

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百零七期,将介绍Urban Studies 的1篇论文以及Urban Studies online first的4篇论文。主题涵盖住宅多样性与多元化社交互动机会的关联,疫情期间居住在狭小住宅的日常生活变化,新冠疫情对城市与大都市区的经济地理影响,开罗的声音基础设施与男子气概,大衰退中的移民与经济弹性,欢迎阅读。


The contingency of neighbourhood diversity: Variation of social context using mobile phone application data    


Wenfei Xu(哥伦比亚大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/24|研究论文

This research uses high-density anonymised mobile phone application (MPA) global-positioning system (GPS) data to describe exposure to racial diversity in different social contexts with an aim to clarify the mechanism linking residential diversity to opportunities for diverse social interactions. In particular, it explores the hypothesis that a diverse residential context does not lead to diverse social contact by comparing three exposure measures – residential, observed and interaction – on the census block group level in Chicago. In doing so, it also explores the contribution of activity spaces to opportunities for diverse social contact. The findings show that the exposure to opportunities for diverse social contact measured by MPA data is generally higher than what is implied by residential census data, especially in areas of high residential segregation in the city. Further, measures using MPA data reveal more spatiotemporal heterogeneity of exposure than that implied by the residential context.

摘要本研究使用高密度匿名手机应用 (MPA) 全球定位系统 (GPS) 数据来描述不同社会背景下的种族多元化,旨在阐明将住宅多样性与多元化社交互动机会联系起来的机制。具体而言,通过比较芝加哥人口普查区组层面的三个接触指标(居住、观察和互动),我们探讨多元化居住环境不会导致多元化社交接触的假设。在此过程中,我们还探讨了活动空间对多元化社交接触机会的贡献。调查结果显示,使用MPA数据测量的多元化社交机会水平通常高于住宅普查数据所暗示的水平,特别是在城市中存在高度住宅隔离的地区。此外,与居住环境所暗示的相比,MPA数据测量表明的多元化社交机会显示出更多的时空异质性。
Keywords big data, GPS data, neighbourhood diversity, racial segregation, social interaction

关键词大数据, 全球定位系统数据, 邻里多元化, 种族隔离, 社交互动


Urban rhythms in a small home: COVID-19 as a mechanism of exception

狭小住宅里的城市节奏:COVID-19 作为一种例外机制                                                     

Jenny Preece(英国谢菲尔德大学)Kim McKee(英国斯特灵大学)David Robinson(英国谢菲尔德大学)John Flint(英国谢菲尔德大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/27|研究论文
AbstractThe amount of living space we have access to is one manifestation of the unequal distribution of housing resources within societies. The COVID-19 pandemic has required most households to spend more time at home, unmasking inequalities and reigniting longstanding debates about the functionality and experience of smaller homes. Drawing on interviews across three UK cities, this article attends to the changing household routines of individuals living in different types of small home, exploring daily life before and during ‘lockdown’. Using the concept of urban rhythms, the data show that the lockdown has intensified existing pressures of living in a smaller home – lack of space for different functions and household members – whilst constraining coping strategies, like spending time outside the home. Lockdown restrictions governing mobility and contact acted as a mechanism of exception, disrupting habitual patterns of life and sociability, and forcing people to spend more time in smaller homes that struggled to accommodate different functions, affecting home atmospheres. For some, the loss of normal strategies was so significant that they sought to challenge the new rules governing daily life to protect their wellbeing.
摘要 我们所能获得的居住空间的大小是社会内部住房资源分配不平等的一种表现。新冠肺炎大流行迫使大多数家庭花更多时间呆在家里,这凸显了住房不平等问题,并重新点燃了关于狭小住宅的功能和体验方面的长期争论。基于在英国三个城市开展的访谈,本文关注生活在不同类型的狭小住宅里的个人不断变化的常规,探讨了“封锁”之前和封锁期间的日常生活。利用城市节奏的概念,我们的数据显示封锁加剧了居住在狭小住宅(缺乏足够的空间满足不同功能和不同家庭成员的需要)中的个人的既有压力,同时限制了应对策略(如在户外度过时间)的应用。限制行动和联系的封锁措施形成了一种例外机制,扰乱了习惯性的生活和社交模式,迫使人们在各类功能捉襟见肘的狭小住宅内度过更多时间,家庭氛围也因此受影响。对一些人来说,无法执行通常策略所带来的损失是如此巨大,以至于他们试图挑战新的日常生活管理规则以保护自己的福祉。
Keywords housing, inequality, neighbourhood, small homes, urban rhythms
关键词 住房, 不平等, 邻里, 狭小住宅, 城市节奏
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211018136


