

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零六期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖城市悖论与新自由主义城市,城市治理,快速城市化下的城市规模,新自由主义与新干预主义,郊区政治与物流地产金融化,欢迎阅读。


Urban paradox and the rise of the neoliberal city: Case study of Lagos, Nigeria    


Oluwafemi Olajide(尼日利亚拉各斯大学)Taibat Lawanson (尼日利亚拉各斯大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/14|研究论文

In a bid to actualise the vision of transforming Lagos into Africa’s model megacity and global economic and financial hub, the state government has embarked on and/or supported various urban development projects. Drawing on the theoretical underpinnings of neoliberalism, we argue that governance practices in Lagos are transforming the city in a manner that is paradoxical to the intents of the city’s development plan. This paper, therefore, explores how government practices have shaped the city, and the socio-spatial consequences of the recent Lagos state government-supported developments. Of interest are projects from the Lagos State Development plan (2012–2025) which have resulted in significant spatial displacements – hence the selected case studies of Lekki Free Trade Zone and Badia-East Housing Estate. The study reveals that the Lagos state development policy results in creative destruction largely due to the uncritical embrace of market logic over social logic, thereby entrenching urban discontent and socio-spatial fragmentation across the city.

摘要为了实现将拉各斯转变为非洲示范大城市和全球经济和金融中心的愿景,州政府启动和/或支持了各种城市开发项目。基于新自由主义的理论基础,我们认为拉各斯的治理做法正在以一种与城市发展计划的意图相矛盾的方式改变着城市。因此,本文探讨了政府做法如何塑造了城市,以及最近拉各斯州政府支持的开发项目的社会空间后果。我们关注拉各斯州发展计划 (2012-2025年) 中导致重大空间驱逐的项目,因此选择了莱基 (Lekki) 自由贸易区和巴迪亚-东 (Badia-East) 住宅区这两个案例进行研究。研究表明,拉各斯州的发展政策导致了创造性破坏,主要是由于不加批判地接受市场逻辑并忽视社会逻辑,从而加剧了整个城市的不满情绪和社会空间分裂。
Keywords development, dispossession, governance, informality, neoliberalism,  poverty/exclusion, redevelopment/regeneration

关键词发展, 剥夺, 治理, 非正规性, 新自由主义, 贫困/排斥, 再开发/更新


Governing investors and developers: Analysing the role of risk allocation in urban development


Frances Brill(伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/6/14|研究论文
AbstractThis article argues that urban governance, and academic theorisations of it, have focused on the role and strategies of real estate developers at the expense of understanding how investors are shaped by regulatory environments. In contrast, using the case of institutional investment in London’s private rental housing (Build to Rent), in this article I argue that unpacking the private sector and the development process helps reveal different types of risk which necessitate variegated responses from within the real estate sector. In doing so, I demonstrate the complexities of the private sector in urban development, especially housing provision, and the limitations of a binary conceptualised around pro- and anti-development narratives when discussing planning decisions. Instead, I show the multiplicity of responses from within the private sector, and how these reflect particular approaches to risk management. Uncovering this helps theorise the complexities of governing housing systems and demonstrates the potential for risk-based urban governance analysis in the future.
摘要 本文认为,城市治理及其学术理论都集中关注房地产开发商的角色和策略,忽视了监管环境对投资者的塑造。相比之下,本文以伦敦私营租赁住房的机构投资为例,主张深入分析私营部门和开发过程有助于揭示不同类型的风险,这些风险需要房地产部门做出不同的回应。藉此,我展示了私营部门在城市发展(特别是住房供应)中的复杂性,以及在规划决策讨论中以二元化、概念化方式论述房地产开发(要么支持要么反对)的局限性。相反,我展示了私营部门内部的多重反应,以及这些反应所体现的特定风险管理方法。揭示这一点有助于从理论上解释住房治理的复杂性,并展示基于风险的城市治理分析的未来潜力。
Keywords finance, financialisation, governance, housing, local government, planning, real estate
关键词 金融, 金融化, 治理, 住房, 地方政府, 规划, 房地产
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211017826


Urban scaling in rapidly urbanising China                                                                 


Weiqian Lei(武汉大学)Limin Jiao (武汉大学)Gang Xu (武汉大学)Zhengzi Zhou (伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/6/14|研究论文

