性校正。研究发现,更好的公共交通工作可及性提高了个人就业概率,特别是在大都市地区、汽车拥有率较低的小城镇、以及低收入社区。这进一步表明,受益于更好的公共交通就业可及性的主要是受教育程度较低的群体和年轻人。这项研究的结果对政策制定者很重要,因为这意味着,依赖公共交通服务的求职者将特别受益于更有针对性的公共政策,这些政策旨在改善他们获得就业的机会,从而提高他们的社会流动性。
Keywords accessibility, employment, Great Britain, job seekers, public transport
可及性, 就业, 英国, 求职者, 公共交通
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211012635


Neighbourhood places, collective efficacy and crime: A longitudinal perspective


Renee Zahnow(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)Jonathan Corcoran(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)Anthony Kimpton(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)Rebecca Wickes(澳大利亚莫纳什大学)首次出版时间:2021/5/27|研究论文

AbstractNeighbourhood places like shops, cafes and parks support a variety of social interactions ranging from the ephemeral to the intimate. Repeated interactions at neighbourhood places over time lay the foundation for the development of social cohesion and collective efficacy. In this study, we examine the proposition that changes in the presence or arrangement of neighbourhood places can destabilise social cohesion and collective efficacy, which has implications for crime. Using spatially integrated crime, social survey and parcel-level land-use classification data, we estimate mixed effects panel models predicting changes in theft and nuisance crimes across 147 Australian neighbourhoods. The findings are consistent with neighbourhood social control and crime opportunity theories. Neighbourhood development – indicated by fewer vacant properties and fewer industrial and agricultural sites – is associated with higher collective efficacy and less crime over time. Conversely, introducing more restaurants, transit stations and cinemas is associated with higher theft and nuisance over time regardless of neighbourhood collective efficacy. We argue that the addition of socially conducive places can leave neighbourhoods vulnerable to crime until new patterns of sociability emerge and collective efficacy develops.
Keywordsbuilt environment, collective efficacy, community, crime/social order, neighbourhood, public space, social interaction
关键词建筑环境, 集体效能, 社区, 犯罪/社会秩序, 邻里/街区, 公共空间, 社交互动



New spatialities of work in the city


Darja Reuschke (英国南安普顿大学)Carol Ekinsmyth(英国朴茨茅斯大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/2|研究论文
AbstractThis introduction discusses the objectives and concepts underlying the Special Issue on the new spatialities of work in the city. It highlights the urban impact of both the changing spatiotemporal working patterns and the increased diversity of workspaces that have resulted from post-industrial restructuring, globalisation, labour market flexibilisation and digitisation. Even pre-COVID-19, when the research in this Special Issue was undertaken, this impact on the urban structure and the social fabric of cities was significant, but it had remained underexplored. Here, therefore, we question models of work and commuting that continue to assume the spatially ‘fixed’ workplace, and explore how new understandings of workspace and multi-locality, developed in this Special Issue, can inform future research. This, we argue, is more important than ever as we come to understand the medium- and long-term impacts of pandemic-altered work practices in cities. We further argue that the spatialities of work need to be connected with research on health, job quality and wellbeing in cities – such as, for example, on the risks that COVID-19 has exposed for driving and mobile work.
Keywordscommuting, employment/labour, freelance, homeworking, mobile work, self-employment
关键词通勤, 就业/劳动, 自由职业, 在家工作, 流动工作, 自营职业



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