

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十四期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的3篇以及Current issue的两篇论文。主题涵盖城郊空间的过度监管、城市租金差距,犯罪对于投资的溢出效应,房价上涨对搬迁行为的影响,大城市科学体系的多中心结构,欢迎阅读。


The politics of hyperregulation in La Paz, Bolivia: Speculative peri-urban development in a context of unresolved municipal boundary conflicts


Philipp Horn(英国谢菲尔德大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/7|研究论文

In Bolivia, urbanisation increasingly takes place in peri-urban settings situated outside the boundaries of cities. Unlike previous research that considers peri-urban developments such as rural-to-urban land use transitions to be characterised by state absence and little regulation and planning, this article demonstrates that such developments occur precisely because of the presence of particular multi-scalar governance configurations. Drawing on case study material from peri-urban La Paz, the article demonstrates how legislative reforms by Bolivia’s national government on decentralisation and municipal delineation, which failed to establish clear jurisdictional boundaries, create a situation of hyperregulation whereby multiple local authorities claim political control over the same territory by deploying distinct and at times conflicting, legal and planning frameworks. While hyperregulation enables a loose coalition of elite actors, including government authorities, resident leaders of peri-urban settlements and private sector representatives, to advance specific political and socio-economic interests, it puts ordinary residents in a situation of permanent uncertainty. The article contributes to and further nuances conceptual debates on calculated informality which uncover how states deliberately create legally ambiguous systems to facilitate speculative urban developments. Unlike previous studies which highlight that this is mainly achieved through state engineering, and particularly by suspending or violating the law, this article demonstrates that legal ambiguity and irregularity can also be generated through multi-scalar governance configurations that (1) involve a number of elite actors, including state authorities but also private sector and civil society representatives and (2) create a situation in which different regulatory systems co-exist without coordination.

摘要在玻利维亚,城市化越来越多地发生在城市边界之外的城郊地区。此前的研究认为城郊开发(如由乡村到城市用地的过渡)的特点是缺乏政府监管和规划,而本文则不同,我们证明,这种开发正是因为存在特定的多标量治理配置而发生的。本文借鉴拉巴斯 (La Paz) 郊区的案例研究材料,展示了玻利维亚政府权力下放和市政划界的立法改革(未能建立清晰的管辖权边界)如何造成了一种过度监管的局面,即多个地方当局通过部署不同的、有时相互冲突的法律和规划框架,声称对同一区域拥有政治控制权。尽管过度监管使精英行为者(包括政府当局、城郊住区居民领袖和私营部门代表)的松散联盟能够实现具体的政治和社会经济利益,但它使普通居民处于长期不确定的境地。本文推进关于“经过算计的非正规性”的讨论并使之精细化,揭示了国家如何故意创造法律上模糊的系统,以促进投机性的城市发展。以前的研究强调这主要是通过政府策划实现的,特别是通过暂停或违反法律实现的,与此不同的是,本文证明法律的模糊性和不规范性也可以通过多标量的治理配置产生,这些治理配置 (1) 涉及许多精英行为者,包括国家当局,但也包括私营部门和民间社会的代表,以及 (2) 创造了一种不同监管体系共存却不相互协调的局面。
Keywords Bolivia, hyperregulation, La Paz, legal ambiguity, peri-urban spaces
关键词玻利维亚, 过度监管, 拉巴斯 (La Paz), 法律模糊, 城郊空间


Mind the rent gap: Blackstone, housing investment and the reordering of urban rent surfaces


Brett Christophers(瑞典乌普萨拉大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/11|研究论文

Recent years have seen a burst of new writing on the opening and closing of urban rent gaps. Such studies generally consider individual cases. Rarely does the opportunity arise to readily compare and contrast rent gaps across multiple cities and territories, least of all within the context of a single developer or investor portfolio. Such an opportunity has arisen in the past decade, however, as the US investment firm Blackstone has pursued a multi-territory housing-investment strategy specifically of identifying and closing rent gaps, which it styles ‘buy it, fix it, sell it’. This article examines that strategy and the varying nature of its implementation in Danish, German, Swedish and US cities. It argues that the rent gap is a paradoxical phenomenon: vast gaps, promising vast profits, frequently open up and frequently remain open for long periods before being closed – if they are closed at all. A primary reason is that successful and profitable closure requires not just favourable local political-economic conditions but a singularly well-funded, determined and aggressive investor – an investor, that is, such as Blackstone.

摘要 近年来,学界涌现出了关于城市租金差距的出现与消失方面的大量新文献。这类文献一般研究个案。学者们很少有机会对多个城市和地区之间的租金差距进行现成的比较和对比,而单个开发商的不同开发项目或同一投资组合内的比较则尤为罕见。然而,过去10年出现了这样一个机会,因为美国投资公司黑石 (Blackstone) 一直在推行一项跨区域的住房投资战略,专门识别和消除租金差距,黑石将其称之为“购买、修复、出售”。本文研究了这一策略及其在丹麦、德国、瑞典和美国城市实施的不同情况。我们认为,租金差距是一种吊诡的现象:巨大的差距,承诺巨大的利润,常常会出现,并且经常在消失之前(如果真的消失的话)长时间存在。一个主要原因是,成功和有利可图地消除差距不仅需要有利的当地政治经济条件,还需要资金充足、坚定和积极进取的投资者—像黑石这样的投资者。
Keywords built environment, development, economic processes, finance, financialisation, housing
关键词 建筑环境, 发展, 经济进程, 金融, 金融化, 住房
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211026466