AbstractUnderstanding the scaling characteristics in China is critical for perceiving the development process of rapidly urbanising countries. This paper conducts a comprehensive scaling analysis with quantitative assessment of a large number of diverse urban indicators of 275 Chinese cities. Our findings confirm that urban scaling laws can also be applied to rapidly urbanising China but demonstrate some unique features echoing its distinct urbanisation. Chinese urban population agglomeration results in more effective economic production but the economies of scale for infrastructure are less obvious. Some urban indicators associated with infrastructure and living facilities surprisingly scale super-linearly with urban population size, contrary to expected sublinear scaling behaviours. In developing countries, different-sized cities have diverse agglomeration, industrial and resource allocation advantages, which can be reflected by scaling exponents. We characterise these unique features in detail, exploring the spatial disparities and temporal evolution of scaling exponents (β). Strong regional variations and differences are particularly pronounced in Northeast China and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration. Scaling exponent variations over time reflect the temporal evolution of the urban system and measure the coordination and balance of urbanisation. Economic output was most efficient in 2009 and β of GDP was slightly greater than 1.15 in recent years. Urban land expansion has been accelerating since 2000 with β remaining around 0.85–0.90. The study of urban scaling in China is enlightening in elaborating the uniqueness and coordination of urban development in rapidly urbanising countries and provides support in formulating differentiated urban planning for different-sized cities to promote coordinated development.
摘要 理解中国的规模特征对于理解快速城市化国家的发展过程至关重要。本文对中国275个城市的大量不同城市指标进行了定量评估和综合规模分析。我们的研究结果证实,城市规模法则也可以应用于快速城市化的中国,但中国显示出一些与其独特的城市化进程相对应的独特特征。中国城市人口集聚导致更有效的经济生产,但基础设施的规模经济不太明显。与预期的次线性比例相反,一些与基础设施和生活设施相关的城市指标与城市人口规模呈现出惊人的超线性比例。在发展中国家,不同规模的城市具有不同的集聚、产业和资源配置优势,这可以通过规模指数来反映。我们详细描述了这些独特的特征,并探讨规模指数(β)的空间差异和时间演化。东北地区和京津冀城市群的地区差异尤其明显。规模指数随时间的变化反映了城市系统的时间演变,并衡量城市化的协调与平衡。2009年的经济产出效率最高,近几年国内生产总值的b值略高于1.15。自2000年以来,城市土地扩张一直在加速,b保持在0.85-0.90左右。中国城市规模的研究对阐述快速城市化国家城市发展的独特性和协调性具有启发意义,并为不同规模城市制定差异化城市规划以促进协调发展提供了支持。
Keywords agglomeration effects, Chinese urban system, economies of scale, rapidly urbanising country, urban scaling laws
集聚效应, 中国城市体系, 规模经济, 快速城市化国家, 城市规模规律
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211017817


Neoliberalism and neo-dirigisme in action: The state–corporate alliance and the great housing rush of the 2000s in Istanbul, Turkey

行动中的新自由主义和新干预主义:2000 年代土耳其伊斯坦布尔的国家-企业联盟和住房热潮

Sinan Tankut Gülhan(土耳其加济安泰普大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/14|研究论文


This paper foregrounds the state–corporate alliance in real estate development in Istanbul since the early 2000s. Employing a geo-coded sample of 294 private housing development projects built since the early 1980s and in-depth interviews with the private development companies, the paper focuses on how the construction industry and the massive commodification of urban land produced a new state–space nexus. The underlying question here is the nascent shape of urban political-economy, the trends of housing construction, the cycles of boom and bust and the mechanisms of capital accumulation concerning the state’s centralising control over space. In this sample, a few critical aspects of the production of concrete space became apparent. Seven findings are discussed. First, the developers of Istanbul followed the clientelistic patterns in the urban built environment. The second aspect is that the state is the sole supply-side actor that determines Istanbul’s built environment. The third point in this analysis of urban development initiated by the private sector is focused on the fact that the real estate speculation is state-led. The fourth and fifth points are related to the Turkish real estate developers’ inability to procure financing for the duration of the construction process. The sixth factor in the evaluation of the private real estate sector in Istanbul is the geographical and class dispersal of active development projects. The seventh factor in understanding those real estate developers is their novel approach to marketing and advertisement and the way they employ architecture as an extension of public relations.

Keywordsgeography of urban sprawl, housing, Istanbul, neo-dirigisme, neoliberalism, real estate development, state–spaces, Turkey, urban political economy
关键词城市蔓延的地理, 住房, 伊斯坦布尔, 新干预主义, 新自由主义, 房地产开发, 国家空间, 土耳其, 城市政治经济



Outer-suburban politics and the financialisation of the logistics real estate industry: The emergence of financialised coalitions in the Paris region


Nicolas Raimbault(法国南特大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/16|研究论文
AbstractLogistics real estate is a type of property rarely covered in the existing literature on the financialisation of property markets. The emergence of specialised international real estate firms, which act as developers, investors and property fund managers, means that the logistics real estate industry has taken a unique financialisation path. The present article explains the specific features of the financialisation of the logistics real estate industry and contributes to the understanding of the financialisation of outer-suburban governance. Based on a qualitative analysis of the European logistics real estate market and case studies conducted in the Greater Paris region, the article combines an analysis of the sociotechnical mediations of financial circuits in the logistics built environment with the study of emerging local public–private coalitions formed to develop logistics zones. As such, it will be seen that the domination of integrated global firms in logistics real estate depends on their capacity to form local coalitions.
Keywordsbuilt environment, financialisation, governance, logistics, outer suburbia, politics, real estate
关键词建筑环境, 金融化, 治理, 物流, 远郊, 政治, 房地产



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