

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十六期,将介绍Urban Studies online first的5篇论文。主题涵盖城市更新的不同逻辑,数字支付的话语体验,高密度的郊区开发,城市犯罪控制,疫情期间的空间和社会分异,欢迎阅读。


The divergent logics of urban regeneration in Israel: A neoliberal toolkit and national rationales


Tal Alster(以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学)Nufar Avni(以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/23|研究论文

In recent years, urban regeneration policy in Israel has relied largely on market-based mechanisms to deliver its goals, seemingly in keeping with neoliberal trends. Whereas, in previous decades, the construction and renovation of housing was facilitated primarily by state-run projects, current urban regeneration policy relies heavily on private actors – developers and homeowners – motivated by profit and the allocation of building rights. In this article, we argue that while this policy appears to be consistent with neoliberal trends, the Israeli government, as well as the public, in fact continue to view urban regeneration as a project of national significance, deserving of public funding if market forces should prove inadequate. We describe the unique characteristics of urban regeneration policy in Israel, arguing that they derive from ‘moral economy’ logic as well as geopolitical considerations such as national security and commitment to the periphery. We make this argument by examining urban regeneration in the country’s geographical and economic ‘periphery’, where the state is expected to finance and incentivise regeneration in the absence of market incentives. We conclude that even in a supposedly heightened neoliberal era, Israel’s regeneration policy continues to be centralised and driven by national objectives and centre–periphery relations that reproduce the country’s path-dependent development trajectory.

Keywords centre–periphery, Israeli housing policy, moral economy, neoliberalism, urban regeneration
关键词中心-边缘, 以色列住房政策, 道德经济, 新自由主义, 城市更新


Citizens go digital: A discursive examination of digital payments in Singapore’s Smart Nation project


Gordon Kuo Siong Tan(新加坡科技与设计大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/25|研究论文

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalisation efforts in many countries as they try to contain the virus. With the physical handling of cash posing as a potential virus transmission risk, digital payments have become important in the urgent transition to a cashless society and a key feature of smart city projects. Critical analyses have typically framed smart cities as neoliberalist developmental projects that see the partnering of the state with private corporations. However, it is unclear how the smart city emerges under the technocratic inclinations of the developmental state. Focusing on the digital payments project under Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative, this paper unpacks the discursive practices employed in mobilising citizen support for electronic payments through a critical analysis of publicly available government materials and recent initiatives. The discourse surrounding digital payments is bound up in narratives surrounding economic competitiveness, technological progress and public health and safety, and strongly rooted in a technocratic governance ethos that limits genuine citizen participation in shaping smart payments technologies. This paper argues that such discursive framings represent a missed opportunity to build a smart city that is truly citizen-centric. This reorientation requires more bottom-up and grassroots-based modes of governance that reformulate smart citizenship into one that pays greater attention to the affective and social contexts behind digital technologies.

摘要 在新冠疫情中,伴随着众多国家努力遏制病毒传播,其数字化工作得以加速。由于实际收受现金构成潜在的病毒传播风险,数字支付在向无现金社会的紧急过渡中变得非常重要,也是智慧城市项目的一个关键特征。批判性分析通常将智慧城市视为新自由主义的开发项目,强调国家与私营公司的合作。然而,目前尚不清楚,在发展型国家的技术治国倾向下,智慧城市是如何出现的。本文聚焦于新加坡“智慧国家”倡议下的数字支付项目,通过对公开的政府材料和近期举措的批判性分析,揭示了在动员公民支持电子支付方面所运用的话语实践。围绕数字支付的话语与围绕经济竞争力、技术进步以及公共卫生和安全的叙事紧密相连,并深深植根于技术治国的治理理念中,这一治理理念限制了公民真正参与塑造智慧支付技术。本文认为,这种话语框架代表了一个错失的建设真正以公民为中心的智慧城市的机会。重新把握这一机会,需要更多自下而上和基于基层的治理模式,重新表述智慧公民身份,即更加关注数字技术背后的情感和社会脉络。
Keywords developmental state, digital payments, governance, infrastructure, policy, smart cities, technology
关键词 发展型国家, 数字支付, 治理, 基础设施, 政策, 智慧城市, 技术
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211039407


Delivering higher density suburban development: The impact of building design and residents’ attitudes 


Pablo Navarrete-Hernandez(意大利米兰理工大学)Alan Mace(英国伦敦政治经济学院)Jacob Karlsson(英国伦敦政治经济学院)等五位作者首次出版时间:2021/8/25|研究论文


The urgent need for housing in London will be met almost exclusively through building on brownfield sites. While Inner and suburban Outer London are both home to a range of brownfield sites, the politics of delivering new housing varies between the two. First, Outer London is built at significantly lower density and therefore densification has a more noticeable impact. Second, many residents in Outer London value living at lower density and will see densification as undermining that which they value. Third, homeownership is more common in Outer London and as housing is the most significant asset for most homeowners any threat to its value is likely to be strongly resisted. Our research tests whether design can positively impact both the perception and acceptability of densification. For this, we run a randomised control trial presenting 939 Outer London residents with simulated images representing different design features. We find that the effects of building design are limited and relate almost exclusively to low and medium density options. Our research shows that vernacular design can make some increase in density acceptable but for significantly higher density the influence of design declines. As density increases, the perception and acceptability of density are more influenced by people’s views on, for example, the extent of London’s housing crisis. This indicates that planners and politicians must reach beyond design and seek to better inform and persuade residents about housing need if the impasse on densification is to be overcome.

