
2023唐厚志大讲堂报名开启/Tang Lecture Registration Link


中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 (CIETAC) 主办的第七届“唐厚志大讲堂 (TANG Lecture) ”将于2023年9月5日下午15:30-17:00在北京郡王府饭店银安殿举行。The 7th TANG Lecture organized by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) will be held on the afternoon of 5 September 2023 from 15:30 to 17:00 at the Yin An Hall of the Prince Jun's Mansion Hotel·Beijing.“唐厚志大讲堂”是以我国仲裁事业的重要奠基人和开拓者唐厚志先生的名字来命名的,旨在弘扬仲裁理念、促进国际仲裁文化交流、推动国际仲裁的发展、打造国际仲裁交流的平台。唐厚志先生一生致力于促进我国仲裁的国际化发展,积极推动我国加入《承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约》(即《纽约公约》) ,大力倡导仲裁与调解相结合的东方经验,向国际社会广泛宣传中国仲裁,参与我国《仲裁法》的制定,为我国仲裁法律体系的建立和完善发挥了重要作用,其为中国仲裁和国际仲裁做出的贡献始终激励着中外仲裁人。The Tang Lecture, named after Mr. Tang Houzhi, the prominent founder and pioneer of China's arbitration cause, aims to publicize the concept of arbitration, promote cultural exchanges in international arbitration community, encourage the development of international arbitration and create a platform for international arbitration exchanges. Mr. Tang Houzhi has devoted his life to enhancing the internationalization of arbitration in China, actively promoting China's accession to the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York Convention), advocating the oriental experience of combining arbitration and mediation, widely publicizing China's arbitration to the international community, and taking part in the formulation of China's Arbitration Law, which has played an important role in the establishment and improvement of the legal system of arbitration in China. His contributions to domestic and international arbitration have always inspired the practitioners from home and abroad.本届唐厚志大讲堂邀请了中国人民大学副校长、中国法学会常务理事、中国法学会民法学研究会副会长兼秘书长、中国法学会民法典编纂项目领导小组成员及秘书长、贸仲仲裁员王轶教授作为主讲嘉宾。其将以“民法如何回应数据的归属和利用”为题,从民法学的视角出发,就数据的民法意义、数据权利体系的构建、数据交易制度的设计等涉数据热点难点问题分享独到见解,以期为数据立法提供理论支持,为涉数据民商事纠纷处理提供可行建议。本届大讲堂同时邀请了香港律政司前司长、资深大律师袁国强先生进行与谈。与谈嘉宾将围绕演讲主题分享经验与观点。中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会副主任兼秘书长王承杰先生将主持本次活动。

This year, Tang Lecture is honored to invite Prof. Wang Yi, Vice President of Renmin University of China, Executive Member of the China Law Society, Vice Chairperson and Secretary-general of Civil Law Research Association in the China Law Society, member and Secretary-general of the Leading Group of Civil Code Drafting of the China Law Society, and CIETAC arbitrator, to be the keynote speaker. Under the title of "How Civil Law Responds to the Attribution and Utilization of Data", Prof. Wang Yi will share his insights on the significance of data in civil law, the establishment of system of data rights, the design of data transaction system and other data-related hot and difficult issues from the perspective of civil law, with a view to providing theoretical support for data legislation and feasible suggestions for handling civil and commercial disputes that involve data. Mr. Rimsky K K Yuen, Senior Counsel and Secretary for Justice of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), is invited to be the commentator. The commentator will share his experience and views on the topic of the 2023 Tang Lecture. Mr. Wang Chengjie, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of CIETAC, will be the moderator of the event.

“唐厚志大讲堂”活动继2017年举办以来,获得全球各界仲裁同仁的热烈响应,历届主讲嘉宾包括斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院前主席Johan Gernandt先生、香港律政司前司长郑若骅女士、国际商事仲裁理事会荣誉主席Donald Donovan先生、中国人民大学常务副校长王利明先生、联合国国际贸易法委员会 (UNCITRAL) 秘书长Anna JOUBIN-BRET女士、中国首任WTO上诉机构前法官兼主席张月姣女士等,已成为中国仲裁周期间备受关注的重要活动之一。

Since its launch in 2017, the Tang Lecture has received enthusiastic response from the arbitration community. Previous keynote speakers have included Mr. Johan Gernandt, former Chairman of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Teresa Cheng, Secretary for Justice of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr. Donald Donovan, Honorary President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), Mr. Wang Liming, Executive Vice President of Renmin University of China, Ms. Anna JOUBIN-BRET, Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), Ms. Zhang Yuejiao, the first Chinese member and former Chairman of the WTO Appellate Body. It has become one of the most important and highly publicized events of the China Arbitration Week.
The Tang Lecture will be held in English and Chinese with simultaneous interpretation. Arbitration practitioners, lawyers, in-house counsel, scholars and other interested friends are welcome to join the Tang Lecture and other series of activities of the China Arbitration Week, and jointly participate in the feast of international arbitration communication.

Please scan the QR code below for the registration link of the Tang Lecture. Registrations for offline participation will be confirmed by email invitations.


For the Tang Lecture



Please scan the QR code  to access the registration link.


For China Arbitration Summit 2023



Welcome to scan the QR code below to register for the China Arbitration Summit 2023.





Yin An Hall of the Prince Jun's Mansion Hotel·Beijing

No.21, Chaoyang Park South Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China










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