

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


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本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百一十八期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的5篇论文。主题涵盖国家主导的绅士化,监管的绅士化,不同尺度下邻里效应的比较分析,邻里效应对于教育不平等的影响,珠三角城市的洪水风险治理等,欢迎阅读。


For the benefit of all? State-led gentrification in a contested city                           


Yael Shmaryahu-Yeshurun(以色列内盖夫本古里安大学)Guy Ben-Porat(以色列内盖夫本古里安大学)首次出版时间:2020/9/23|研究论文

Gentrification is not only an economic process based on individual desires and decisions and independent of political goals, but also a process led or assisted by governments with economic development and national goals. In this work, we study a state-led ethno-gentrification in Acre, a contested city in the north of Israel. Looking beyond the neoliberal terminology of regeneration, we argue that in contested cities gentrification is an economic development policy often intertwined with national-demographic goals. Yet, while economic and national motivations and policies may reinforce one another, they also produce tensions among policy makers, gentrifiers and local residents. ‘State-led ethno-gentrification’ presents the complexity of the relationship between neoliberalism and nationalism in a contested city. Interviews conducted in Acre with policy makers, Jewish newcomers involved in the gentrification process and Arab residents present a complex picture of goals, interests and concerns, as well as contradictions and tensions.

摘要绅士化不仅是一个基于个人愿望和决定、独立于政治目标的经济过程,也是一个由具有经济发展和国家目标的政府所主导或助长的过程。在本文中,我们研究了以色列北部一个被争夺的城市阿克里 (Acre) 由国家主导的民族绅士化。我们超越新自由主义术语“更新”,主张被争夺的城市中发生的绅士化是一种经济发展政策,其往往与国家人口目标交织在一起。然而,虽然经济的和民族的动机和政策会相互加强,但它们也会在政策制定者、绅士化群体和当地居民之间产生紧张关系。“国家主导的民族绅士化”展现了被强烈争夺的城市中新自由主义和民族主义之间的复杂关系。在阿克里对政策制定者、参与绅士化进程的犹太新移民和阿拉伯居民进行的采访呈现了一幅交织着目标、利益和关切以及矛盾和紧张的复杂画面。
Keywords contested cities, displacement/gentrification, Israel, policy, politics, race/ethnicity, nationalism
关键词被争夺的城市, 驱逐/绅士化, 以色列, 政策, 政治, 种族/民族, 民族主义


Regulatory gentrification: Documents, displacement and the loss of low-income housing


Amelia Thorpe(澳大利亚新南威尔士大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/6|研究论文

Within the vast literature on gentrification, law is not often discussed. Where it is mentioned, law tends to be discussed as a contributor to wider processes of displacement and dispossession. This article takes a different approach, examining law itself as a site of gentrification. My focus is the regulatory framework for the development of boarding houses in Sydney, Australia, contained within the State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 (ARH SEPP). In the midst of a growing housing crisis, the ARH SEPP introduced provisions to stem the loss of older boarding houses and to incentivise new construction. While intended for low-income accommodation, these provisions have increasingly been used for other purposes. The ARH SEPP has enabled new forms of housing for a far more affluent population, sometimes directly displacing low-income residents. Like other laws noted in other studies, the ARH SEPP can be understood as a contributor to the gentrification of various parts of Sydney. Yet there is more at play. Like so many physical spaces in which gentrification takes place, the ARH SEPP has itself changed in character, becoming a space for more privileged users.

摘要 在关于绅士化的大量文献中,法律并不经常被讨论。在提到法律的地方,其往往被视为促成更广泛的驱逐和剥夺过程的一个因素。本文采取了一种不同的方法,将法律本身作为绅士化的一个场域来考察。我的重点是澳大利亚悉尼寄宿公寓开发的监管框架,其包含在2009年《州环境规划政策(经济适用房)》(ARH SEPP)中。面对日益严重的住房危机,ARH SEPP推出了一些规定,以阻止老旧寄宿公寓的流失,并激励新寄宿公寓的建设。虽然这些规定是针对低收入人群住房的,但却越来越多地被用于其他目的。ARH SEPP向富裕阶层提供了新的住房形式,有时这会直接驱逐低收入居民。就像其他研究中提到的其他法律一样,ARH SEPP可以被理解为悉尼各地区绅士化的一个促进因素。然而,其意义还不止于此。像许多发生了的绅士化物理空间一样,ARH SEPP本身的性质也发生了改变,成为了更多富裕用户的空间。
Keywords boarding houses, houses in multiple occupation, legal geography, urban governance, urban planning
关键词 寄宿公寓, 多户住宅, 法律地理, 城市治理, 城市规划
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020960569


