
#Roar2018 | 哥大校长李·布林格雨中致辞第264届毕业典礼,重申哥大核心课程价值

哥大全球中心 哥大全球中心 2021-12-23

2017-2018学年是哥伦比亚大学里程碑式的一年。哥大生化与分子生物物理学及生命科学教授约阿希姆·弗兰克(Joachim Frank)获得了2017年诺贝尔化学奖,护理学院(School of Nursing)迎来了它的125岁生日,艺术学院的Lenfest艺术中心(Lenfest Center for the Arts)在哥大曼哈顿维尔新校区正式落成。

美国东部时间5月16日,哥伦比亚大学为16000名2018届毕业生举行了隆重的毕业典礼。他们来自100多个不同的国家,超过170人为退伍军人。他们当中最小的年仅16岁,最年长的今年69岁。16岁的Kai-Zhan Lee用了仅3年的时间获得了哥大工程学院计算机科学学士学位。最年长的路易斯·约瑟夫·奥古斯特医生(Louis-Joseph Auguste)于去年10月在梅尔曼公共卫生学院完成了他的硕士学位。


在哥伦比亚大学第264届毕业典礼上,哥大校长李·布林格(Lee Bollinger)重申哥大核心课程(Core Curriculum)的重要性,并表示核心课程能帮助学生应对未来的种种挑战。

In his annual Commencement address on Wednesday, University President Lee Bollinger emphasized the need for the Core Curriculum and the habits of mind it imparts in helping graduating students navigate the challenges ahead of them.


“I have to say I think the world that you and I are experiencing now is deeply troubled,” Bollinger said, “The Core is a set of values and intellectual habits of mind that are essential to the health and well-being of any society, any institution, and any individual. When they weaken, they must be shored up; when they are challenged, they must be defended.”


He saw the importance in taking classic works and applying them to the modern world and contemporary issues, justifying the meticulous choice of texts made decades ago.


“And if you believe, as I do, that the Core is to the University what the University is to society, the greatest application of what you have learned here is still to come. It is about acting as a bulwark against our natural inclination to intolerance, and leading our enduring search for those critical shared truths. It is about projecting the spirit of the Core out into the world, whatever part of the world you make your own.” 



Alongside the Core Curriculum, Bollinger explained the role graduate schools play in the broader intellectual climate of the University. He noted their influence on creating students able and willing to engage in the world at large in a tolerant, analytical way. Bollinger spoke of the deliberate creation of the Journalism School and the Pulitzer Prize in the early 20th century as a pushback against an increasingly superficial and invasive press.


“The Court, the Pulitzer Prizes, the Core Curriculum—all these were created as a response to the rabid intolerance that was spreading across the country,” he said. He related this feeling of imminent chaos to the current political climate, calling for students to use the classical texts and analytical tools they learned at Columbia to deal with the problems of today.


Bollinger jokingly suggested that Congress pass a 28th Amendment mandating that all Americans take the Core Curriculum, with a C as the passing grade. He also attempted to instill in the graduating class a clear sense that their Columbia education had equipped them intellectually to mold and change the world for the better, expressing excitement at the potential the class of 2018 had shown and would continue to show.


“That you have been part of this effort we have no doubt, nor that you will continue to do your part to see us through to the end.”


Please click read more to the full transcript of President Bollinger's address.

Congratulations, Class of 2018!




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