摘要 伦敦对住房的迫切需求将几乎完全通过在棕地上的建设来满足。虽然内伦敦和作为郊区的外伦敦都有一系列棕地,但两者开发新住房的政策是不同的。首先,外伦敦的建筑密度要低得多,因此密集化造成的影响更明显。其次,外伦敦的许多居民注重低密度的生活,认为密集化会破坏他们所珍惜的东西。第三,自有住房在外伦敦更为普遍,而且由于住房是大多数房主最重要的资产,任何对其价值的威胁都可能受到强烈抵制。我们的研究测试了设计是否能对密集化的感知和接受度产生积极的影响。为此,我们开展了一项随机对照试验,向 939 名外伦敦居民展示了代表不同设计特征的模拟图像。我们发现,建筑设计的影响是有限的,而且几乎只与中低密度方案有关。我们的研究表明,乡土设计可以使一些增加密度的做法变得可以接受,但是对于显著的高密度建筑,设计的影响就会下降。随着密度的增加,人们对密度的看法和接受度更多地受到人们对伦敦住房危机程度等观点的影响。这表明,如果要打破密集化的僵局,规划者和政治家必须超越设计,努力更好地就住房需求向居民传达相关讯息并说服这些居民。
Keywords density, housing crisis, housing design, London, suburbs
密度, 住房危机, 住房设计, 伦敦, 郊区

原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211036633


Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion


Joe Greener(新加坡利物浦大学)Laura Naegler(英国利物浦大学)首次出版时间:2021/8/28|研究论文


Based on a case study conducted in Geylang, Singapore, this article explores the role of urban policing, surveillance and crime control as mechanisms of social ordering that contribute to the marginalisation of excluded groups, including low-income migrant workers and sex workers. Adopting a statecraft approach that emphasises the significance of ‘governing through crime’ for the upholding of urban political-economic projects, we examine the entanglement of political discourses and crime and social control practices as co-constructive of class- and race-based inequality in Singapore. Drawing from qualitative interviews with NGO workers and sex workers, augmented by extensive non-participant observations, we identify three processes through which state power is vectored in Geylang: the stigmatisation of the neighbourhood through association with marginalised groups, legitimising intense spatialised intervention; the enacting of performative zero-tolerance policing; and the containment and surveillance of illicit activities within the neighbourhood. Contributing to discussions that advance the statecraft approach to researching urban crime control, the article shows that seemingly contradictory practices of tolerance and intervention constitute strategies of governance. The article argues that spatially specific crime control practices in Geylang generated an exclusionary ‘spectacle’ which symbolically connects low-income migrant workers with deviance, in turn supporting citizenship exclusion, racialised marginality and a wider politics of capital accumulation resting on disempowered labour. As we argue, crime control policies are an important form of statecraft legitimising an urban political economy that is heavily reliant on low-cost labour provided by migrant workers.

Keywordsmigrant workers, sex work, Singapore, spectacle, statecraft, urban crime control

移民工人, 性工作, 新加坡, 奇观, 治国术, 城市犯罪控制



Spatial and social disparities in the decline of activities during the COVID-19 lockdown in Greater London

大伦敦 COVID-19 封锁期间活动减少的空间和社会分异

Terje Trasberg(英国伦敦大学学院)James Cheshire(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/8/31|研究论文

We use data on human mobility obtained from mobile applications to explore the activity patterns in the neighbourhoods of Greater London as they emerged from the first wave of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions during summer 2020 and analyse how the lockdown guidelines have exposed the socio-spatial fragmentation between urban communities. The location data are spatially aggregated to 1 km2 grids and cross-checked against publicly available mobility metrics (e.g. Google COVID-19 Community Report, Apple Mobility Trends Report). They are then linked to geodemographic classifications to compare the average decline of activities in the areas with different sociodemographic characteristics. We found that the activities in the deprived areas dominated by minority groups declined less compared to the Greater London average, leaving those communities more exposed to the virus. Meanwhile, the activity levels declined more in affluent areas dominated by white-collar jobs. Furthermore, due to the closure of non-essential stores, activities declined more in premium shopping destinations and less in suburban high streets.

KeywordsCOVID-19, location data, regression analysis, smartphone applications, socioeconomic inequalities
关键词新冠肺炎, 位置数据, 回归分析, 智能手机应用, 社会经济不平等



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