
衡生活 成立啦!

衡生活 衡生活 2020-09-06


Why do we want to start this blog?


Sometimes interest is spurred by pure necessity. When several family members fell ill and modern medicine offers no viable solutions, I began my quest for a deeper understanding and alternative ways to help. Little did I know, as I was learning, and applying what I’ve learned, then seeing results in real life, the little spark of interest was turning into fiery flames of passion.  I started spending all my spare time devouring books, documentaries, interviews, research papers and articles.  A whole new world is opening up to me, a world I did not know existed. 


With the newly found knowledge came a rising sense of obligation to share. It almost feels morally unacceptable not to.


So much of what I’ve learned goes against the conventional wisdom and has greatly challenged my views of health and wellness in general.


Probably like most of you, my nutrition and health information used to come in pieces from occasional reading and advice from family and friends. I make reasonable effort to stay healthy. When something is not working right, I go to a doctor, waiting for the diagnosis and a pill, and hoping for the best. If I get better, I think the pill cured me. If nothing works, I rationalize it as bad luck.


What I did not realize then, but strongly believe in now is:


This is all so wrong. 


We have been so conditioned to give our power away, especially to doctors, we lost sight that real healing power lies within each and everyone of us, not outside us. We, not the doctors, certainly not the next new pill, hold the key to our truly lasting wellness and happiness.


As humans, we have made incredible strides in every direction. We can get to the other side of the world within hours; we have all the world’s information at our fingertips; we live in ways past kings have never dreamed of.




Are we healthier? Are we happier? 


If you have paid any attention, you know the answer: No.


Yes, acute infectious diseases, which were the greatest health risk in previous centuries, were greatly reduced. But in its place, chronic metabolic diseases have been rapidly becoming the top threats to human health. Almost all of us are suffering from it, or will.


According to a report made jointly by Lancet, WTO, Imperial College of London and Non Communicable Disease Alliance, NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases, another word for chronic disease), which include cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, endocrine, blood and immune disorders, etc, are responsible for more than 70% of deaths worldwide, and the number is growing. Some estimates show 1 in 3 adults worldwide suffer from multiple chronic conditions.  


What used to be considered “diseases of the affluence”, such as heart disease, diabetes, etc, now pose greater burdens to developing countries than developed countries.


I don’t need to look far to understand. My immediate family is a showcase of several of the modern illnesses: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, arthritis. We don’t have particularly bad dietary habits or lifestyle, and nobody is overweight.


When seeing an oncologist in a big Chinese hospital with a family member, I asked the question: “why did he get this type of cancer?” The doctor answered: “I don’t know why. Nobody knows why. What I know is the age at which people getting cancer is getting younger, and the number is exploding”. 

在美国,尽管有⼏百种保证让你减肥和赢得健康的饮⻝计划,尽管有⼀流的医疗设备和不断的医学突破,有将近72%的⼈超重,将近40%的⼈肥胖。 美国整个国家18%GDP⽤于医疗上。 这个数字在2000年是13.3%, 在1960年只有5%

In US, in spite of hundreds of diets that are supposed to help you lose weight and get healthy, in spite of first-class devices and constant medical achievements, close to 72% of adults are overweight, and close to 40% of adults are obese. Almost 18% of US’ GDP is spent on healthcare. In 2000, that number was 13.3%, and in 1960 it was 5%. 


Something is not working. Something is collectively wrong. Something about the way we live is killing us.


Fortunately, we are waking up.

⼀些曾经是传统医⽣的医学界顶尖⼈⼠开始提出⼀样的问题。他们开始将注意⼒从传统的疾病管理转移到疾病预防和健康管理 ⼀些新的医学领域和名称开始涌现:功能医学,综合医学,⾃然医学等。

Many brilliant minds in the medical world, a lot of whom used to be conventional doctors, started to ask the same questions. As a result, more and more health professionals have shifted their focus from “disease management” to “disease prevention and health care”. New medical fields and names have sprung up, including function medicine, integrative medicine, naturopathic medicine, etc.


Our understanding of nutrition, our genes and human bodies have progressed in leaps and bounds in the past few decades. We should no longer accept suboptimal health as bad luck, genetics, or even aging.


In fact, all of the chronic conditions mentioned above are completely preventable and even reversible. Your body is capable of healing from even the most dire health conditions. You can be disease free. You can have boundless energy all your life. You can have perfect mental clarity at 90. This actually the way it is supposed to be. This is the way nature has intended.


To do that, you need to have a strong belief in the healing power your body already possess, and the knowledge to give it the right support.


That is what we at Life In Balance plans to do. It is our mission to educate and empower. We will break down the latest research. We will pick the most brilliant brains. We will share with you approaches, tools and information to achieve truly long lasting health and wellness.


Wellness is not a destination, it is a journey. We are so excited to have you with us and look forward to hearing how your health and life will be transformed. 

