
什么是集体表象(collective representations)

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


集体表象:由某种集体性(collectivity)所详述的诸信念、诸信仰和诸价值,且无法化约到诸个人要素(individual constituents)。这些也是涂尔干探求社会联结(social solidarity)的资源。这个概念是发展了涂尔干的早期使用的概念,“集体意识”(collective conscience)。







涂尔干通过借助“汇聚”(coming together)或“动态密度”(dynamic density)的力量,来解释重大的诸价值转换(例如法国大革命中的启蒙价值的传播)。借此,宗教世界得到植根于集体生活,让凡俗这回事(the profane)留给个人。


某种频繁的集会产生了集体表象,随后将较高级的集体生活(collective life)蜕变保存为神圣的(sacred)、因而也是道德上的(morally强力的诸信念、诸信仰和诸价值。



collective representations The ideas, beliefs, and values elaborated by a collectivity andthat are not reducible to individual constituents. They are central to Émile *Durkheim’s search for the sources ofsocial solidarity. The concept develops Durkheim’s earlier notion of ‘ *collective conscience’. In The Elementary Forms of theReligious Life (1912), these representationsare seen as being created through the intense interaction of religious *rituals, and being richer thanindividual activities they come to be autonomous of the group from which theyemerged. Collective representations help to order and make sense of the world,but they also express, symbolize, and interpret social relationships.Collective representations inhibit and stimulate social action. Their force orauthority comes from their being within all of us and yet external to theindividual. Durkheim explained great value transformations (such as thepropagation of Enlightenment values in the French revolution) by reference tothe power of this ‘coming together’ (or *dynamicdensity), whereby the religious world is rooted in collective life, leavingthe profane to the individual. Assembly of an intense kind generates collectiverepresentations, which then survive the disintegration of this highercollective life as *sacred andtherefore morally coercive beliefs, values, and symbols.


原文摘自Scott,John ed., A dictionary of sociology, Fourth edition. Oxford, United Kingdom;New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press, 2014.




