
SNN前行系列3:这个小伙不仅是ACT满分学霸 还是全美“拳霸” 已拿下斯坦福大学 目标是进Google 猜猜他的偶像是谁?

2017-06-08 SNN CAAOC一SNNnews
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SNN学生记者 Derek Peng 英文采访  Tom 中文翻译 报道  

Alex Lee,尔湾PA太平洋高中今年的一名12年级学生,在ACT考试中获得了满分的成绩。他还是太平洋高中ASB和PABL俱乐部的现任主席。在人们一直认为,他是一个学习又好,领导能力又好的人呢。他有能力领导大型学生俱乐部,并计划许多重要的活动。除了赢得奖学金和领导能力之外,Alex还被称为跆拳道专家。他已经练习跆拳道近13年了。2015年,他成为美国的全国冠军,去年他甚至夺走了跆拳道世界季军。现在,他即将从太平洋高中毕业,并前往美国最好的大学之一-斯坦福大学。

Alex Lee是美国出生的韩国人。许多人认为这就是为什么他的英语很好的原因。但实际上,他的第一语言并不是英文。“当我出生的时候,我第一个学的语言是韩文。我在大约4岁或5岁时开始学习英语,”他说。现在Alex不仅懂了他从小学习的两种语言,而且还理解了第三种语言,中文。自从高一以来,他一直在参加中文班,他几个星期前刚考完AP中文考试。“这考试很难,但是我觉得我考得还好,”Alex说。


Alex Lee总是被同学们认为是很棒的的学生。在学生心中,他是他们大伙的榜样。每当学生看到他时,他们都会想到斯坦福大学和他的ACT成绩。不过,Alex说他并不像人们想像的那样好。他承认他的记忆力不是很好。在测验之前,他通常只是做一个快速的回顾。“我可能是一个非常糟糕的学生。但我是一个非常好的考生,因为我知道如何做好考试。在正常生活中,我的记忆真的很糟糕。我总是记不住事情,但转向学习,我可以将事情记得很清楚。所以通常我不会花太多时间准备考试。我通常只是在即将考试前快速复习一下,但显然这不是一个很好的策略。这其实是个很不好的策略。“Alex说。


现在,Alex还在忙着学习,俱乐部,跆拳道训练等等。如果他可以有一个自由的日子去做任何他想做的事情,他的答案将会很简单。他说:“我可能会去Knott's Berry Farm,或者我可能会玩游戏。”在大学时,Alex计划加入很多的俱乐部和活动,并且做他喜欢的事情。“我想我会很忙,但我可以花时间去享受更多的东西。”在未来,Alex说他想成为Google的产品经理。”斯坦福大学的另一件好的事情就是,很多在那里工作的人,尤其是计算机科学专业,都能获得很好的工作。他在斯坦福大学有很多计算机科学的人,有趣的是他们不找工作,工作来找他们,”他说。“希望我可以成为这些人之一。那将会很棒的,因为我想在这样的技术领域工作。”

Alex说,他真正想成为的是一个不仅自己会成功,而且是一个能够真正影响整个世界、造福人类生活的人,像Elon Musk(SpaceX创始人,特斯拉汽车和PayPal联合创始人)。“我真正对他很有兴趣的是,他专注于的很多这些公司,真的可以真正影响到人们的生活。特斯拉是电动汽车公司,他想用电动汽车鼓励人们使用更多的电动汽车,并提供一个非常好的,人们不必使用汽油和石油的解决方案。他的另一家公司,SpaceX的目标是在宇宙中创造便宜的交通工具,并让人们到达火星。这就是他们的目标,简单而直接。我觉得这样的一个目标真的有潜力真正影响到人们的生活方式,甚至社会的方向,我想成为一个这样的人,”Alex说。


“继续尝试(Keep Trying)”,这是他想向高中的学生传达的最后一件事。

SNN "Go Ahead" series:


This year, one of the seniors in Pacific Academy, Alex Lee, has obtained a full score on the ACT test. He is the current president of the ASB and the PABL clubs. In people’s eyes, he is a person who can study very well and also has the ability to lead many big clubs and handle many big activities. Besides winning scholarship and leadership, Alex is also known as an expert in taekwondo. He has been playing taekwondo for almost 13 years. In 2015, he became the national champion in the US, and last year, he even took away the third place of the taekwondo world competition. Now, he is about to graduate from Pacific Academy and is going to one of the best University in the US, Stanford University.

Alex Lee is an American born Korean. People think that this is the reason why he can speak English very well. However, in fact, the first language he learned was not English. “When I was born, I first learned Korean. I started learning English around 4 or 5 years old,” he said. Now Alex understands not only two languages, but three. He has been taking the Chinese class since he was a freshman, and he just finished his AP Chinese test a few weeks ago. “It was hard, but I think I did okay,” Alex said.

