

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零五期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖COVID-19与城市密度,全球南方城市健康和风险的人口驱动因素,城市大数据与政治经济权利,城市大数据特刊的介绍,城际交通基础设施对城市住房市场的再分配效应,欢迎阅读。


Repopulating density: COVID-19 and the politics of urban value                             

重组人口密度:COVID-19 和城市价值政治

Colin McFarlane(英国杜伦大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/9|研究论文

How might concepts of ‘value’ and ‘population’ illuminate the present and future of urban density? The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a public debate on density in the city. While some initially blamed density for the spread of the virus, others rightly cautioned against those claims. As the pandemic progressed, an imaginary of density-as-pathology gave way to a more nuanced geographical understanding of the urban dimensions of the crisis, focused on connections, spatial conditions, domestic ‘overcrowding’ and poverty. Throughout, an interrogation and reflection on urban density and its future unfolded, throwing into question the historical relationship between ‘value’ and ‘population’ in understandings of density. I argue for a new politics of value based on shifts in three interconnected domains – governance, form and knowledge – and identify implications for research on density in urban studies.

Keywords COVID-19, density, overcrowding, population, value

关键词新冠肺炎, 密度, 拥挤, 人口, 价值


Beyond growth and density: Recentring the demographic drivers of urban health and risk in the global south


James Duminy(英国布里斯托大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/9|研究论文
AbstractDebates within urban studies concerning the relationship between urbanisation and infectious disease focus on issues of urban population growth, density, migration and connectivity. However, an effective long-term risk and wellbeing agenda, without which the threat of future pandemics cannot be mitigated, must also take account of demographic forces and changes as critical drivers of transmission and mortality risk within and beyond cities. A better understanding of the dynamics of fertility, mortality and changing age structures – key determinants of urban decline/growth in addition to migration – provides the foundation upon which healthier cities and a healthy global urban system can be developed. The study of how basic demographic attributes and trends are distributed in space and how they interact with risks, including those of infectious disease, must be incorporated as a priority into a post-COVID-19 urban public health agenda. This perspective concurs with recent debates in urban studies emphasising the demographic drivers of urban change. Moreover, it raises critical questions about the microbial and environmental emphasis of much research on the interface of urban health and governance.
摘要 城市研究中关于城市化和传染病之间关系的争论集中在城市人口增长、密度、迁移和连通性等问题上。然而,一个有效的长期风险和福祉议程(如果没有这样的议程,未来流行病的威胁就无法减轻)还必须考虑人口因素及其变化,因为它们是城市内部以及跨城市传播和死亡风险的关键驱动因素。更好地理解生育率、死亡率和不断变化的年龄结构的动态(除了移民以外,这些是城市衰落/增长的关键决定因素)能为发展更健康的城市和全球城市体系奠定基础。必须将基本人口属性和趋势的空间分布、以及它们与包括传染病在内的各种风险之间的相互作用的研究作为优先事项纳入后新冠肺炎时代的城市公共卫生议程。这一观点与最近城市研究中强调城市变化的人口驱动因素的主张一致。此外,本文还提出了许多关于城市健康与治理方面的、与许多研究的微生物和环境重点相关的关键问题。
Keywords COVID-19, family planning, global south, urban demography, urban health
关键词 新冠肺炎, 计划生育, 全球南方, 城市人口, 城市健康
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211014410


The taming of chaos: Optimal cities and the state of the art in urban systems research


