

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零四期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇论文。本期介绍的论文来自2021年的第九期Current Issue(Volume 58 Issue 9, 2021),主题涵盖城市网络的全球生态系统,邻里满意度,邻里感知和居住迁徙,非正规租房市场的数据辨析,垂直学生化,欢迎阅读。


Understanding the global ecosystem of city networks                                              


Michele Acuto(澳大利亚墨尔本大学)Benjamin Leffel(美国加州大学欧文分校)首次出版时间:2020/7/7|研究论文

Cities are formalising collaborations across borders at an unprecedented rate: ‘city networks’ now form a wide ecosystem of global partnerships between local authorities that is often underestimated. It might be time to think of city networks more explicitly as institutionalised and presenting a challenging form of more-than-local urban governance. To do so, our essay mixes a review of the overall global landscape (beyond the environmental sector where most of the literature is to be found), with both a network analysis of how these institutions work as a web of connections, as well as an ‘inside out’ view of how they are managed and what the challenges of that are. We do this by analysing a database of 202 of these networks, both statistically as well as via social network analysis. We find that: international initiatives are on the rise, but this context of partnerships has a well-established history, producing a wealth of information and outputs and offering a complex organisational landscape for cities to reach out beyond their local confines. We measure the relationship this has to the integration of cities into the global economy, the pathways it opens for further internationalisation of city leadership and the patterns of partnership with business and international organisations that it implies.

Keywords city networks, globalisation, governance, networks, social network analysis

关键词城市网络, 全球化, 治理, 网络, 社会网络分析


Does the neighbourhood matter for neighbourhood satisfaction? A meta-analysis


Zachary Neal(美国密歇根州立大学)首次出版时间:2020/6/24|研究论文
AbstractUrbanists are keenly interested in individuals’ satisfaction with their neighbourhoods, and especially in the determinants of satisfaction. To the extent that we all want to be satisfied with our neighbourhoods, this work has an important practical application, providing guidance to planners, developers, local leaders and others on how to build satisfying neighbourhoods. However, do neighbourhoods matter for neighbourhood satisfaction? This study answers that question using a meta-analysis to pool 126 estimates from 27 studies of the association between neighbourhoods and neighbourhood satisfaction. I find that neighbourhoods do matter for neighbourhood satisfaction, but that their direct effect is weak. I consider several possible explanations for this finding, and discuss the practical significance of calling into question whether changes to a neighbourhood’s built or social environment can meaningfully improve residents’ neighbourhood satisfaction.
摘要 城市规划专家对个人对其街区的满意度非常感兴趣,尤其是满意度的决定因素。由于我们都希望对我们的街区感到满意,本项研究有着重要的实际应用,为规划者、开发商、地方领导人和其他人提供了如何建设令人满意的街区的指导。然而,邻里关系对街区满意度有影响吗?本项研究使用荟萃分析回答了这个问题,我汇总了27项关于邻里关系与街区满意度关系的研究得出的126项估计。我发现,邻里关系对于街区满意度的确很重要,但是它们的直接影响是微弱的。我考虑了这一发现的几种可能的解释,并讨论了研究一个街区的建筑或社会环境的改变是否能有意义地提高居民的街区满意度的实际意义。
Keywords community, housing, method, neighbourhood, planning 
关键词 社区, 住房, 方法, 街区, 规划
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020926091


Neighbourhood perceptions and residential mobility                                              


Antwan Jones(美国乔治华盛顿大学)Prentiss Dantzler(美国佐治亚州立大学)首次出版时间:2020/6/10|研究论文

AbstractThis paper considers the ways in which neighbourhood perceptions can differentially affect residential mobility, particularly in low-income areas. Given the long history of understanding the relationship between neighbourhood context and residential mobility, this study includes measures of satisfaction, safety, decay and neighbourly agency to understand mobility. Using data from the Making Connections Initiative, this paper uses a unique panel survey across neighbourhoods in 10 US cities undergoing spatial and/or demographic transitions to analyse the extent to which neighbourhood perceptions are associated with residential mobility. By employing a multilevel structural equation model, the study accounts for neighbourhood perceptions, neighbourhood demographics and mobility risk over time. The results show that perceptions of neighbourhood context matter more than the actual neighbourhood setting. These findings highlight the continued importance of subjective rather than objective measures of neighbourhood conditions in understanding residential mobility.
摘要 本文探讨街区感知对居住流动性的不同影响,特别是在低收入地区。鉴于街区环境和居住流动性之间关系的研究由来已久,本研究包括了满意度、安全性、衰退和邻里代理的测量,以理解流动性。利用“建立联系倡议 (Making Connections Initiative)”的数据,本文使用了一项独特的、涵盖10个正在经历空间和/或人口转变的美国城市的街区的小组调查,来分析街区感知与居住流动性之间的关联程度。通过采用多层次结构方程模型,本研究解释了长期中的街区感知、街区人口统计和流动性风险。结果显示,对街区环境的感知比实际的街区环境更重要。这些发现强调了街区环境的主观而非客观测量在理解居住流动性中的持续重要性。
Keywords housing, inequality, neighbourhood, satisfaction, mobility
住房, 不平等, 街区, 满意度, 流动性
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020916440


