

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第一百二十八期,将介绍Urban Studies Current Issue的5篇论文。主题包括城市移民和难民团结,门控社区对于街区的影响,高层生活中的民族融合,电力基础设施和城市治理,住房危机和住房正义,欢迎阅读。


Urban migrant and refugee solidarity beyond city limits                                          


Harald Bauder(加拿大瑞尔森大学,德国弗莱堡高等研究院)首次出版时间:2021/1/18|研究论文

Cities known around the world as sanctuary, solidarity or refuge cities are resisting restrictive national migration and refugee policies and are seeking ways to accommodate migrants and refugees who lack support from the nation state. In this paper I examine urban solidarity approaches in Berlin and Freiburg in Germany, and Zurich in Switzerland. Interviews with key informants reveal that urban solidarity in these cities is not limited to including migrants and refugees living within the city’s boundaries. Rather, urban solidarity reaches beyond municipal boundaries to connect different places and scales in the form of inter-urban solidarity networks and initiatives that aim to enable migrants and refugees who are still abroad to arrive in the city. The complex geographies of urban migrant and refugee solidarity reach far beyond city limits.

Keywords Germany, migrants, refugees, solidarity, solidarity cities, Switzerland
关键词德国, 移民, 难民, 团结, 团结城市, 瑞士



Between walls and fences: How different types of gated communities shape the streets around them


David Kostenwein(瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院)首次出版时间:2021/2/7|研究论文

Gated communities in Latin American cities have become the new normal. The streets bordered by fences, walls and the occasional gate, formed when two or more gated communities face each other, dominate the urban landscape today. Taking Bogotá with its 3500 gated communities as my case study, I create a novel typology focusing on the gated community’s spatial dimension, not portraying it as an isolated island but as an integral part of the urban realm. Using an empirically grounded typology formation process, I present five distinctive types of gated communities in Bogotá, varying widely in how they shape the surrounding public spaces. Some types have significant expected negative effects on activity and security in the adjacent streets and others hardly any. I show how future gated community research and policymaking would benefit from disaggregation of the concept and present some policy strategies to mitigate negative external effects of gated communities.



Keywords Colombia, gated communities, public space, segregation, typology 
关键词 哥伦比亚, 门控社区, 公共空间, 隔离, 类型学
原文地址 https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098020984320


Residential coexistence: Anonymity, etiquette and proximity in high-rise living   


Tamir Arviv(以色列理工学院)Efrat Eizenberg(以色列理工学院)首次出版时间:2021/3/30|研究论文

This paper offers a new perspective on everyday life in an ethno-nationally mixed vertical urban setting. It focuses on the cultivation of a shared residential identity that, seemingly, can overcome the binational divide. Drawing on interviews with Jewish and Arab residents in a new middle-class high-rise complex (HRC) in Haifa, Israel, we illustrate that Arabs and Jews share many reasons for living in the HRC, reflecting similarities between these populations that are often ignored. Moreover, the physical form of the complex – including its newness and its modern, universal design – makes it a relatively neutral space free from a particular ethno-national or religious identity. Finally, while the relevant literature largely assumes that ‘anonymity’ in high-rises is a negative force, the sense of privacy it affords allows residents to manage social proximity and cultivate a philosophy of ‘live and let live’.

摘要 本文提供了一个新的视角,审视在一个民族混合的高层建筑城市环境中的日常生活。我们强调培养一种共同的居民身份,这种身份似乎可以克服两个民族之间的纷争。通过对以色列海法一个新的中产阶级高层综合体中的犹太和阿拉伯居民的采访,我们展示阿拉伯人和犹太人居住在该高层综合体中的许多共同原因,反映了这些人群之间经常被忽视的相同之处。此外,综合体形式——包括其新颖和现代的通用设计——使其成为了一个相对中立的空间,没有特定的民族或宗教身份。最后,虽然相关文献大体上都假设综合体中的“匿名”是一种消极的力量,但它提供的隐私感使居民能面对社会邻近性,并培养“自己活,也让别人活”的理念。
Keywords built environment, class, cohesion, diversity, everyday life, high rise, neighbourhood, planning, segregation
建筑环境, 阶级, 凝聚力, 多元化, 日常生活, 高层建筑, 街区, 规划, 隔离



The smart grid as a security device: Electricity infrastructure and urban governance in Kingston and Rio de Janeiro


Francesca Pilo’(荷兰乌得勒支大学)首次出版时间:2021/1/31|研究论文


This article aims to contribute to recent debates on the politics of smart grids by exploring their installation in low-income areas in Kingston (Jamaica) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). To date, much of this debate has focused on forms of smart city experiments, mostly in the Global North, while less attention has been given to the implementation of smart grids in cities characterised by high levels of urban insecurity and socio-spatial inequality. This article illustrates how, in both contexts, the installation of smart metering is used as a security device that embeds the promise of protecting infrastructure and revenue and navigating complex relations framed along lines of socio-economic inequalities and urban sovereignty – here linked to configurations of state and non-state (criminal) territorial control and power. By unpacking the political workings of the smart grid within changing urban security contexts, including not only the rationalities that support its use but also the forms of resistance, contestation and socio-technical failure that emerge, the article argues for the importance of examining the conjunction between urban and infrastructural governance, including the reshaping of local power relations and spatial inequalities, through globally circulating devices.

Keywordscrime/social order, governance, informality, infrastructure, smart grid, technology/smart cities, urban studies

犯罪/社会秩序, 治理, 非正规性, 基础设施, 智能电网, 技术/智慧城市, 城市研究



From housing crisis to housing justice: Towards a radical right to a home            


Valesca Lima(爱尔兰梅努斯大学)首次出版时间:2021/3/19|研究论文

Amidst a protracted housing crisis that has affected major cities in Europe and beyond, vibrant social movements for housing justice are trying to challenge the notion that housing is a commodity, with transformative demands framing housing as a fundamental human right. This paper explores the ways housing movements in Dublin use direct and confrontational approaches as political action. Previous literature has examined the emergence of new housing movements as a direct consequence of the economic and social challenges that arose as a result of the economic downturn and neoliberal austerity policies. However, there is, as yet, little that addresses the ways autonomous housing groups engage in non-violent direct action and the challenges they face in trying not just to promote a radical change of policy but also in carrying out practical prefigurative action. As such, the findings in this study provide insights into how emerging direct-action-oriented housing groups fight for housing justice.

Keywordshousing, politics, social justice
关键词住房, 政治, 社会正义



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