

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百二十五期,将介绍Urban Studies Online First的4篇论文和Current issue的1篇论文。主题涵盖新冠疫情爆发期间的公共卫生事件管理,社交媒体与绅士化,批判城市理论,新冠疫情期间的种族隔离与社区社交距离,超大规模城市建模的框架,欢迎阅读。


Governing public health emergencies during the coronavirus disease outbreak: Lessons from four Chinese cities in the first wave                   


Lingyue Li(中国同济大学)Surong Zhang(中国同济大学)Jinfeng Wang(中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所)等其他五位作者首次出版时间:2021/10/26|研究论文

The ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on urban living, prompting emergency preparedness and response from public health governance at multiple levels. The Chinese government has adopted a series of policy measures to control infectious disease, for which cities are the key spatial units. This research traces and reports analyses of those policy measures and their evolution in four Chinese cities: Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Chengdu. The theoretical framework stems from conceptualisations of urban governance and its role in public health emergencies, wherein crisis management and emergency response are highlighted. In all four cities, the trend curves of cumulative diagnosed cases, critical policies launched in key time nodes and local governance approaches in the first wave were identified and compared. The findings suggest that capable local leadership is indispensable for controlling the coronavirus epidemic, yet local governments’ approaches are varied, contributing to dissimilar local epidemic control policy pathways and positive outcomes in the fight against COVID-19. The effectiveness of disease control is determined by how local governments’ measures have adapted to geospatial and socioeconomic heterogeneity. The coordinated actions from central to local governments also reveal an efficient, top-down command transmission and execution system for coping with the pandemic. This article argues that effective control of pandemics requires both a holistic package of governance strategies and locally adaptive governance measures/processes, and concludes with proposals for both a more effective response at the local level and identification of barriers to achieving these responses within diverse subnational institutional contexts.

Keywords Chinese cities, coronavirus disease, public health emergency, urban governance
关键词中国城市, 冠状病毒疾病, 突发公共卫生事件, 城市治理


Seeing the street through Instagram. Digital platforms and the amplification of gentrification

通过 Instagram 看街道:数字平台和绅士化的放大

Irene Bronsvoort(荷兰乌得勒支大学)Justus L Uitermark(荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/28|研究论文

As digital platforms are woven into urban life, they become an intrinsic part of the urban experience. Here we examine how representations on digital platforms reflect and shape urban change. Which groups produce and share these representations? What places do they picture? What are their aesthetic registers and norms? And what are the material consequences of these representations? Elaborating on the concept of ‘discursive investing’ introduced by Zukin et al., we address these questions in a case study of Javastraat, a shopping street in a gentrifying neighbourhood in Amsterdam East. On the basis of an analysis of Instagram posts, street observations and interviews, we show that gentrifiers use social media to express their identity status, often creating posts that serve as advertisements for hip and high-class establishments. Meanwhile, other establishments are largely absent from digital platforms, with the notable exception of a number of shops that changed their aesthetics to appeal to gentrifiers. We further show that these uneven representations have material consequences, changing the aesthetics and composition of the shopping street.

摘要 随着数字平台融入城市生活,它们成为了城市体验的内在组成部分。在本文中,我们研究数字平台的表达如何反映和塑造城市变化。哪些群体产生并分享这些表达?它们描绘了哪些地方?他们的审美情趣和规范是什么?这些表达的实际后果有哪些?我们详细阐述了祖金 (Zukin) 等人提出的“散漫投资”概念,并通过 Javastraat 案例研究来探讨这些问题,Javastraat 是阿姆斯特丹东部一个绅士化社区的一条购物街。在 Instagram 帖子分析、街头观察和访谈的基础上,我们表明绅士化人群使用社交媒体来表达其身份地位,他们经常创建一些帖子,作为时尚和高档商家的广告。与此同时,除了一些改变自己的美学以吸引绅士化人群的店铺以外,其他商家在数字平台上基本没有表达。我们进一步表明,这种不均衡的表达会产生实际后果,改变购物街的美学和构成。
Keywords aspirational consumption, discursive investing, elective belonging, gentrification, Instagram, social media
关键词 富裕消费, 散漫投资, 选择性归属感, 绅士化, Instagram, 社交媒体
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980211046539


Critical urban theory in the Anthropocene   


Stephanie Wakefield(美国来福大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/29|研究论文