Real and fake data in Shanghai’s informal rental housing market: Groundtruthing data scraped from the internet


Julia Gabriele Harten(美国南加州大学)Annette M Kim(美国南加州大学)J Cressica Brazier(美国麻省理工学院)首次出版时间:2020/6/17|研究论文

AbstractChina’s planned mega-cities contain hidden, informal housing markets. We analyse Shanghai’s ‘group rental’ market in which formal commercial and residential units have been illegally converted into extremely crowded dormitories. In 2016, we collected more than 33,000 online classified advertisements for beds in group rental apartments and find that this market serves a specific demographic with robust preference order patterns. Furthermore, groundtruthing fieldwork revealed that the scraped online data misrepresented the market. Therefore, we also collected a second set of ‘real’ market data for comparative analysis. The study highlights both the exciting possibilities and the limitations of using online content to study informality.
摘要中国规划的特大城市包含隐藏的非正规住房市场。我们分析上海的群租市场, 在该市场中,正规商业和住宅单位被非法改造成极其拥挤的宿舍。2016年,我们收集了超过33,000个在线群租公寓床位广告,发现该市场为一个具有突出偏好规律的特定人群提供服务。此外,实地调查显示,网上搜集的数据歪曲了市场。因此,我们还收集了第二组“真实”市场数据进行对比分析。这项研究凸显了使用在线内容研究非正规性的令人兴奋的可能性和局限性。
Keywordsinformality, migration, rental housing, scraped online data
关键词非正规性, 移民, 出租房, 网上收集的数据



The rise (and rise) of vertical studentification: Exploring the drivers of studentification in Australia


Mark Holton(英国普利茅斯大学)Clare M. Mouat(西澳大利亚大学)首次出版时间:2020/6/17|研究论文
AbstractThe conditions for studentification are changing with increasing numbers of students living in high-rise – and high-quality – micro-apartment-style accommodation provided through purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) blocks. This ‘verticalisation’ of studentification is a global phenomenon, with Australia representing a frontier with distinctive geographies that result from its rapid ascension to the second-ranked global destination for international students. Yet, despite rising student numbers being recognised as positively impacting national and state economies, little is understood of how student accommodation development fits within the broader scheme of Australian urban revitalisation. To address this, we combine concepts relating to condo-ism and condo-isation to offer an original analytical framework that examines how PBSA has created new conditions through which vertical studentification can be produced in and of cities. We therefore ask how vertical studentification relates to wider Australian housing and urban development trends in ways that differentiate PBSA development and trajectories from other forms of accommodation. We also question how vertical studentification relates to the realities and regulation expressed as intra-urban geographies of Australian university cities and their resident-host communities. We argue that deliberately recognising and dovetailing several self-reinforcing and contradicting urban development dimensions invites a foundation for further interrogating vertical studentification in existing and emerging sites in Australia and beyond.
随着越来越多的学生住在由专门建造的学生宿舍 (PBSA) 街区提供的高质量高层微型公寓式宿舍里,学生化的条件正在发生变化。这种学生化的“垂直化”是一种全球现象,澳大利亚在这方面处于前沿位置,具有独特的地理特征,这是因为它迅速成为了全球第二大国际学生目的地。然而,尽管学生数量的日益增多被认为对全国和州的经济产生了积极影响,但学生住宿发展与澳大利亚城市复兴的广泛计划之间的关系却鲜为人知。为了认识这一问题,我们将公寓主义 (Condo-ism) 和公寓化 (Condo-isation) 相关的概念结合起来,提供了一个原始的分析框架,该框架考察了PBSA如何创造新的条件,通过这些条件,城市可以产生或变得垂直学生化。藉此,我们探寻垂直学生化与更广泛的澳大利亚住房和城市发展趋势之间的关系,以区别PBSA发展与其他形式的住宿模式。我们还探寻垂直学生化与现实和条例之间的关系,后者的表现是澳大利亚大学城与其居住社区的城市内部地理。我们认为,有意识别和整合几个自我强化和相互矛盾的城市发展层面,能为进一步调查澳大利亚及其他地区现有和新兴场所的垂直学生化奠定基础。
KeywordsAustralia, condo-isation, condo-ism, higher education, purpose-built student accommodation, studentification
关键词澳大利亚, 公寓化, 公寓主义, 高等教育, 专门建造的学生宿舍, 学生化



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