Cities in a post-COVID world


Richard Florida(加拿大多伦多大学)Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (伦敦政治经济学院)Michael Storper (伦敦政治经济学院)首次出版时间:2021/6/27|研究论文

AbstractThis paper examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic, fiscal, social and political fallout on cities and metropolitan regions. We assess the effect of the pandemic on urban economic geography at the intra- and inter-regional geographic scales in the context of four main forces: the social scarring instilled by the pandemic; the lockdown as a forced experiment; the need to secure the urban built environment against future risks; and changes in the urban form and system. At the macrogeographic scale, we argue the pandemic is unlikely to significantly alter the winner-take-all economic geography and spatial inequality of the global city system. At the microgeographic scale, however, we suggest that it may bring about a series of short-term and some longer-running social changes in the structure and morphology of cities, suburbs and metropolitan regions. The durability and extent of these changes will depend on the timeline and length of the pandemic.
摘要 本文研究新冠肺炎大流行的影响及其对城市和大都市地区造成的相关经济、财政、社会和政治后果。我们在四种主要力量的背景下,在区域内和区域间地理规模上评估大流行对城市经济地理的影响。这四种力量为:大流行造成的社会创伤;作为一种强迫实验的封锁;确保城市建筑环境免遭未来风险之害的必要性;以及城市形态和系统的变化。在宏观地理规模上,我们认为大流行不太可能显著改变赢家通吃的经济地理和全球城市体系的空间不平等。然而,在微观地理规模上,我们认为它可能会给城市、郊区和大都市地区的结构和形态带来一系列短期的、以及某些长期的社会变化。这些变化的持久性和程度将取决于大流行的时间表和长度。
Keywords cities, COVID-19, pandemic, remote work, urban structure
城市, 新冠肺炎, 大流行, 远程工作, 城市结构
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211018072


Making and unmaking masculinities in Cairo through sonic infrastructural violence


Maria Frederika Malmström(瑞典隆德大学)首次出版时间:2021/6/28|研究论文


This article explores the Egyptian state’s production of desired manhood and destruction of unwanted masculinities in relation to home and displacement through audio-focused analysis and a focus on sonic infrastructures. While sonic infrastructures can be used as a form of political control and violence, my work in Egypt also shows how people, through sound and sonic resistance, navigate and shape sonic landscapes of insecurity, violence and liminality, as well as resisting displacement and claiming space. In Cairo, where political unrest over the past decade has produced new imaginaries and maps of belonging, men opposing the politics of the current regime have been expelled by the state from their own city; deprived of rights, safety, status and dignity. The institutions of state power employ sound as a political representation, and control, monitor, limit as well as threaten the population through the sonic. All of these sound systems operate at auditory, corporeal and sociocultural frequencies. There are countless examples of how materialised sonic experiences are consciously constructed and used by the autocratic military regime in Egypt to discipline and ‘produce’ its subjects, through for example forbidding particular music; monitoring its residents and thereby employing control by listening; using unbearable loud sounds during torture; or closing downtown bars, cafes and bookshops and thereby sonically controlling and limiting parts of the cityscape of Cairo. These sonic materialised experiences are connected to how gendered bodies are excluded, un/remade, produced, expressed and negotiated.

Keywordsdisplacement, gender, infrastructure, politics, sound, violence
关键词驱逐, 性别, 基础设施, 政治, 声音, 暴力



Immigration and economic resilience in the Great Recession                                 


Xi Huang(美国中佛罗里达大学)首次出版时间:2020/6/10|研究论文
AbstractThe 2007–2009 financial crisis has caused economic disruption in many US cities and has drawn considerable academic attention. Despite abundant evidence of immigrants’ economic and social value to urban areas, little research has examined the relationship between immigration and resilience. This article investigates whether immigration enhanced economic resilience to the Great Recession for metropolitan areas in the US. It uses ordinary least squares and instrumental variable regressions to test the immigration effects between 2007 and 2014. The findings indicate that immigration leads to employment and income resilience. On average, metropolitan areas with a larger immigrant population tended to better preserve their growth paths during the Great Recession and to experience greater levels of employment and per capita income growth following the recession.
Keywordseconomic development, economic shock, Great Recession, immigration, resilience
关键词经济发展, 经济冲击, 大衰退, 移民, 复原力



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