

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02


按:我的观点是,除了死人要追(比如涂尔干韦伯),活人也要follow,要挑出两三代,从中再挑两三个人,就像买股票一样,follow, update,玩一样看自己会不会中彩,这个追的当世landmark成为今后的landmark。这样不仅自己的知识能跟得上,而且追死人的时候,更有意识地跟活人学术共同体(期刊不就是活人的吗?)对话。

我喜欢follow【其实也就看看新出哪些论文,关注哪些议题,sigh,没有读很多 】三代人中各挑出的一位是:

1. William H. Sewell Jr.[1940-, 1962B.A.],大致是下面说的“60一代”,不过他已经退休了,走在Abbott他们前面了。

2. John Levi Martin[1964-],也是芝大的,大致是下面的80一代吧(稍晚点)

3. Issac Ariail Reed[07年博士毕业的],下面提到,是00一代

Proposal to Edit Sociological Theory
Mustafa Emirbayer
Universityof Wisconsin-Madison





1. 他的经历和观察的学术世代的大咖和明日之星【608000一代】

2. 他和他的团队要关注的各派别当下理论【芝加哥范、布迪厄式、分析社会学……


Emirbayer说,在他读研究生的80年代,尽管如今所见的landmark在那时都迸出来了,suchas Giddens, Bourdieu, Foucault, Touraine, Habermas, and Goffman,但其实,做社会学理论,并没有什么好名声——这或者是帕森斯的遗产。(Yetsociological theory also had a bad name, in part because it was so widelyidentified with the Parsonian enterprise


他的老师甚至和他说,我不会浪费时间去搞理论的……“Idon’t waste my time theorizing,” I recall a senior professor in my departmentdeclaring. “I’m too busy doing research and finding out new stuff about thesocial world




The academic generationthat came of age during the 1960s and that is at the peak of the disciplinetoday—figures such as Wright, Joas,Alexander, Swidler, Camic, Abbott, Somers, Burawoy, Calhoun, McAdam, Zelizer,Fligstein, DiMaggio, and (Patricia Hill) Collins—has shown a greatenthusiasm for theorizing.



In my own intellectual generation,sociological theory has become a major part of the profiles of many of mycolleagues: Brubaker, Lamont, Steinmetz,Gorski, Adams, Martin, Wacquant, Wimmer, Smith, Lichterman, Bonilla-Silva.


itness the sheer theoretical vibrancy ofthe generation just now moving toward tenure or recentlytenured: Tavory, Reed, Benzecri, Khan,Decoteau, Desmond, Vaisey, and Lizardo, to name just a few.




——要超越一些老的划分:beyondthe old divisions between, say, quantitative and qualititive inquiry; or workthat primarily is disciplinary in focus and work that is more public-oriented;or research that is empirically rich and work whose hallmark is theoreticalsophistication.


I could respond at least as a partial insider to papersubmissions on ethnomethodology as well as on states and social revolutions; ontheoreticalcontributions from the fields of network studies; the sociology of emotions;organization analysis; cultural sociology; social psychology; racestudies; and democratic theory; and on specialists’ writings on the greatclassical and contemporary sociological theorists as well as on time honoredproblems such as how to theorize social action; how to conceptualize therelation between social structure and culture; how to think about theconnection between dispositions and cognition; and how toapproach problems of causality and interpretation in the philosophy of thesocial sciences.


sociological theory as a field that doesnot limit itself to the conventional topics (e.g.,study of canonic authors) but rather is, or ought to be, vitally involved inthe most cutting-edgelines of thinking and research in the discipline. I would try to haverepresentation on the board of areas such as historical and cultural analysis;Chicago-style as well as Bourdieuian ethnography; pragmatism-inspiredresearch; and mechanisms-based, analytic sociology.