Critical urban thinkers often imagine urbanisation and the Anthropocene as inevitably being companion processes. But is planetary urbanisation the necessary telos and spatial limit of life in the Anthropocene? Is urban resilience the final form of urban responses to climate change? Will (or should) the urban (as either spatial form or process) survive the upending impacts of climate change or adaptation? Or, if the Anthropocene is a time of deep environmental and epistemological upheaval without historical precedent, might even more recently created spatial concepts of the planetary urban condition themselves soon be out of date? This article raises these questions for urban scholars via critical engagement with a proposal to retire Miami – considered climate change ‘ground zero’ in the US and doomed by rising seas – and repurpose it as fill for ‘The Islands of South Florida’: a self-sufficient territory of artificial high-rises delinked from global infrastructural networks. This vision of an ‘urbicidal Anthropocene’, the article argues, suggests that the injunction subtending planetary urbanisation work – to relentlessly question inherited spatial frameworks – has not been taken far enough. Still needed is Anthropocene critical urban theory, to consider urban forms and processes emerging via climate change and adaptation, but also how such mutations may point beyond the theoretical and spatial bounds of the contemporary urban condition itself.

摘要 批判性城市思想家经常将城市化和人类世想象成不可避免的伴随过程。但是,行星城市化是人类世生活的必要目的和空间限制吗?城市复原力是城市应对气候变化的最终形式吗?城市(作为空间形式或过程)是否会(或是否应该)在气候变化或适应的颠覆性影响中幸存下来?还是说,如果人类世是一个没有历史先例的深层环境和认识论动荡时期,那么,最近创建的行星城市条件空间概念本身很快就会过时呢?本文通过批判性地探讨一项关于迈阿密的提议向城市学者提出了这些问题。迈阿密被认为是美国气候变化的“原爆点”,并将因海平面上升而被毁灭,该项提议主张放弃作为一个城市的迈阿密,并以其作为填充物创造“南佛罗里达群岛”,该群岛将会是一片独立于全球基础设施网络的、自给自足的领域,由大量高层建筑组成。本文认为,这种“城市化人类世”的愿景表明,限制行星城市化的劝告方面的研究(其无情地质疑我们所继承的空间框架)还不够深入。我们仍然需要人类世批判性城市理论,以思考即将因气候变化和适应而涌现的城市形式和过程,以及这些突变可能会如何超越当代城市条件本身的理论和空间界限。
Keywords agglomeration, Anthropocene, built environment, environment, infrastructure, resilience, sustainability, urbanisation
集聚, 人类世, 建筑环境, 环境, 基础设施, 复原力, 可持续性, 城市化



The impact of ethnic segregation on neighbourhood-level social distancing in the United States amid the early outbreak of COVID-19

在 COVID-19 早期爆发期间,种族隔离对美国社区级社交距离的影响

Wei Zhai(香港浸会大学)Xinyu Fu(新西兰怀卡托大学)Mengyang Liu(华中科技大学)Zhong-Ren Peng(美国佛罗里达大学)首次出版时间:2021/10/29|研究论文

The COVID-19 pandemic has been argued to be the ‘great equaliser’, but, in fact, ethnically and racially segregated communities are bearing a disproportionate burden from the disease. Although more people have been infected and died from the disease among these minority communities, still fewer people in these communities are complying with the suggested public health measures like social distancing. The factors contributing to these ramifications remain a long-lasting debate, in part due to the contested theories between ethnic stratification and ethnic community. To offer empirical evidence to this theoretical debate, we tracked public social-distancing behaviours from mobile phone devices across urban census tracts in the United States and employed a difference-in-difference model to examine the impact of racial/ethnic segregation on these behaviours. Specifically, we focussed on non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic communities at the neighbourhood level from three principal dimensions of ethnic segregation, namely, evenness, exposure, and concentration. Our results suggest that (1) the high ethnic diversity index can decrease social-distancing behaviours and (2) the high dissimilarity between ethnic minorities and non-Hispanic Whites can increase social-distancing behavior; (3) the high interaction index can decrease social-distancing behaviours; and (4) the high concentration of ethnic minorities can increase travel distance and non-home time but decrease work behaviours. The findings of this study shed new light on public health behaviours among minority communities and offer empirical knowledge for policymakers to better inform just and evidence-based public health orders.