Neighbourhood deprivation, life satisfaction and earnings: Comparative analyses of neighbourhood effects at bespoke scales


Gundi Knies(英国埃塞克斯大学)Patricia C Melo(葡萄牙里斯本大学)Min Zhang(英国剑桥大学)首次出版时间:2020/11/19|研究论文


Neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage has a profound impact on individuals’ earnings and life satisfaction. Since definitions of the neighbourhood and research designs vary greatly across studies, it is difficult to ascertain which neighbourhoods and outcomes matter the most. By conducting parallel analyses of the impact of neighbourhood deprivation on life satisfaction and earnings at multiple scales, we provide a direct empirical test of which scale matters the most and whether the effects vary between outcomes. Our identification strategy combines rich longitudinal information on individual characteristics, family background and initial job conditions for England and Wales with econometric estimators that address residential sorting bias, and we compare results for individuals living in choice-restricted social housing with results for those living in self-selected privately rented housing. We find that the effect of neighbourhood deprivation on life satisfaction and wages is negative for both outcomes and largely explained by strong residential sorting on both individual and neighbourhood characteristics rather than a genuine causal effect. We also find that the results overall do not vary by neighbourhood scale.

摘要 街区社会经济贫困对个人收入和生活满意度有着深远的影响。由于街区定义和研究设计在不同的研究中差异很大,很难确定哪种街区和结果最重要。通过在多个尺度上对街区贫困对生活满意度和收入的影响进行平行分析,我们提供了一个直接的经验测试,以确定哪个尺度最重要,以及影响在不同结果之间是否存在差异。我们的识别策略将英格兰和威尔士个人特征、家庭背景和初始工作条件方面的丰富纵向信息与解决住宅分类偏差的计量经济学估计值相结合,并将居住在选择受限的社会福利住房中的个人的结果与居住在自主选择的私人租赁住房中的个人的结果进行比较。我们发现,街区贫困对生活满意度和工资的影响对两种结果都是负面的,这在很大程度上可以解释为对个人和街区特征的强烈的居住分类,而不是真正的因果效应。我们还发现,整体结果不会因街区尺度而异。
Keywords demographics, employment/labour, life satisfaction, longitudinal analysis, neighbourhood, poverty/exclusion
人口统计, 就业/劳动, 生活满意度, 纵向分析, 街区, 贫困/排斥



Neighbourhood and school effects on educational inequalities in the transition from primary to secondary education in Amsterdam


Joeke Kuyvenhoven(荷兰跨学科人口研究所/荷兰格罗宁根大学)Willem R. Boterman(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2020/10/08|研究论文


Drawing on an advanced analysis of individual longitudinal register data of school careers of four cohorts of children in Amsterdam, this article suggests that school advice is highly differentiated between children of different migrant and socioeconomic backgrounds. Moreover, apart from these individual characteristics, we demonstrate that the socioeconomic composition of neighbourhoods and schools is important for understanding differences in school advice. The analysis shows that neighbourhood and school socioeconomic disadvantage negatively affects the school advice of children with highly educated parents, while socioeconomic advantage positively affects all children and especially children of lower- and intermediate-educated parents. The positive neighbourhood effects are, however, mediated by primary school context. We suggest that while most of the educational inequalities may be explained by individual characteristics, residential and school segregation intensify these inequalities, especially through the beneficial effects of neighbourhood and school advantage.

Keywordseducational inequality, neighbourhood effects, primary–secondary school transition, school effects, segregation

教育不平等, 街区效应, 小学-中学转学, 学校效应, 隔离



Adaptive capacity of the Pearl River Delta cities in the face of the growing flood risk: Institutions, ideas and interests


Marcin Dąbrowski(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)Dominic Stead(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)Jinghuan He(华南理工大学)Feng Yu(华南理工大学)首次出版时间:2021/01/17|研究论文

Although the cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China are amongst the world’s cities most exposed to flooding due to climate change, surprisingly little is done to address this problem. This article explores the barriers to the emergence of policies adapting to the growing flood risk in two PRD cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, underlining the importance of the Chinese territorial governance system for adaptive capacity at the local level. Focusing on institutions, ideas and interests as a heuristic device, the article contributes to the literature on urban climate adaptation and the nexus of spatial planning and flood risk management by exploring why and how the development of the adaptive capacity of cities is hampered, despite an urgent need for it.

Keywordsadaptive capacity, climate change adaptation, flood risk, governance, spatial planning
关键词适应能力, 气候变化适应, 洪水风险, 治理, 空间规划



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