

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十三期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖亚特兰大的电影制片厂对房价的影响,安特卫普政府在土地金融化过程中扮演的角色,全球南方基础设施与治理不平等,地方公共服务提供的质量、效率和公平与社会信任之间的关系,工作制度与“佣金经济”,欢迎阅读。


The effect of film production studios on housing prices in Atlanta, the Hollywood of the South


Velma Zahirovic-Herbert(美国孟菲斯大学)Karen M Gibler (美国乔治亚州立大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/29|研究论文

Governments compete to attract film productions to their communities, expecting them to provide economic benefits directly through local purchases and employment and indirectly through publicity and image building. Atlanta, Georgia, has become a large film production hub, partially because of a state tax credit programme. As a result, permanent production facilities have been established that may influence surrounding real estate prices. Convenience and a desire to live among other creatives may encourage actors, technical workers and support staff to live nearby, and the film industry cachet may attract additional residents, increasing house prices. However, if the facilities are perceived to be similar to other industrial operations, they may negatively affect surrounding house prices. We investigate film production studios’ effect on residential property values using housing sales data and information on film production studios’ location, size and year established. To mitigate bias from the potential endogeneity of studios’ location choices, we augment the standard hedonic pricing framework to incorporate proximity to a film production studio and construct treatment and comparison groups. Using a spatial difference-in-difference framework, we find that while houses located closest to film production studios tend to sell for lower prices than houses further away, the discount is not attributable to the studios. Instead, the establishment of a new studio, especially a large one, is a positive event in the housing market. These findings have important policy implications for local governments in making decisions about film industry incentives and facilities’ site selection as possible drivers of redevelopment.

Keywords cultural industries, externality, film studios, hedonic model, house prices

关键词文化产业, 外部性, 电影制片厂, 享乐模型, 房价


Land financialisation, planning informalisation and gentrification as statecraft in Antwerp


Callum Ward(伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/7/29|研究论文

This article offers insight into the role of the state in land financialisation through a reading of urban hegemony. This offers the basis for a conjunctural analysis of the politics of planning within a context in which authoritarian neoliberalism is ascendant across Europe. I explore this through the case of Antwerp as it underwent a hegemonic shift in which the nationalist neoliberal party the New Flemish Alliance (Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie; N-VA) ended 70 years of Socialist Party rule and deregulated the city’s technocratic planning system. However, this unbridling of the free market has led to the creation of high-margin investment products rather than suitable housing for the middle classes, raising concerns about the city’s gentrification strategy. The consequent, politicisation of the city’s planning system led to controversy over clientelism which threatened to undermine the N-VA’s wider hegemonic project. In response, the city has sought to roll out a more formalised system of negotiated developer obligations, so embedding transactional, market-oriented informal governance networks at the centre of the planning system. This article highlights how the literature on land financialisation may incorporate conjunctural analysis, in the process situating recent trends towards the use of land value capture mechanisms within the contradictions and statecraft of contemporary neoliberal urbanism.

摘要 通过对城市霸权的解读,本文深入探讨了政府在土地金融化过程中扮演的角色。在威权主义新自由主义正在欧洲盛行的背景下,这为对规划政治进行综合分析提供了基础。我通过安特卫普的例子来探讨这一点,因为它经历了霸权的转变,民族主义新自由主义政党新弗拉芒联盟 (Nieuw-Vlaamse alliantee; N-VA) 结束了社会党70年的统治,并对该市的技术官僚规划制度进行了放松管制的改革。然而,这种对自由市场的放任导致了高利润投资产品的产生,而不是为中产阶级提供合适的住房,这引发了人们对城市绅士化战略的担忧。随之而来的是,城市规划系统的政治化导致了对客户主义的争议,这可能会破坏N-VA更广泛的霸权议程。作为回应,该市寻求推出一个更正规的开发商义务协商制度,将交易型、面向市场的非正规治理网络嵌入规划体系的核心。本文强调土地金融化方面的文献可以纳入局势分析,在此过程中将土地价值获取机制的使用趋势置于当代新自由主义城市化的自相矛盾和治国之道这一大背景中。
Keywords displacement/gentrification, finance/financialisation, hegemony, informality, local government, planning, redevelopment/regeneration
关键词 驱逐/绅士化, 金融/金融化, 霸权, 非正规性, 地方政府, 规划, 再开发/更新
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211028235


Everyday contours and politics of infrastructure: Informal governance of electricity access in urban Ghana


