

张振安 临时仲裁



2019222日,在Buda Pipe Rehab Eng Co Limited v CPC Construction Hong Kong Limited [2019] HKCFI 503一案中(判决原文,请见:“阅读原文”,当事人根据《仲裁条例》附表261)(b)条,请求法院准予其就法律问题而针对仲裁裁决提出上诉,香港高等法院作出认定:附表2并不适用于相关合同,且其针对的仲裁裁决并不不是“明显地错误的”(obviously wrong),故裁定不予其上诉许可(“Against such a background, I cannot find the decision on quantum to be “obviously wrong.”“BP’s application by the Originating Summons is dismissed.”)。




香港其士集团旗下的公司Lam Woo & Co Ltd (以下简称“LW”)和CPCConstruction Hong Kong Limited(以下简称“CPC”)欲参与香港政府水务署(WaterServices Department of the Government,以下简称“水务署”)公开招标的一项东九龙水管翻修工程,其中LW持有招标承投政府水利工程的资格证书。香港管道公司Buda Pipe Rehab Eng Co Limited(以下简称“BP”)与CPC签订投标前协议(Pre-Bid Agreement),由LW参与投标,中标后由CPCBP共同完成工程,后LW成功中标。


2009923日,水务署与LW正式签订主合同(Main Contract),由LW完成工程;同日,CPCBP签订转包合同(Sub-Contract),由此将工程分包给BP在转包合同履行期间,CPCBP发生争议,以工程进度缓慢并存在其他违规行为,CPC201115日终止转包合同








根据《仲裁条例》第100条规定,附表2 所有条文适用于在本条例生效后的6 年期间内的任何时间订立,并规定该协议所指的仲裁为本地仲裁(“Under section 100 of the Ordinance, the Schedule applies to an arbitration agreement entered into at anytime within a period of 6 years after the commencement of the Ordinance on 1 June 2011, which provides that arbitration under the agreement is a domestic arbitration.”)。


在本案中,BPCPC在转包合同第23.1条约定有仲裁条款,但仅适用于根据第341章(in accordance with Cap 341)所产生的争议。对于供选用的条文在某些情况下自动适用的附表2而言,《仲裁条例》第100明确要求相关协议所指的仲裁为本地仲裁。但第341章既适用本地仲裁也适用国际仲裁,故法院认为,在没有明确约定争议由本地仲裁解决的情况下,本案转包合同中的仲裁条款并不属于《仲裁条例》第100条适用范围,故附表2也不适用(“Cap 341 permitted domestic as well as international arbitration. Without expressly providing for resolution of disputes by domestic arbitration, clause 23.1 of the BP Contract relied upon by BP does not fall within the ambit of section 100 (b) of the Ordinance, for the Schedule to apply.”)。


虽然BP进一步主张水务署与LW签订的主合同中仲裁条款明确约定了本地仲裁,而主合同是作为转包合同条款和条件的一部分被提及和并入的。根据《仲裁条例》1011)(b)条规定,根据第100 条自动适用的供选用的条文当作适用于香港建造,如根据该建造合约而进行的建造工程的全部或任何部分(有关的工程),根据另一建造合约(转包合同)分判予任何人(“(b) the whole or any part of the construction operations to be carried out under the construction contract (‘relevant operation’) is subcontracted to another person under another construction contract (‘subcontract’).”)。本案中,有关的工程已由CPC转包至BP,而转包合同载有仲裁协议,因此附表2的条文适用于BP协议(“On this view, since the Main Contract between WSD and LW contains an arbitration agreement which provides for domestic arbitration, and the Works have been subcontracted down the line to BP by CPC, and since the BP Contract contains an arbitration agreement, the provisions in the Schedule apply to the BP Contract.”)。


对此,法院却认为,BP的上述主张将使《仲裁协议》第1013)条变得不必要。《仲裁条例》第101条应当作为一个整体来解读。第1013)条规定了附表2适用于根据第1011)条订立转包合同的情况,即在有关业务根据“进一步的转包合同”分包给另一方这种情况下,附表2同样适用于进一步的转包合同(“However, such a construction will render section 101 (3) of the Ordinance defunct as being unnecessary. Section 101 must be read as a whole. Section 101 (3) provides for the situation where the Schedule applies to a subcontract under section 101(1), and the relevant operation is further subcontracted to another party under a “further subcontract”, in which situation section 101 (3) states that the provisions in the Schedule will likewise apply to the further subcontract.”)。


而本案的特殊之处在于,转包合同与主合同的当事方均不相同,CPCLW之间是否存在书面协议问题还有待认定,其中根据证人证言证明二者之间存在口头协议(verbally agreed),但法院却认为该口头协议既未约定也未提及仲裁协议(“The terms of the verbal agreement do not provide for and made no reference to arbitration of disputes.”)。


故法院认定上述口头协议并不属于第1011)(c)条规定的情形,故附表2不适用该口头协议;因为附表2不适用于该口头协议,继而可以推出附表2并不适用于BPCPC之间的转包合同(“On my finding, the CPC Contract does not fall within section 101 (1) (c) of the Ordinance, for the Schedule to apply to the CPC Contract. Since the Schedule does not apply to the CPC Contract, the Schedule cannot apply to the BP Contract between CPC and BP by operation of section 101 (3).”)。







c基于裁决中对事实的裁断——(i)仲裁庭对该问题的决定,是明显地错误的;或(ii)该问题有广泛的重要性,而仲裁庭的决定最起码令人有重大疑问(“6. (4) Leave to appeal is to be granted only if the Courtis satisfied— (a) that the decision of the question will substantially affect the rights of one or more of the parties; (b) that the question is one which the arbitral tribunal was asked to decide; and (c) that, on the basis of the findings of fact in the award— (i) the decision of the arbitral tribunal on the question is obviously wrong; or (ii) the question is one of general importance and the decision of the arbitral tribunal is at least open to serious doubt.”)


本案关于是否准予就法律问题而针对仲裁裁决提出上诉的问题上,第(a)、(b)项条件条件已满足,故本案的关键在于,仲裁庭对该问题的决定,是否是“明显地错误的”(“In this case, whilst I can accept that the decision of a question of law in this case will substantially affect the rights of one or more of the parties, in view of the substantial amount of the Award, no argument has ever been raised to persuade me that the question of law to be decided on the facts of this case is one of general importance. The “obviously wrong” test must be applicable.”)。


法院认定,根据仲裁员作出的事实调查结果,难以从其作出的裁决看出其对有关确认、弃权以及禁反言的问题在法律适用上决定“明显地错误”(“In any event, on the findings of fact made by the arbitrator, it cannot be readily seen from the Award that his determination on the questions of law relating to affirmation, waiver or estoppel are “obviously wrong”.”)。故本案当事人所针对的仲裁裁决并不是“明显地错误的”(“Against such a background, I cannot find the decision on quantum to be ‘obviously wrong’.”)。










