Bilingual Math:英汉双语数学.数列周测9
(南宁三中 许兴华数学)
Bilingual Math:英汉双语数学.数列周测9
Math Weekly Test of Grade One (9th)
(Produced by Xxhmath / checked by Steven) Jun 6th,2018
Note: A.P.(等差数列),G .P.(等比数列).
ONE. Multiple choice(6X10=60 points)
5.The sequence {2n+1} is arranged as the following:The first term is the first group,the 2th term and the 3th is the second group,……,i.e. :(3) ,(5,7) ,(9,11,13), (15,17,19,21), (23), (25,27), (29,31,33), (35,37,39,41),……,in this way ,then the sum of all numbers of the 60th blank is ( )
A.1112 B.1168 C.1176 D.1192
THERE. Answer the following questions detailedly : (20poins)