

C.E.S. Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02

摘自:Clemens, Elisabeth S. 2006. “Sociology as a Historical Science.”[社会 学作为历史科学The American Sociologist 37 (2): 30–40. doi:10.1007/s12108-006-1003-y.

Articles Related to History in the American Journal of Sociology (1895-1996)


Criteria: Title mentionsspecific time span, historical event, or "history" or related term


Volume 1 (1895-96)

1.George Fellows, "The Relation of Anthropology to the Study of History"

2. George McDermott, "A Note on the Term 'Social Evolution'"

3. Albion W. Small, "Static and Dynamic Sociology"


Volume 11 (1905-06)

4. Charles Ellwood, "A Psychological Theory of Revolutions"

5. Paul S. Reinsch, "The Negro Race and European Civilizations"

6. Thorstein Veblen, "The Place of Science in Modern Civilization"

7. James E. Boyle, "American Drift toward Educational Unity"


Volume 21 (1915-16)

8. Victor Yarros, "Human Progress: The Idea and theReality"

9. Edward C. Hayes, "The Evolution of Religion"

10. Maurice Parmelee, "The Rise of ModernHumanitarianism"

11. Abbott Payson Usher, "The Generalizations of EconomicHistory"

12. The entire sixth issue was devoted to Albion W. Small,"Fifty Years of Sociology in the United States"


Volume 31 (1925-26)

13.  L.L. Bernard,"Scientific Method and Social Progress"

14. Alexander Goldenweiser, "Diffusionism and the AmericanSchool of Historical Ethnography"

15. J.O. Hertzler, "'The Sociological Uses of History"

16. James Westfall Thompson, "The Early History of theSaxons as a Field for the Study of German Social Origins"


Volume 41 (1935-36)

17. Paul H. Landis, "Social Change and Social Interaction asFactors in Culture Change"

18. Walter O. Cralle, "Social Change and Isolation in the Ozark Mountain Region of Missouri"

19. Victor Yarros, '" "Philosophical Anarchism: Its Rise, Decline, and Eclipse"

20. Bernard Karpinos, "The Length of Time Required for theStabilization of a Population"

21. Jesse Frederick Steiner, "The Development and PresentStatus of Sociology in Japanese Universities"


Volume 51 (1945--46)

22. Morris Edward Opler, "Themes as Dynamic Forces inCulture"

23. Hildegard Binder Johnson, "Intermarriage Between GermanPioneers and Other Nationalities in Minnesota in 1860 and 1870"

24. Reinhard Bendix, "Max Weber's Interpretation of Conductand History"

25. Fritz Wittels, "Economic and PsychologicalHistoriography"


Volume 61 (1955-56)

26.  Rosalie Wax, "The Vikings and the Rise ofCapitalism"

 27. Harold W. Pfautz, "The Sociology of Secularization:Religious Groups"

28. Joseph Gusfield, "Social Structure and Moral Reform:A Study of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union"

29. Fred Davis, "Definitions of Time and Recovery inParalytic Polio Convalescence"


Volume 71 (1965-66)

30. Donald S. Bradley and Mayer N. Zald, "From CommercialElite to Political Administrator: The Recruitment of the Mayors of Chicago."

31. Robert T. Anderson, "From Mafia to Cosa Nostra"

32. Herman Israel, "Some Influence of Hebraic Culture onModern Social Organization"

33. Maurice Zeitlin, "Political Generations in the Cuban Working Class"

34. D, Weintraub and E Bernstein, "Social Structure andModernization: A Comparative Study of Two Villages"


Volume 81 (1975-76)

 35. Barbara Laslett, "Household Structure on an AmericanFrontier: Los Angeles, California, in 1850"

36.  James A. Davis, "Communism, Conformity, Cohorts, and Categories: American Tolerance in 1954 and 1972-73"

37. Edna Bonacich, "Abolition, the Extension of Slavery,and the Position of Free Blacks: A Study of Split Labor Markets in the United States, 1830-1863"

38. Anthony Giddens, "Classical Social Theory and the Origins of Modern Sociology"

39. Donald N. Levine, Ellwood B. Carter, and Eleanor Miller Gorman, "Simmel's Influence on American Sociology," Parts I and II

40. Dwight E. Robinson, "Fashions in Shaving andTrimming of the Beard: The Men of the Illustrated London News, 1842-1972"

41. Carmi Schooler, "Serfdom's Legacy: An EthnicContinuum"

42. Robert G. Perrin, "Herbert Spencer's Four Theoriesof Social Evolution"


Volume 91 (1985-86)

43. John Markoff and Gilbert Shapiro, ~Consensus and Conflictat the Onset of Revolution: A Quantitative Study of France in 1789"

44. Daniel B. Cornfield, "Declining Union Membership inthe Post-World War 11 Era: The United Furniture Workers of America, 19391982"


Volume 101 (1995-96)

45. Stephen Ellingson, "Understanding the Dialectic of Discourse and Collective Action: Public Debate and Rioting in AntebellumCincinnati"

      46.Carol Conell and Samuel Cohn, "Learning from Other People's    Actions: Environmental Variation and Diffusion in French Coal Mining Strikes, 1890 1935"

47. Theodore P. Gerber and Michael Hout, "EducationalStratification in Russia During the Soviet Period" plus an entiresymposium on market transitions

48. Gary Alan Fine, "Reputational Entrepreneurs and theMemory of Incompetence: Melting Supporters~ Partisan Warriors, and Images of President Harding"

49.  A.R. Gillis, "So Long as the Both Shall Live:Marital Dissolution and the Decline of Domestic Homicide in France,1852-1909"

50. David Zaret, "Petitions and the 'Invention' of Public Opinion in the English Revolution"

51. Bruce G. Carruthers and Sarah Babb, ~'The Color of Moneyand the Nature of Value: Greenbacks and Gold in Postbellum America"

52. Kelly Moore, "Organizing Integrity: American Scienceand the Creation of Public Interest Organizations, 1955-1975"

53. Belinda Robnett, ~'African American Women in the CivilRights Movement, 1954-1965: Gender, Leadership, and Micromobilization"

54.  Deanna L. Pagini and S. PhilipMorgan, "'Racial Differences in Marriage and Childbearing: Oral HistoryEvidence from the South in the Early Twentieth Century"



第59期 社会科学历史学会主席演讲集(1978-2016)

第58期 Kathleen Thelen and James Mahoney:比较—历史分析的获奖书单(2000-2014)