Linnet Taylor(荷兰蒂尔堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/10|研究论文

AbstractWhat can urban big data research tell us about cities? While studying cities as complex systems offers a new perspective on urban dynamics, we should dig deeper into the epistemological claims made by these studies and ask what it means to distance the urban researcher from the city. Big data research has the tendency to flatten our perspective: it shows us technology users and their interactions with digital systems but does so often at the expense of the informal and irregular aspects of city life. It also presents us with the city as optimisable system, offering up the chance to engineer it for particular forms of efficiency or productivity. Both optimisation itself, and the process of ordering of the city for optimisation, confer political and economic power and produce a hierarchy of interests. This commentary advocates that researchers connect systems research to questions of structure and power. To do this requires a critical approach to what is missing, what is implied by the choices about which data to collect and how to make them available, and an understanding of the ontologies that shape both the data sets and the urban spaces they describe.
摘要 关于城市,城市大数据研究能告诉我们一些什么呢?虽然将城市作为复杂系统进行研究为城市动力学提供了一个新的视角,但我们应更深入地挖掘这些研究提出的认识论主张,并追问“让城市研究者与城市保持距离”意味着什么。大数据研究倾向于使我们的视角扁平化:它向我们展示了技术用户及其与数字系统的互动,但这样做往往是以忽略城市生活的非正规和不规则方面为代价的。它还向我们展示了作为一个可优化系统的城市,提供了为特定形式的效率或生产力而改造城市的机会。无论是优化本身,还是为了优化而对城市进行安排的过程,都赋予了政治和经济权力,并产生了利益等级。本评论主张研究者将系统研究与结构和权力问题联系起来。要做到这一点,需要一个关键的方法来理解存在哪些缺失,选择收集哪些数据以及如何提供数据意味着什么,以及塑造数据集及其所描述的城市空间的本体论。
Keywords big data, urban systems research, mobile phones, transport, optimisation
大数据, 城市系统研究, 手机, 交通, 优化
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211012838


Big Data in the city


Jon Bannister(英国曼彻斯特都会大学)Anthony O’Sullivan(英国格拉斯哥大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/12|研究论文


This editorial introduces a Special Issue on Big Data in the City. Collectively, six research articles and two commentaries explore the roles that Big Data can and might play in enhancing our understanding of urban processes and the qualities of urban outcomes. Big Data may be intrinsically considered a neutral technology but – refracted through existing power structures and resource distributions – its application within cities is by no means guaranteed always to help in the amelioration of social injustices or in the promotion of urban well-being. In application, Big Data becomes a performative technology that can be, is and will be further used in the creation and regulation of the cities of this century, a process that will be messy and of mixed consequence. The task for urban studies research is to shape that performativity, and to challenge any tendency that emerges to the further entrenchment of social inequities. In pursuit of these aims, and sensitively deployed, Big Data can be cast as part of the route map to better urban futures.

KeywordsBig Data, critical perspectives, performativity, urban condition, well-being
关键词大数据, 关键视角, 可操演性, 城市环境, 福祉



Inter-city transport infrastructure and intra-city housing markets: Estimating the redistribution effect of high-speed rail in Shenzhen, China


Zheng Chang(美国哈佛大学)Mi Diao(中国同济大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/12|研究论文
AbstractThis study analyses the changes in intra-city housing values in response to improved inter-city connection brought by high-speed rail (HSR), using the opening of the Hangzhou–Fuzhou–Shenzhen Passenger Dedicated Line (HFSL) in Shenzhen, China, as an example. The opening of the HFSL and its integration into the local metro network at Shenzhen North Station provide exogenous intra-city variations in access to the surrounding economic mass. With a difference-in-differences approach, we find that the HFSL showed a negative local effect as housing values declined by 11.5%–13.3% in the proximity of Shenzhen North Station relative to areas further from the station after the opening, possibly due to the negative externalities of the HFSL. The HFSL effect can spread along the metro network and lead to, on average, a 7% appreciation of housing values around metro stations (network effect). The direction and strength of the network effect vary by metro travel time between Shenzhen North Station and metro stations. Housing values decreased by 7.7% around metro stations within 5–15 minutes of metro travel time but increased by 63.6%, 16.6% and 29.2% around metro stations within 15–25, 25–35 and 35–45 minutes of metro travel time to Shenzhen North Station, respectively. The HFSL effect on housing values diminishes when the rail travel time is above 45 minutes. We interpret these findings as evidence of the redistribution effect in the city related to HSR connection.
KeywordsChina, high-speed rail, intra-city housing values, network effect
关键词中国, 高铁, 城市房价, 网络效应



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