

编译/高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03














论文应在6000-9000words,并通过Scholar One系统,在2016年9月30号前提交。该专刊将于2018年出版。提交过程与写作指导详见:


特刊编辑: Dave Elder-Vass, 

《欧洲社会理论杂志》编辑: Gerard Delanty,



Call for papers: Moral Economies of the Digital

Special issue of the European Journal of Social Theory


Digital technologies haveopened up new opportunities for novel forms of economic practice and for theeconomic empowerment of individuals and communities. But what happens when theyencounter the mesh of pre-existing social, cultural, and economic relations? Weinvite papers that explore the moral economies underpinning the use of digitaltechnologies, and examine how they encourage or constrain the use oftechnologies to renegotiate existing power structures and economic practices.Papers may, for example, address one or more of the following issues:


– To what extent is thedigital economy dependent upon ethics, norms, and communicative interaction,and does this open up awareness of different approaches to the economy? 
– Can social theory help us to explain the development, operation andconsequences of the digital economy?

– Does the ‘new’ sharingeconomy offer a new type of moral economy and how does it impact existingcommunities?
– What processes and circumstances allow digital technologies to be incorporatedsuccessfully (or not) into the moral economies of subaltern communities?
– How do value propositions associated with the introduction of digitaltechnologies, such as disintermediation, or the death of distance, play out inpractice?

While empirically orientedpapers are welcome as well as more theoretical papers, empirical papers shouldemploy a theoretical framework, show how it contributes to the analysis of theempirical case(s), and consider the consequences of the analysis for theframework concerned.

Papers should be 6,000-9,000words in length, and should be submitted via Scholar One by 30 September 2016.The special issue is likely to be published early in 2018. For further detailsof the submission process and guidelines,




Editor of Special Issue: DaveElder-Vass, 

Editor of European Journal ofSocial Theory: Gerard Delanty,


                         (Soicological Theory理论大缸第18期)

