
CAR-T进展:诺华CTL019 Juliet临床试验结果首次公布

2017-06-11 基因治疗领域


It’s been a big week for CAR-T: Novartis, Juno, Kite, Bluebird Bio and Nanjing Legend Biotech all posted positive data for the cutting-edge experimental cancer class at ASCO, and now Novartis has revealed the long-awaited interim Juliet data for its CAR-T candidate at a Swiss conference.

这周关于CAR-T的新闻此起彼伏:诺华,Juno,凯特,Bluebird Bio和南京传奇生物都在ASCO年会上展示了它们各自在研尖端抗癌药物的正面资料。7日,在瑞士的一场学术会议上,诺华公布了其CAR-T在研药物令人期待已久的Juliet临床试验中期数据。

The FDA ‘breakthrough’ tagged Juliet data, which many have been waiting for to see how well it could stack up against rival Kite Pharma, was assessing CTL019 (a.k.a tisagenlecleucel) in 51 relapsing/refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (r/r DLBCL) patients who had already received a series of treatments.

这个获得FDA“突破性疗法”认定的Juliet临床试验,在51名已接受过一系列治疗的复发难治性弥漫性大B 细胞淋巴瘤(r/r DLBCL)患者中,评定CTL019(a.k.a tisagenlecleucel)的效果。很多人都在等待这个试验结果,看看是否能与凯特制药的在研药物一较高下。

Revealed for the first time Wednesday, Novartis said the single-arm, open-label pivotal phase 2 trial hit its primary endpoint, showing a 3-month overall response rate (ORR) of 45% (23 of the 51 patients evaluated), with 37% achieving a complete response (CR) and 8% achieving a partial response (PR), respectively. In all, 141 patients were enrolled, but only 51 were evaluated.


The Swiss Big Pharma said that CR also “remained stable” from 3 months through data cut-off among the patient group. And among the 51 patients with 3 months or more of follow-up or earlier discontinuation, best ORR was 59% (p<0.0001), with 43% achieving CR and 16% achieving PR.


Secondary endpoints from the study include overall survival, duration of response and progression-free survival, although Novartis tells me these are not yet mature enough to assess.


The new data are set to be presented at the International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma (ICML) meeting in Lugano, Switzerland.


This is broadly comparable to Kite Pharma’s data, which tested its rival CAR-T axicabtagene ciloleucel (a.k.a. KTE-C19) in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Cohort 1 of the Zuma-1 phase 2 trial, posted last September, saw 51 patients with chemorefractory DLBCL being treated with therapy.

目前,诺华的CAR-T临床试验数据和凯特制药治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤在研药KTE-C19(axicabtagene ciloleucel)的数据相比,整体上旗鼓相当。凯特去年9月公布了Zuma-1临床2期试验中的Cohort 1数据,51名耐药性DLBCL患者接受了该药物治疗。

At 3 months, data showed an ORR of 39% and a CR of 33%. In Februrary this year it also published longer data, in 77 DLBCL patients, that at 6 months showed a 36% ORR and 31% CR. Novartis said it would not be comparing the two, but said it was pleased with its own data.


DLBCL is the most common form of lymphoma and accounts for about 30% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma cases. Around 10 to 15% of DLBCL patients fail to respond to initial therapy or relapse within 3 months of treatment, with an additional 20% to 25% relapse after initial response to therapy.


Novartis also said in terms of safety that 57% of all treated patients (85 in total) experienced any grade cytokine release syndrome (CRS), a known complication of CAR-T therapy, and 26% experienced grade 3/4 CRS.


There were however no deaths coming out of the trial from CRS or cerebral edema, and no incidents of cerebral edema were reported in the study. This is an important point, given that 5 patients died in a Juno trial of its then-leading CAR-T med JCAR015 from cerebral edema. There were 3 deaths, but the Big Pharma said these were from “disease progression within 30 days of infusion.”


Novartis adds that 13% of patients had grade 3/4 neurologic adverse events, but said these “were managed with supportive care.”


“The overall response rate seen in this early analysis is impressive for these heavily pretreated patients with relapsed/refractory DLBCL, who have limited treatment options,” said Juliet lead investigator, Stephen Schuster, M.D., Professor of hematology/oncology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center.

“对于已经经过彻底治疗、当下治疗手段非常有限的复发/难治性弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的治疗,从这个临床试验数据初步分析得到的总缓解率令人印象深刻”,Juliet临床试验的首席科学家、宾夕法尼亚大学医学院和宾夕法尼亚大学Abramson癌症中心血液学/肿瘤学教授,Stephen Schuster博士说道,

“The goal for these patients is achieving durable response. The most promising aspect of these data is that, at the time of this interim analysis, all patients with complete response at three months have remained in complete response.”


On the safety side for Kite, from its non-Hodgkin lymphoma trial data from February, the most common grade 3 or higher adverse events included anemia (43%) and neutropenia (39%).


The grade 3 or higher CRS was 13% and neurologic events 28%, but it initially said it had no cases of cerebral edema. There were 3 deaths not due to disease progression in the study, with Kite saying 2 events, one hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and one cardiac arrest in the setting of CRS, “were deemed related to axicabtagene ciloleucel”. The third case, a pulmonary embolism, was deemed unrelated.

3级或以上细胞因子释放综合症(CRS)占13%,神经系统副作用占28%,起初凯特表示没有脑水肿的病例。试验中,有3起非疾病进展导致的死亡,凯特表示,1人死于嗜血细胞性淋巴组织细胞增多症;另1人有CRS,死于心搏停止。这两起都“认为与CAR-T药物,axicabtagene ciloleucel有关”。第三人死于肺栓塞与CAR-T药物无关。

But in May, the biotech revealed that a month before there had in fact been the death of a patient from cerebral edema in the non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma test. At the time, the company told FierceBiotech: “This was a singular event and as you know, Grade 5 events [i.e., deaths] are not unexpected in studies involving patients who are suffering from rapidly progressing cancer that is refractory to treatments. The Safety Expansion Cohort was initiated after the close of the registrational trial.”


Novartis, which has developed its med with Penn University and has U.K. biotech Oxford BioMedica manufacturing the lentiviral vector expressing CTL019, said the full rundown of the Juliet will be posted later this year, with it being used as the basis for its submissions to the FDA and the EMA.


In May, Kite was given an FDA priority review for its med in aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, with a PDUFA date of November 29, based on its Zuma-1 phase 2 data.


Novartis will clearly be behind Kite in that indication, but looks on course to be the first to gain a CAR-T approval, as it also said this week that there will be an AdComm with the FDA on 12 July for CTL019 and its proposed indication for the treatment of r/r pediatric and young adult patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (a smaller patient population than r/r DLBCL). Should things go well, this indication could get approval by September.

在这个适应症上,诺华将明显迟于凯特制药。但放眼在争夺成为第一个获批CAR-T药物的路上,诺华本周透露,7月12日FDA咨询委员会(AdComm)将与FDA决定CTL019治疗幼儿和青年患者复发难治性急性B细胞淋巴细胞白血病(病人基数少于复发难治性弥漫性大B 细胞淋巴瘤,r/r DLBCL)的申请。如果一切顺利,该适应症最早会在9月通过评审。