Ebenezer F Amankwaa(加纳共和国加纳大学)Katherine V Gough(英国罗浮堡大学)首次出版时间:2021/7/29|研究论文

AbstractThis article contributes to shaping the discourse on unequal geographies of infrastructure and governance in the global South, opening up new ways of thinking through politics, practices and modalities of power. Conceptually, informality, governance and everyday urbanism are drawn on to unpack how the formal encounters the informal in ways that (re)configure infrastructure geographies and governance practices. This conceptual framing is empirically employed through an analysis of electricity access in Accra, Ghana, highlighting how residents navigate unequal electricity topographies, engage in self-help initiatives, and negotiate informal networks and formal governance practices. The spatiality of the electricity infrastructure has created inequity and opportunities for exploitation by ‘power-owners’ and ‘power-agents’ who control and manage the electricity distribution network and, in turn, privately supply power. Electricity connections are negotiated, access is monetised and illegality excused on grounds of good-neighbourliness, thereby producing and perpetuating everyday politics of ‘making do’. Community movements, everyday acts of improvisation, and incremental modifications are shown to influence the workings of formal institutions of government and shape uneven power relations and experiences of inequality. Such an understanding of how marginalised residents navigate the electricity topographies of Accra reveals a more nuanced politics of infrastructure access, which reflects the complex realities of hybridised modalities of governance and the multiple everyday dimensions of power that shape urban space. The article concludes that informality should not be recognised as failure but as a sphere of opportunity, innovation and transition.
摘要 本文为塑造全球南方基础设施和治理不平等地理的论述做出贡献,并通过政治、实践和权力模式开辟新的思维方式。在概念层面,非正规性、治理和城市日常常规被用来解释正规与非正规的碰撞如何(重新)配置基础设施地理和治理实践。这一概念框架通过对加纳阿克拉 (Accra) 电力供应的分析得到了实证应用,我们凸显了居民如何应对不平等的电力供应现状,如何参与自助倡议,以及如何就非正规网络和正规治理做法进行谈判。电力基础设施的空间性制造了不平等,也为控制和管理配电网(进而私下供应电力)的“电力所有者”和“电力代理人”创造了盘剥他人的机会。电力连接是通过谈判达成的,接入是货币化的,而非法行为则以睦邻友好为由得到原谅,从而产生并延续了“凑合”的日常政治。社区运动、日常的即兴行为和渐进的修改被证明会影响正规政府机构的运作,并形成不均衡的权力关系和不平等的经历。对边缘化居民如何应对阿克拉电力现状的这种理解揭示了一种更微妙的基础设施接入政治,这反映了混合治理模式的复杂现实以及塑造城市空间的权力的众多日常层面。本文的结论是,非正规性不应被视为一种失败,而应被视为一个充满机会、创新和转型的天地。
Keywords Abuja, Accra, electricity, everyday urbanism, governance, informal settlement, informality
阿布贾 (Abuja), 阿克拉 (Accra), 电力, 城市日常常规, 治理, 非正规住区, 非正规性
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211030155


Quality of local government and social trust in European cities


Conrad Ziller(德国杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)Hans-Jürgen Andreß(德国科隆大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/2|研究论文


Communities are responsible for a range of public services and represent critical experiential contexts for social interactions between residents. However, the role of local governance and public service provision for creating social trust has received limited attention so far. This study examines how quality, efficiency and fairness of local public service provision relates to social trust. Using multilevel models on repeated cross-sectional survey data from the Quality of Life in European Cities project, we test the relationship between time-varying city-level indicators of quality of local government and social trust. The empirical results show that an increase in the dimension of local public service quality is substantially associated with an increase in social trust. We find improvements in sport and leisure facilities as well as the state of public spaces, streets and buildings to be particularly relevant.

Keywordsimmigration, infrastructure, local government, public administration, social trust
关键词移民, 基础设施, 地方政府, 公共管理, 社会信任



‘Timepass’ and ‘setting’: The meanings, relationships and politics of urban informal work in Delhi


Sanjeev Routray(加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/7|研究论文
AbstractThe engagement of people in extremely low-wage work in major cities of the Global South and their withdrawal from labour-organising activities arise from several factors. Among these is the hegemonic meaning construction of work as ‘timepass’ or leisure and as an opportunity for sociality and neighbourliness that is central to the social reproduction of everyday life. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Delhi, this article examines how work regimes are marked by a ‘commission economy’, whereby various stakeholders in the chain of surplus accumulation demand a commission for their services. The possibility of undertaking informal economic activities is contingent on a host of improvisations that are founded upon discipline, violence and also solidarity. In this respect, various stakeholders possess what they refer to as a ‘setting’, which alludes to an active process of economic and non-economic relationship-building with both state and non-state agencies within both formal and informal arenas. To ‘do setting’ is a dynamic spatial process that draws on negotiations with the aim of shaping favourable relationships and outcomes in particular urban spaces. It entails the use of social and cultural resources, everyday political negotiations and extra-judicial solutions.
Keywordscommission economy, Delhi, hegemonic meaning-construction, hyper-flexibilisation, production and social reproduction, ‘setting’
关键词佣金经济, 德里, 霸权意义构建, 超灵活化, 生产和社会再生产, “背景”



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