Mr. Corpus, the principal of Pacific Academy, always tells his students to be engaged. In school, Alex is active in many big clubs such as ASB, PABL, NHS, and MUN. In ASB, he has been the president for two years since the end of his sophomore year. The reason he wanted to lead ASB was because he wanted to change the way it was and make it better. “When I first came to PA, I really enjoy the parties, but I felt like there’s a number of improvements thatI can make. I started attending the ASB meetings, but then I also felt likes I’ll run ASB meetings a little bit differently. As well I wanted to really change a few things for PA, so that’s why I became president,” he said. “One of my major goals was trying to really improve student's school life. Because before I felt like it was a little bit boring, and so I wanted to try to increase the number of activities, and try to get people more excited forthings. One example is the prom, that’s why we have the new dance this year” he added.

Alex Lee is always labeled as a great studier. In students’ mind, he is their role model. Whenever students see him, they think about Stanford University and his ACT score. However, Alex doesn’t think he is as good a studier as people think. He admitted that he always has a hard time to memorize things. Before the quizzes, he usually just does a quick review. “I am probably like a really bad studier. I am a very good test taker because I know how to take tests very well. In regular life, my memorization is really bad. I can’t remember things very well, but turn to studying, I can remember things really well. So usually I won’t study too much for the test. I usually just do a quick review before hand and I just go in. But obviously that is not the best strategy. That’s really bad,” Alex said.

Many students in PA are struggling with taking SAT and ACT. There are many strategies. For Alex, he had taken prep classes since his freshman year, and he has his own strategy to handle the test. “One thing that really worked out well for me was, I’ll take the test, and then I would review any kind of thing that I got wrong, and I’ll write down the list of the topics that I got wrong, and then I’ll go back and review those topics for like another two days, and then I’ll take the test again. At the end after you take like 10, 15 tests, then because you write down the list and study again those topics that you missed, then the number of topics that you missed slowly decreases. Your scores are basically guaranteed to improve,” he said.

Now, Alex is still busy on studying, clubs, taekwondo training, and others. If he could have one free day to do whatever he wants, his answer would be very simple. “I would probably go to Knott's Berry Farm, or I would probably play games,” he said. In college, Alex wants to join a lot of clubs and activities, and to do things that he enjoys. “I think I’ll be busy, but I’ll be able to spend time toward things that I enjoy more.” In the future, Alex said he wants to become a product manager at Google. “The other thing that is great about Stanford is that a lot of people that work there, especially computer science, get really great jobs. A lot of people who good at computer science in Stanford, the interesting thing is they don’t look for jobs, the companies come to them,” he said. “Hopefully I can get one of those offers. That will be great, since I want to work in that kind of field, the technology field.”

Alex said that he always wanted to become a person who is not only successful, but someone who is really able to influence the whole world, and how people live, like Elon Musk. “What I really felt like was interesting about him was that he focused on a lot of these companies that could really have an impact on how people live. So Tesla is an electric cars company, so he wants to try to encourage people to use more electric cars and provide a really great solution, so that people don’t have to use gasoline and oil. Also he has acompany, I think is called Solarcity. Or like, the objective of SpaceX (his other company) is to create cheap transportation into space, as well as getpeople onto Mars. That’s their goal. I feel like this kind of goal really haspotential to really impact how people live, in which direction the society isgoing in, I feel like I want to become someone who’s like that,” Alex said.

Alex has became popular in school probably since he became the president of ASB in 2015. Besides that, he also put a lot of effort on studying, or on his favorite thing, taekwondo. He thinks that having a goal is really important, but the most important thing is to be engaged, and to keep trying for something that you want. “You have to get more engaged, and don’t just stay home, and don’t do anything. Start finding other things that you really enjoy,” he said. In regards to studying or being successful, he always keeps trying. “I was actually really bad at taekwondo when I first started. I actually don’t have any natural talent in taekwondo at all, so I had to work really really hard to get to like, here,” Alex said. “I feel like because of my experience through that, I kind of learned that even you are untalented at something, if you really do work hard, then you will be able to it. You’re going to be able to get to where you want to be,” he added.

“Keep trying,” this was the last thing that he wants to convey to all the high school  students .


     本文记者:Derek.PengSNN学生记者团成员 - 哈囉 我是Derek 我來自台灣,剛來美國2年,就讀私立高中Pacific Academy。平常喜歡運動打網球,聽音樂,看電影,讀小說,看YouTube。將來想要靠自己環遊世界,或是與家人一起去旅行。我的email: derek.peng@pacificacademy.org

指导老师的话: 原则上只修改标题、导语和结构,词句等问题需要学生记者自己检查再检查 。本文学生记者Derek为台湾来美留学生,来美时间很短,全程英文采访ALex, 这个人物采访做得非常全面,把一个优秀毕业生的经验以及心得体会,甚至包括被采访者自己的一些劣势都可以访谈出来,采访非常成功,祝贺Derek。



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