

吴炜春 建纬律师


吴炜春   毕业于上海大学知识产权学院,现为上海市建纬律师事务所不动产金融部成员、建纬“一带一路”法律服务中心组员。曾先后在西班牙通力律师事务所、华为西班牙代表处、上海西班牙投资置业顾问集团工作,熟悉并擅长国际贸易、跨境知识产权以及私募基金的诉讼和非诉讼法律事务服务。


七. 保函条款审核要点分析

1. 保函生效日



This Guarantee and the Guarantor’s obligations hereunder shall be valid from the date and, shall continue to be so valid with respect to any demand of CONTRACTOR received by the Guarantor not later than the earlier of the following dates: ...




This Guarantee and the Guarantor’s obligations hereunder shall be valid from the date when the advance payment has been fully paid by CONTRACTOR to SUBCONTRACTOR in accordance with the Contract and shall continue to be so valid with respect to any demand of CONTRACTOR received by the Guarantor not later than the earlier of the following dates: ...

(2) 履约保函的生效日


NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal (CONTRACTOR) shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms and conditions of the said Documents during the original terms of the said Documents and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the EMPLOYER...





This Guarantee shall be effective from the commencement date fixed by the EMPLOYER’s order of project commencement and confirmed by the CONTRACTOR in writing, and shall expire on the earlier of ("Expiry Date"):

a) 24 months after the aforsaid commencement date; or  

b) the date of early termination of the Contract.

2. 保函延展期

(1) 投标保函的展期


if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty days after the expiration of the validity of the Bidder’s Bid, including extension if any.




if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty days after the expiration of the original validity of the Bidder’s Bid; or (iii) Dec 20, 2018.

(2) 履约保函的展期


If the amount of the advance payment has not been fully deducted from sums due to SUBCONTRACTOR on account of the advance payment in accordance with the Contract or otherwise fully repaid by the date twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to the Expiry Date, this Guarantee shall be extended automatically and shall remain valid for successive periods of three (3) months each after (and the Expiry Date postponed accordingly) until the earlier of the date upon which: ...




If the amount of the advance payment has not been fully deducted from sums due to SUBCONTRACTOR on account of the advance payment in accordance with the Contract or otherwise fully repaid by the date twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to the Expiry Date, after obtaining the written consent of Guarantor, this Guarantee shall be extended automatically and shall remain valid for successive periods of three (3) months each after (and the Expiry Date postponed accordingly) until the earlier of the date upon which: ...”

3. 保函索赔条件

(1) 明确保函索赔的授权签字人




Any demand for payment including its accompanied documents must be signed by the EMPLOYER’s authorized officer(s)/ representative(s) as indicated under the Documents.

(2) 统一并限制索赔递送和签收方式 


对于直开保函,为增强担保银行在处理保函索赔过程中的可操作性和简便性,建议在保函中尽量约定固定的索赔递送方式,例如仅限于专人递送至银行地址,且经银行书面签收(be left at the address of the addressee with written acknowledgement of receipt by the addressee),或者转开保函通过承包商的代理银行,以SWIFT代码方式递送(delivery by SWIFT code through the Correspondent Bank of the Contractor)。

为了减少担保银行在处理保函索赔过程中主观判断等不可控制因素带来的风险,避免例如“视为签收(deemed receipt)”等主观性判断的约定。

4. 保函转让的约定



Unless with our prior written consent, any rights, benefits and/or interest under this Demand Guarantee shall NOT be assigned or transferred.

5. 保函减额条款的约定




The Beneficiary is entitled to make only one claim under this Performance Guarantee. All payments by the Applicant to the Beneficiary shall be remitted through the Issuer. The Guaranteed Amount shall be reduced by any amount of the Termination Fee paid directly by the Applicant to the Beneficiary pursuant to Section [*] of the Contract, which shall be evidenced by the wire transfer confirmation slip issued by the Issuer. The Applicant shall notify the Issuer of any such reduction to the Guaranteed Amount in a timely manner thereafter.

6. 保函的适用法律和争议解决条款

(1) 根据工程所在地正确选择适用的法律


This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of Abu Dhabi and the U.A.E.


该保函约定适用阿布扎比法律,但是阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE,阿联酋)包括7个酋长国,阿布扎比只是其中之一的酋长国,根据阿联酋的宪法,尽管各酋长国均拥有广泛的立法权,阿联酋的联邦法律(Federal laws)同样适用于全部阿联酋内部的酋长国。因此,建议增加联邦法律作为适用法律。


This Performance Bank Guarantee shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of Abu Dhabi and the Federal laws of the U.A.E. as applicable in Abu Dhabi.

(2) 选择适当的争议解决方式


We hereby irrevocably agree to submit any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Demand Guarantee for arbitration by Shanghai International Arbitration Center in Shanghai in accordance with its then effective arbitration rules.





We hereby irrevocably agree to submit any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Demand Guarantee to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court where the Guarantor is located.

















