

中国外文局 中国外文局 2022-06-29










▲亚洲象 The Asian elephant

亚洲象是当今亚洲最大的陆生动物、世界第二大陆生动物(体形大小仅次于它的近亲——非洲象)。Asian elephants are the largest living terrestrial animals in the region and the second largest in the world (behind their close relative-the African elephant).历史上亚洲象的分布地域较广,3000多年前,包括中国在内的亚洲大部分国家都有分布。现在,除中国外,南亚和东南亚的孟加拉国、不丹、文莱、柬埔寨、印度、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、泰国、越南也有大象的分布,数量在30000—50000头。In history, Asian elephants were distributed over a much wider area than today. This included most Asian countries. In China, they appeared more than 3,000 years ago. Today, besides China, people can see elephants in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam, with the total numbering between 30,000 and 50,000. 目前,中国野生大象仅分布于云南西双版纳国家级自然保护区、南滚河自然保护区和普洱,种群数量不足300头,不到大熊猫种群数量的七分之一,亟待保护。

At present, the wild elephants in China are only found in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, Nangunhe Nature Reserve and Pu'er in Yunnan, with a population of less than 300, below one-seventh of the giant panda populations. It is urgent to adopt protective measures to avoid extinction.



象是群居性动物,在野外自然环境中大多以家族为单位集体活动, 每个群体有大象数头或数十头不等,由单个或多个家族组成。每个象群由母象做首领,成员由首领的姐妹及其子女共同组成。Elephants live in groups, and in the wild natural environment most groups of elephants form families. A group is as small as a couple of elephants and as big as several dozen, and composed of one or more families. The head of an elephant group is a female elephant and the group members include her sisters and children.

▲西双版纳——大象的森林家园。Xishuangbanna–forest home of elephants.

大象在选择自己的生活环境时,主要考虑食物、水源和隐蔽场所这几个主要因素。云南西双版纳自然保护区野象谷一带,因食物丰富、水源充沛且隐蔽场所较好,一年四季都有象群活动,是中国亚洲象活动最为频繁之地,也是在中国观察野生亚洲象最为理想的地方。Food, water and good hidden places are the main considerations for elephants in choosing habitats. People can see herds of elephants in the four seasons of the year along the Wild Elephant Valley in the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve in Yunnan, thanks to these factors. It is the best place for observing wild Asian elephants in China.

▲低海拔、靠近水源、植被生长茂密的森林是大象理想的生活家园。Forests with low altitude, close to water, and with dense vegetation are ideal habitats. 大象不喜欢海拔太高的环境,一般喜欢生活在海拔1300米以下、空气湿润、靠近水源、植被生长茂密的森林中。竹林、季雨林和植物种类繁多的季风常绿阔叶林都是大象活动频繁的区域。在自然保护区边缘地带,一些村庄的农作物种植地也有大象经常光顾。

They generally like to live at places below 1,300 meters, with humid air, close to water, and forests with dense vegetation. Bamboo forests, monsoon rainforests and monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests with a wide variety of plants are most frequented. Elephants are also seen hovering around the plantation areas in some villages at the edge of the nature reserve.




自1958年起,中国政府在中国有亚洲象分布的地区,即云南省的西双版纳、临沧、普洱等地(州、市)范围内,先后建立了几个自然保护区,全面开展亚洲象野生种群及其栖息地的保护工作。Since 1958, the Chinese Government has established a number of nature reserves in the habitats of Asian elephants, such as Xishuangbanna, Lincang, Pu'er and other prefectures and cities, where the species is found. The protection of the wild population and habitats is carried out in all aspects.


▲受伤的小象得到西双版纳国家级自然保护区大象繁育中心工作人员的悉心照料。An injured baby elephant under the care of the staff of the Elephant Breeding Center in the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve.在热带丛林中,幼小和体弱的野象常常遭遇各种伤害。这种情况下,对受伤野象进行人工救助,给它们以特别的护理,让它们待身体恢复后再回归雨林,是保护亚洲象的重要手段之一。Rescuing Asian Elephants: In the tropical jungles, young and frail wild elephants often suffer injury. In this case, people seek to rescue injured wild elephants and give them special care, so that they can return to the rainforests after recovery. It is one of the important means of protection on Asian elephants. 同时,中国还建立了云南西双版纳亚洲象繁育、研究中心,积极开展中国野生亚洲象分布、种群数量、生存环境等的动态变化监测;开展亚洲象的行为学、生态学、生理学、遗传学等领域的研究,为中国野生亚洲象的保护管理提供科学依据。At the same time, China has also established the Asian elephant breeding and research center in Xishuangbanna, and actively carries out monitoring of the dynamic changes in wild Asian elephant distribution, population numbers and living environment. They have carried outstudies on the behavior, ecology, physiology and genetics of Asian elephants, which provide a scientific basis for the protection and management of the species.


▲保护区周边社区群众在翻阅亚洲象保护宣传挂图。Residents in surrounding areas of the nature reserve browse the publicity pictures on protection of Asian elephants.为加强对亚洲象的保护,减缓人象冲突,维护人民群众生命财产的安全,西双版纳国家级自然保护区管理局与国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)长期合作,在村寨、学校及景区积极推进亚洲象的保护意识宣传教育。Actively Promoting the Protection and Security of Asian Elephants: To strengthen the protection of Asian elephants, alleviate human-elephant conflicts, and safeguard human safety and property, the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Administration and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) have started long-term cooperation in the active promotion and education on protection of Asian elephants in villages, schools and scenic areas.


▲在西双版纳国家级自然保护区食物源基地里尽情采食的象群。A herd of elephants enjoy foraging in a food source base in the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve.2005年以来,西双版纳勐养子保护区相继在莲花塘、树林寨和关坪三地实施了面积为2平方千米的野生亚洲象食物源基地建设,在基地中种植竹类、野生芭蕉、棕榈等植物,并种植了甘蔗、粮食等农作物。每年7—9月农作物成熟时节,野象频繁光顾食物源基地,为周边村民抢收农作物创造了有利条件。Building Food Source Bases: Since 2005, the Xishuangbanna Mengyangzi Nature Reserve has started the construction of 2-square-km food source bases for wild Asian elephants in Lianhuatang, Shulinzhai and Guanping. Plants such as bamboo, wild bananas and palms are grown there, as well as sugar cane and other crops. Every year, from July to September, as the crops mature, wild elephants frequent the food source bases, which is beneficial for the surrounding villagers to harvest crops with interference.



- END -供稿、供图:中国画报出版社编辑:王琪

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