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关键词:2021暑期在线课程 香港大学


2021年暑假,香港大学工程学院Dr H.Y.K. Lau和Dr Kal.Ka.Lung Ng教授在港大开设的核心课程“Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies”(英文授课)面向北京大学学生开放!

本次暑期课程全程线上授课。选修“Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies”的同学将使用Zoom 和Mixer参与课堂与讨论,同时使用在线自学平台Moodle和智慧树。







学分认可:“Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies”成绩单由香港大学出具,成绩可以通过转学分的方式认定为2学分的公共选修课学分,成绩不计入GPA。



Dr H.Y.K. Lau

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Email: hyklau@hku.hk

(Teaching Load: 50%)

Dr Kal.Ka.Lung Ng

Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering

Email: kalng@hku.hk, ngkalung@gmail.com

(Teaching Load: 50%)


1. 从多个角度反思和评估计算机和数字技术如何“居住在”我们的身体和世界上。

2. 回答技术在创造新的人类生活体验中能够做什么、不能做什么,应该做什么、不应该做什么的哲学和伦理问题。

3. 强调理论和实践并重,将3D模型制作项目与游戏引擎交互设计相结合。




Course Content and Topics

July 19

Lecture 1: The Virtual World and Body of Experience

[1hour lecture, 0.5hour online discussion]

Tutorial and Workshop: Tools of making virtual experience: 3D software

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructors

July 20

Lecture 2: The Virtual Experience as Meaning: Virtual visit of Cultural Sites in Hong Kong and Beijing.

Tutorial and Workshop: Tools of making virtual experience: Game Engine

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TA and Instructors

July 21

Lecture 3: Think a  little and Make something: Ideas and Implementation

Tutorial and Workshop: Roles of Thinker and Tinker, Architects and Engineers

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructors

July 22

Lecture 4: Demonstration of VR Showcases

Tutorial and Workshop: Presenting you big Ideas

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TA and Instructor

July 23

Lecture 5: Virtual Site and Lab visit: Tung Huang Caves

Tutorial and Workshop: Prototyping a Concept

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructor

 July 26

-July 30

Lecture 6 - 10: Case Studies from Industries and Disciplines

Tutorial and Workshop: Making and Questioning

[2.5 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructor

Aug 2-5

Present for Crits: Online Crits and Discussion of Work in Progress

Tutorial and Workshop: Group Project work in progress

[3 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructor

Aug 6

Final Presentation Online

[3 hours online tutorial session and workshop] Host by TAs and Instructor

Day of Teaching: 10:00 am – 11:00 am, Mon to Fri during July 19 to August 6, 2021 (+ daily tutorials and workshops)


Course Description:

[The summer offering of this Common Core course is in collaboration with Summer Institute  during July 19 and August 6, 2021, and is 100% online.]


How have modern virtual reality technologies (VR) shaped and influenced the way we perceive reality, communicate and interact with each other, and with the world? In what ways do these cyber machines play a part in diminishing the physical barrier between the human body and the external world, and extending our living experiences across space and time, thereby transcending geographical, cultural and knowledge boundaries? And how do these experiences differ from the traditional communication mediums? By engaging students on an explorative journey of the emergence and development of VR in our modern societies, and giving them hands-on practice in creating their own virtual worlds, this course encourages students to reflect, evaluate and contemplate from multiple perspectives on how modern computer and digital technologies “inhabit” our bodies, and the world. Through realising how our physical bodies have come to embody such technologies and making them an inseparable part of our everyday realities, we thereby expand the horizon of human experiences and meaning making.  And ultimately, through grasping the notion of techno-embodiment, students are expected to raise and attempt to answer the philosophical and ethical questions of what technologies can and cannot do, and should and should not do in creating new human living experiences. From thinking through the concepts of 'the virtual' to making immersive worlds for virtual reality, Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies tackles the concepts behind the technology and the long lasting human quest to realise the realms of imagination and innovation. The course emphasis theories and practice as equal measure, incorporating group project on 3D model making to game engine interaction design, to understand and engage the phenomenon that is virtual reality, projecting and anticipating a future that will be benefited and shocked by the paradigm.


As this course is completely ONLINE for the summer period of 2021. Student must be aware that home computer/laptop is adequate to accomplish the project and assignments required. Laptop must be able to use and install unity3d, SketchUp pro, twinmotion. PC or Mac both ok, but for TwinMotion it is better with MacBook Pro than Air. If they have gaming PC should be fine, for PC better to be at least core i7 with 16G ram and graphic at least 1600M. In general the thin laptop for general document purpose will not be sufficient.


The following software are used in the course and it is suggested that student test the capabilities of their equipments before signing up:


SketchUp Web version or Pro [Trial] Version (https://www.sketchup.com/)

Unity Hub with Unity Game Engine version 2018.4.6 (https://unity.cn/)

TwinMotion under the Epic Game Launcher Version 2020.2

Unreal Engine version 4.25 [Optional] (https://www.unrealengine.com/)


Using Zoom and Mixer, HKU and PKU students will attend online lectures, join online tutorials to discuss ideas and share concepts with one another virtually. Online self-learning platforms (Moodle and Zhihuishu) will be used.







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编辑 | 孙楚晋