摘要新冠肺炎大流行被一些人认为是“伟大的均衡器”,但事实上,种族和民族隔离社区正承受着不成比例的疾病负担。尽管这些少数族裔社区中有更多人感染并死于这种疾病,但这些社区中遵守公共卫生措施建议(如保持社交距离)的人仍然很少。对于导致这些后果的因素,人们一直在争论,部分原因是相互对立的种族分层和种族社区理论。为了为这一理论辩论提供经验证据,我们通过美国城市人口普查区移动电话设备来追踪人们保持社交距离的行为模式,并采用双重差分模型来检验种族/民族隔离对这些行为模式的影响。具体而言,我们从种族隔离的三个主要维度(即均匀度、接触度和集中度)出发,在街区层面关注非西班牙裔黑人和西班牙裔社区。我们的研究结果表明:(1) 高种族多元化指数可能会损害保持社交距离的行为;(2) 少数民族和非西班牙裔白人之间的高度差异可能会促进保持社交距离的行为;(3) 高互动指数可能会损害保持社交距离的行为;(4) 少数民族的高度集中可能会增加出行距离和非在家时间,但会减少工作行为。这项研究的结果为少数民族社区的公共卫生行为提供了新的视角,并为决策者提供了经验知识,并为其创建公正和循证的公共卫生秩序提供了更好的参考。
Keywordsbig data, COVID-19, ethnic segregation, social distancing

大数据, 新冠肺炎, 种族隔离, 社交距离



A new framework for very large-scale urban modelling


Michael Batty(英国伦敦大学学院)Richard Milton(英国伦敦大学学院)首次出版时间:2021/2/18|研究论文

The generation of ever-bigger data sets pertaining to the distribution of activities in cities is paralleled by massive increases in computer power and memory that are enabling very large-scale urban models to be constructed. Here we present an effort to extend traditional land use–transport interaction (LUTI) models to extensive spatial systems so that they are able to track increasingly wide repercussions on the location of population, employment and related distributions of spatial interactions. The prototype model framework we propose and implement called QUANT is available anywhere, at any time, at any place, and is open to any user. It is characterised as a set of web-based services within which simulation, visualisation and scenario generation are configured. We begin by presenting the core spatial interaction model built around the journey to work, and extend this to deal with many sectors. We detail the computational environment, with a focus on the size of the problem which is an application to a 8436 zone system comprising England, Scotland and Wales generating matrices of around 71 million cells. We detail the data and spatial system, showing how we extend the model to visualise spatial interactions as vector fields and accessibility indicators. We briefly demonstrate the implementation of the model and outline how we can generate the impact of changes in employment and changes in travel costs that enable transport modes to compete for travellers. We conclude by indicating that the power of the new framework consists of running hundreds of ‘what if?’ scenarios which let the user immediately evaluate their impacts and then evolve new and better ones.

与城市活动分布相关的越来越大的数据集的产生,再加上计算机能力和存储器的巨大提升,使得我们能构建非常大规模的城市模型。在本文中,我们试图将传统的土地利用-交通交互 (LUTI) 模型扩展到广泛的空间系统,使之能追踪对人口、就业和空间相互作用的相关分布的日益广泛的影响。我们提出并实施的原型模型框架名为“QUANT”,它可以在任何地方、任何时间、任何地点使用,并且对任何用户开放。它的特征是一组基于网络的服务,其中配置了模拟、可视化和场景生成。我们从展示围绕工作通勤构建的核心空间交互模型开始,并将其扩展以处理众多部门。我们详细介绍了计算环境,重点是问题的规模,这是一个由英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成的8,436区域系统的应用,生成大约7,100万个单元的矩阵。我们详细介绍了数据和空间系统,展示了我们如何扩展模型,将空间交互可视化为矢量场和可访问性指标。我们简要展示了模型的实施,并概述了我们如何生成就业变化和出行成本变化的影响(这些使得各种交通模式对出行者而言具有竞争力)。我们的结论是,新框架的优势包括运行数百个“如果……则……”情形,让用户立即评估其影响,然后发展出新的、更好的方案。
Keywordsinfrastructure, networks, planning, simulation, technology/smart cities, transport, web-based media
关键词基础设施, 网络, 规划, 模拟, 技术/智慧城市, 交通, 网络媒体



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