2.2019新型冠状病毒 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)5.不明原因肺炎 pneumonia of unknown etiology/cause6.严重急性呼吸综合征(非典) severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)7.严重急性呼吸道感染 severe acute respiratory infection (SARI)8.急性呼吸窘迫综合征 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)9.中东呼吸综合征 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)10.呼吸道疾病(呼吸系统疾病) respiratory diseases
11.国际关注的突发公共卫生事件 Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) 12.乙类传染病 Category B infectious diseases13.人传人 person-to-person/human-to-human transmission14.行走的传染源 mobile source of infection 15.潜伏期 incubation/latent period16.无症状的潜伏期 silent/asymptomatic incubation period17.特定传染病 specific infectious disease 19.无症状携带者 asymptomatic carrier21.飞沫传播 droplet transmission22.接触传播 contact transmission 23.病毒的蔓延 spread of a virus24.隐性感染 covert/silent/inapparent/subclinical infection 25.外源性感染 exogenous infection28.传染途径 route of transmission29.传播方式 mode of transmission31.易感人群 susceptible/vulnerable population32.医院/院内感染 nosocomial infection; hospital-acquired infection33.职业暴露 occupational exposure38.二代病例 second-generation case39.传染性 transmissibility; infectivity44.发热病人 patients with fever; febrile patients; fever patients48.病死率(致死率) fatality/mortality/death rate50.疫情防控 epidemic prevention and control 51.监测体温 to monitor body temperature 52.体温检测 to check body temperature53.早发现、早隔离 early detection and early isolation54.隔离治疗 to receive treatment in isolation55.自我隔离 to quarantine yourself in your home; self-monitored quarantine 57.核酸检测 nucleic acid testing (NAT) 59.自觉接受医学观察 to present yourself to medical observation 60.解除医学观察 to be discharged from medical observation61.诊断、治疗、追踪和筛查 diagnosis, treatment, tracing and screening62.预防措施 preventive measure65.勤洗手/仔细洗手 to wash your hands often/carefully69.旅行限制 travel restrictions70.健康申报表 health declaration form72.活体农贸市场 live animal market78.獾 badger
79.突发公共卫生事件 public health emergency
80.启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应 to activate first-level public health emergency response81.掌握情况,不漏一人 to have full knowledge of the situation (of the community) and leave no one unchecked82.遏制疫情蔓延 to contain the outbreak83.封城 A city is on lockdown./A city goes into lockdown.84.延迟开学 to postpone the reopening of schools85.延长春节假期 to extend the Chinese New Year holiday86.(公共场所)消毒、通风以及体温检测 disinfection, ventilation and body temperature monitoring (in public areas)87.应急医院 makeshift hospital88.火神山医院 Huoshenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)89.雷神山医院 Leishenshan Hospital (in Wuhan)90.暂停海外团队旅行 to suspend overseas group tours91.关闭景点 to close scenic spots92.取消大型集会 to cancel mass gatherings93.减少外出 to make fewer trips outside94.控制人口流动 to curb population flow95.两周观察期 two-week observation period96.停运长途汽车 to halt long-distance buses97.调减市内公交to reduce the frequency of bus services in the city98.特殊报销政策 special reimbursement rules100.医疗物资紧缺 shortage of medical supplies101.日常基本生活物资 daily necessities102.跨境采购 cross-border procurement103.囤积食物 to stock up on food107.顶格处罚 the maximum penalty
108.世卫组织 World Health Organization (WHO)109.中央应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作领导小组(中央应对疫情工作领导小组) Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control110.国家卫生健康委员会(国家卫健委) National Health Commission (NHS)111.中国疾病预防控制中心(中国疾控中心) Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)112.国家医疗保障局(国家医保局) National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA)113.医疗机构 medical institution114.卫生机构 health institution115.医疗从业者 medical practitioner; healthcare professional116.医疗人员 medical personnel; health workforce; health workers117.一线医护人员 frontline health workers118.钟南山 Zhong Nanshan, a prominent Chinese expert in respiratory diseases (and a hero of the 2003 fight against SARS)119.定点医院 designated hospitals 121.重症监护病房 intensive care unit (ICU)122.检疫所 quarantine office123.药店 pharmacy; drugstore
128.临床表现 clinical picture129.上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory tract infection (URTI)130.低氧血症 hypoxemia; low blood oxygen133.双肺浸润性病灶 infiltration in both lungs138.胸闷 chest distress; chest oppression142.呼吸困难 dyspnea; respiratory distress; breathing difficulties143.呼吸急促(气促) shortness of breath; panting144.感染性休克 septic shock
145.红外体温测量仪 infrared thermometer146.体温检测热像仪 thermal imaging camera for temperature monitoring147.诊断器具 diagnostic tool/kit148.消毒液 disinfectant; antiseptic solution149.消毒湿巾 disinfectant/antiseptic wipes150.含酒精洗手液 alcohol-based hand rub/sanitizer152.N95口罩 N95 mask/respirator156.一次性手套 disposable gloves157.负压救护车 negative pressure ambulance
158.国际卫生条例 International Health Regulations (IHR)
160.流行病学调查(流调) epidemiological investigation 161.呼吸器官 respiratory organs162.呼吸道 respiratory tract163.消化系统 digestive system 167.结膜炎 conjunctivitis; pink eye168.宿疾、慢性病 chronic ailment; chronic disease169.高血压 hypertension; high blood pressure 170.糖尿病 diabetes; diabetes mellitus171.心血管病 cardiovascular disease 172.基因序列 genetic sequence173.基因结构 genetic structure177.医学观察 medical watch; medical observation180.退烧药 febrifuge; antipyretic
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