Spatial spillover effects of crime on private investment at nearby micro-places


Arthur Acolin(美国华盛顿大学)Rebecca J. Walter(美国华盛顿大学)Marie Skubak Tilyer(美国德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校)等五位作者首次出版时间:2021/8/11|研究论文


Criminal activity may influence the decisions of existing property owners or prospective investors to invest in a property, given the potential elevated expenses and increased uncertainty that often accompany crime. This study investigates the relationship between crime and private investment at nearby micro-places using location-specific crime incident and building permit data from 2008 to 2018 in the cities of Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Antonio and Seattle. Data were aggregated to the blockface-level to examine how changes in investment on a blockface are influenced by changes in crime on that blockface and adjacent blockfaces in the subsequent year. Results indicate that an increase in total crime on a blockface was associated with a significant decrease in building permit activity the following year in all six cities, but the relationship is less strong when aggregating crime from adjacent blockfaces. When looking at spillover effects, higher crime on adjacent blockfaces was significantly associated with lower levels of investment beyond the effect of the crime trend on that blockface in Los Angeles and San Antonio. Though the relationship between adjacent blockface crime and investment was negative across the other four cities, it was not statistically significant. Taken together, these findings suggest that effective targeted crime prevention policies may have the added benefit of spurring local economic investment and that the impact of crime is very localised.

摘要 犯罪活动可能会影响现有物业所有人或潜在投资者投资于物业的决定,因为犯罪往往伴随着潜在的高额费用和不确定性的增加。本研究利用2008年至2018年期间芝加哥、洛杉矶、纽约、费城、圣安东尼奥和西雅图等城市特定地点的犯罪事件和建筑许可数据,研究了犯罪与周边微观场所私人投资之间的关系。我们将数据汇总到街区级别,以考察一个街区和相邻街区之间犯罪的差异如何影响对街区投资的变化。结果表明,在所有六个城市中,街区犯罪总量的增加与次年建筑许可活动的显著减少相关,但是在汇总相邻街区的犯罪的情况下,这种相关性变得不那么明显。当考虑溢出效应时,在洛杉矶和圣安东尼奥,在本街区犯罪趋势的影响之外,相邻街区犯罪率较高与本街区投资水平较低显著相关。尽管其他四个城市的相邻街区犯罪和与本街区投资之间的关系为负,但并不具有统计显著性。综上所述,这些调查结果表明,有效的、针对性的犯罪预防政策可能带来刺激当地经济投资的额外益处,并且犯罪的影响具有很强的局部性。
Keywords building permits, crime, investment, micro-places, spatial spillover
建筑许可, 犯罪, 投资, 微型场所, 空间溢出
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211029761


Housing affordability sets us apart: The effect of rising housing prices on relocation behaviour


Tim Winke(德国柏林洪堡大学社会科学学院)首次出版时间:2020/8/5|研究论文


Life course events such as new offspring or job loss affect a household’s demand for housing. At the same time, dynamics in the real estate market constrain where households find affordable housing. In a quasi-experimental design, this study examines the effect of increasing local housing prices on the relocation behaviour of low- and medium-income households. Difference-in-difference panel regressions using propensity score matching show that with rising local rental prices, low-income households are more likely to remain in their current housing and sustain higher levels of housing cost burden. If they move, they relocate further out of the city centre and to neighbourhoods with high unemployment rates. Rising housing markets facilitate socio-spatial segregation as middle-income households remain in economically better-off neighbourhoods. The findings highlight the additional costs of increasing housing prices in terms of the misallocation of housing and the spatial concentration of vulnerable households at the outskirts of cities..

Keywordsgeography of disadvantage, housing affordability, residential mobility, segregation, selective mobility, stratification

贫困地理, 住房可负担性, 住宅流动性, 隔离, 选择性流动性, 分层



Proximity and the evolving knowledge polycentricity of megalopolitan science: Evidence from China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 1990–2016


Haitao Ma(中国科学院)Yingcheng Li(东南大学)Xiaodong Huang(华东师范大学)首次出版时间:2020/8/5|研究论文

Despite the two key defining features of megalopolises as incubators and hinges in a globalising knowledge economy, how intercity knowledge flows could shape the polycentric structure of the science system of a megalopolis has only gained popularity in recent years. This study focuses on measuring and explaining the evolving knowledge polycentricity of the science system of China’s Greater Bay Area (GBA) megalopolis during the 1990–2016 period. Our empirical results are generally robust when we adopt different measurement approaches and draw upon different publication databases. Overall, the degrees of knowledge polycentricity at different geographical scales have been generally increasing during the study period, though with some fluctuations. In addition, the degree of knowledge polycentricity becomes smaller at higher geographical scales. The mechanisms behind the evolving knowledge polycentricity have been further investigated from the proximity perspective. The increasing geographical proximity, institutional proximity and social proximity between cities within and beyond the GBA megalopolis have contributed to the strengthening knowledge polycentricity of its science system at different geographical scales.

Keywordsknowledge collaboration, megalopolis, polycentricity, proximity, urban networks
关键词知识写作, 超大城市, 多中心性, 邻近, 城市网络



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