
人工智能可以帮我们找到下一个优良的新材料吗?| 复杂文摘翻译

复杂文摘翻译小组 集智俱乐部 2018-12-21


12.  人工智能可以帮我们找到下一个优良的新材料吗?

(Can artificial intelligence create the next wonder material?)

13.  从成功度中理清技能表现的影响

(Untangling performance from success)

14.  网络中社区数目的估算

(Estimating the number of communities in a network)

15.  合作还是不合作:为什么行为机制很重要 

(To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate: Why Behavioural Mechanisms Matter)

16.  开源数据揭示网络和街头抗议活动之间的关联

(Open source data reveals connection between online and on-street protest activity)


12.  人工智能可以帮我们找到下一个优良的新材料吗?

(Can artificial intelligence create the next wonder material?)

May 7, 4:14 PM From www.nature.com

by Nicola Nosengo

(Translated by - 彭程,edited by 傅渥成)

Instead of continuing to develop new materials the old-fashioned way — stumbling across them by luck, then painstakingly measuring their properties in the laboratory — Marzari and like-minded researchers are using computer modelling and machine-learning techniques to generate libraries of candidate materials by the tens of thousands. Even data from failed experiments can provide useful input1. Many of these candidates are completely hypothetical, but engineers are already beginning to shortlist those that are worth synthesizing and testing for specific applications by searching through their predicted properties — for example, how well they will work as a conductor or an insulator, whether they will act as a magnet, and how much heat and pressure they can withstand.


与传统的开发新材料方法不同,Marzari 和志同道合的研究者们不再凭借偶然发现新材料的运气在实验室精心测试材料性能,而是利用计算机建模和机器学习技术通过数以万计次的训练生成候选材料库 。即使来自失败实验的数据也能够提供有效的输入。虽然很多候选材料都是完全假设的,但是工程师们已经开始通过搜索那些预测出来的性能(例如材料作为导体或者绝缘体时的工作效果、能否作为磁体、以及耐高温或高压的性质等),将那些值得合成和测试的具有特定功能的材料列入候选名单。



13.  从成功度中理清技能表现的影响 

(Untangling performance from success)

May 8, 9:10 AM From epjdatascience.springeropen.com

by Burcu Yucesoy, Albert-László Barabási

(Translated by - jeffersonchou)

Fame, popularity and celebrity status, frequently used tokens of success, are often loosely related to, or even divorced from professional performance. This dichotomy is partly rooted in the difficulty to distinguish performance, an individual measure that captures the actions of a performer, from success, a collective measure that captures a community’s reactions to these actions. Yet, finding the relationship between the two measures is essential for all areas that aim to objectively reward excellence, from science to business. Here we quantify the relationship between performance and success by focusing on tennis, an individual sport where the two quantities can be independently measured. We show that a predictive model, relying only on a tennis player’s performance in tournaments, can accurately predict an athlete’s popularity, both during a player’s active years and after retirement. Hence the model establishes a direct link between performance and momentary popularity. The agreement between the performance-driven and observed popularity suggests that in most areas of human achievement exceptional visibility may be rooted in detectable performance measures.





14.  网络中社区数目的估算 

(Estimating the number of communities in a network)

May 11, 6:18 PM From arxiv.org

by M.E.J.Newman, Gesine Reinert

(Translated by - 张皓,edited by 傅渥成)

Community detection, the division of a network into dense subnetworks with only sparse connections between them, has been a topic of vigorous study in recent years. However, while there exist a range of powerful and flexible methods for dividing a network into a specified number of communities, it is an open question how to determine exactly how many communities one should use. Here we describe a mathematically principled approach for finding the number of communities in a network using a maximum-likelihood method. We demonstrate this approach on a range of real-world examples with known community structure, finding that it is able to determine the number of communities correctly in every case.





15.  合作还是不合作:为什么行为机制很重要

(To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate: Why Behavioural Mechanisms Matter)

May 12, 3:15 PM From journals.plos.org

by Arthur Bernard, Jean-Baptiste André, Nicolas Bredeche

(Translated by - boboyang,edited by 傅渥成)

Mutualistic behaviours wherein several individuals act together for a common benefit, such as a collective hunt, are often deemed of minor interest by theoreticians in evolutionary biology. These behaviours benefit all the individuals involved, and therefore, so the argument goes, their evolution is straightforward. However, mutualistic behaviours do pose a specific kind of evolutionary problem: they require the coordination of several partners. Indeed, a single individual expressing a preference for cooperation cannot benefit if others wish to remain solitary. Here we use simulations in evolutionary robotics to study the consequences of this problem. We show that it constitutes a far more serious obstacle for the evolution of cooperation than was previously thought on the basis of game theoretical analyses. We find that the transition from solitary to cooperative strategies is very unlikely, and we also observe that successful cooperation requires the evolution of a specific and rather complex behaviour, necessary for individuals to coordinate with each other. This reveals the critical role of the practical mechanics of behaviour in evolution.





16.  开源数据揭示网络和街头抗议活动之间的关联 

(Open source data reveals connection between online and on-street protest activity)

May 12, 6:56 PM From epjdatascience.springeropen.com

by Hong Qi, Pedro Manrique, Daniela Johnson, Elvira Restrepo and Neil F Johnson

(Translated by - F7,edited by 唐璐)

There is enormous interest in inferring features of human behavior in the real world from potential digital footprints created online - particularly at the collective level, where the sheer volume of online activity may indicate some changing mood within the population regarding a particular topic. Civil unrest is a prime example, involving the spontaneous appearance of large crowds of otherwise unrelated people on the street on a certain day. While indicators of brewing protests might be gleaned from individual online communications or account content (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) societal concerns regarding privacy can make such probing a politically delicate issue. Here we show that instead, a simple low-level indicator of civil unrest can be obtained from online data at the aggregate level through Google Trends or similar tools. Our study covers countries across Latin America during 2011-2014 in which diverse civil unrest events took place. In each case, we find that the combination of the volume and momentum of searches from Google Trends surrounding pairs of simple keywords, tailored for the specific cultural setting, provide good indicators of periods of civil unrest. This proof-of-concept study motivates the search for more geographically specific indicators based on geo-located searches at the urban level.


根据上网记录推断人类的行为特征——尤其是在群体层面上——引起了很多兴趣,在线活动的突然转向的规模可能表明群体对特定话题的情绪发生了变化。民众动乱就是一个典型的例子,大批互不相识的人同时聚集到街上。而抗议活动正在酝酿的苗头可以从个人在线聊天的内容或者账户内容(比如Twitter, Facebook)获取,不过对个人隐私的社会关切会让这种做法充满争议。在此,我们提出了一个替代办法,利用Google Trend或类似工具的总体在线数据就可以获得一个简单的民众骚乱的低层次预测指标。我们研究了拉美地区2011-2014年间发生了各种民众骚乱的地区。在每一个案例里,我们发现Google Trend上围绕几个简单关键词的搜索数量和趋势的组合,在排除特定的文化设定后,为民众骚乱的时期提供了很好的指标。这一实证结果启发我们基于搜索的城市级别地理位置寻找更具地理针对性的指标。











