整个主题展分为四个单元。第一单元:山水的流转——东方图式的记忆与重构;第二单元:现场即风景——来自实在的虚构;第三单元:观念与文献;第四单元:媒介性 ——材料与技术的探索。
Conception and Documentation
Documentation is not just a record, but also can be extrapolated into events and actions, depending on the conception of how it is approached and used. Documentary photography was originally a kind of practical photography. As evidence and visual archives, documentary photography itself is like a double-edged sword, a tool of authority yet a tool to resist it. In contemporary photography, artists have used documentation to transcend its own properties, to greatly exploit its potential power, and to construct a theatre of exchange-fiction with it in the exploration of the contemporary image.
王世华 苍鑫 高炀 左小祖咒 马忠仁 张洹 马六明 张彬彬 段英梅 朱冥
An Anonymous Mountain Increased One Meter
The collective works by artiest of Beijing East Village, 1995
Wang Shihua, Cang Xin, Gao Yang, Zuo xiao Zuzhou, Ma Zhongren, Zhang Huan, Ma Liuming, Zhang Binbin, Duan Yingmei, Zhu Ming
One early summer day in 1995, ten artists, Wang Shihua, Cang Xin, Gao Yang, Zuoxiao Zuzhou, Ma Zhongren, Zhang Huan, Ma Liuming, Zhang Binbin, Duan Yingmei and Zhu Ming, climbed an anonymous peak of Miaofeng Mountain in Beijing. They stood in a line and quickly took off their cloths in the thin mist. In the eyes of each other and the audience present, they were weighed in turn, which was in the charge of Kong Bu. Then they were reordered according their weight. With the heavier ones at the bottom and the lighter at the top, they piled up a small mountain with their naked bodies. At that moment, they are one with the Nature and each other.
Having the Heaven and Earth as eyewitness, the staff present measured the mountain, which was exactly one meter. Photographer Lv Nan faithfully documented the scene of this performance art. Thus, this anonymous mountain was increased one meter, and the famous work ‘An Anonymous Mountain Increased One Meter’ was born.
This work was the collectively created by the ten performance artists involved, and recorded by renowned photographer Lv Nan. The work was selected to be exhibited in the 48th La Biennale di Venezia and gained international fame immediately, becoming the classical work representing China’s performance art.
( The photo was provided by artist Ma Liuming. )
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Ma Liuming
Inside Out:New Chinese Art,旧金山现代美术馆(纽约亚洲协会+P.S.1),1998年;第48届威尼斯双年展,1999年;光州双年展,2000年;在纽约国际图片中心、芝加哥当代美术馆、西雅图美术馆、英国Victoria and Albert 美术馆巡展;在过去和未来之间:来自中国的新照片和录像;艺术史40x40:从40位艺术家看1978年以来的中国当代艺术,宝龙美术馆,上海,2018年;纽约古根海姆展世纪剧场1989年后的中国艺术,2017年;泰特美术馆的常设展等等。
Ma Liuming
1969 Born in Huangshi, Hubei Province, China
1993 Lives and works in Beijing, China
1981 Painting training with tutor Cai Erhe
1987-1991 Oil Painting Department, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
Inside Out: New Chinese Art, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York;
Aperto Over All, The 48th Biennale of Venice, Italy.
Man and Place, Kwangju Biennial 2000, Korea.
Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China, International Center of Photography, New York; Chicago David Alfred Smart Museum of Art; Seattle Art Museum; Victoria Albert Museum of London.
Camera / Action: Performance and Photography, Museum of Contemporary Photography,
Chicago, USA .
Collection Displays: Performance and Participant, Tate Museum, London.
Art and China after 1989:Theater of the World, Guggenheim Museum, New York.
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观看当代艺术中心(VIEW CONTEMPORARY ART CENTER,简称VCAC)成立于2014年,是一家成长于中国西部的当代艺术机构,立足“兰州国际影像双年展”,积极参与国际对话,坚持“寻求艺术灵光”,拓展艺术的可能空间,从摄影开始,致力于影像、架上、装置与数字等多媒介当代艺术的交流、收藏、展览与出版,发现和推广最具潜力与创造力的艺术家,开展艺术家驻地计划、青年艺术家支持计划与公共艺术项目。
Founded in 2014, View Contemporary Art Center (VCAC for short) is a contemporary art institution in Western China. It based on the "Lanzhou International Image Biennale". VCAC actively participates in international dialogue and insists on "seeking artistic inspiration" to expand the possible space of art. Starting from photography, VCAC is committed to the communication, collection, exhibition and publication of multi-media contemporary art such as video, easels, installations and digital art. It finds and promotes the most promising and creative artists, and carries out artist residency programs, young artist support programs and public art projects.