
我们能够成佛吗? (中英文) Can We Become Buddha?

RealMind8 快乐人生99 2022-06-26

十方一切诸佛,都是平等平等的 , 经历过52 阶位的修行,圆满成就佛地的福德与智慧,故又称为“福慧两足尊”。因此诸佛都同样具有以下的十种名号:如来、应供、正遍知、明行足、善逝、世间解、无上士、调御丈夫、天人师、佛、世尊(薄伽梵)


All Buddhas are equal as they all hold the following ten epithets: “the Tathāgata; the Worthy of Respect; the Enlightened; the Perfected in Wisdom and Conduct; the Well Departed; the Understander of the Secular World; the Unsurpassed; the Tamer; the Teacher of Gods and Men; and Buddha (bhagavān), the World-Honored One” Yogacarabhumi-sastra, Vol. 38. These are called the ten epithets of the Buddha, each representing a magnificent aspect of the Buddha’s mundane and supramundane wisdom, virtues, and inconceivable powers. One who fully possesses these ten virtues and wisdom powers is called Buddha.

我们得依照佛陀所教导的佛法要旨(法宝)而行,由于这些指导内容,都是佛陀亲自经历的修行过程,架构为 52个不同的阶位,从最浅显易懂的人伦五常、人天善法、解脱道、般若、唯识种智等方广智慧之学,逐渐深广的次第铺陈,让佛弟子们随着佛陀的脚步,也能够修行成佛。由于所有众生都有各自过去世种种不同的因缘业力,依着心性、福德、慧力之不同,佛陀的教学方法自然也采用了许多方便善巧的引导。



The Buddha passed down his teachings to guide his disciples toward attaining Buddhahood through the predetermined 52 cultivation stages. Given that all sentient beings have different capacities, the Buddha’s teaching methods make use of expedient means, all of them adapted to each individual’s capacities. 

First, the Buddha taught the Five Precepts and the Ten Virtues for his disciples to uphold moral integrity and ethics. In addition, we know that doing good and virtuous deeds will also facilitate our Buddhist cultivation path or even enable us to be reborn in the heavenly realm as celestial beings with longevity in the future. 

Thus, after learning the Buddhist teachings of wholesome dharma related to the human and heavenly realm, the disciples will know how to live best as humans in their current life to ensure rebirth into a better human state or rebirth as celestial beings in the future. Thus, the 52 cultivation stages are our guiding map for becoming a Buddha. With this map, along with our overall understanding of the prajna wisdom, merits, and virtues of the Buddha, we can build up our confidence in attaining Buddhahood.

根据弥勒菩萨《瑜伽师地论》的教义, 佛法中将智慧大略划分为两类:世间智和出世间智。




According to the teachings of Yogacarabhumi-sastra, wisdom can be categorized into two types: mundane wisdom and transmundane wisdom. Mundane wisdom belongs to the open-learning concept, similar to humans being “students” since birth and acquiring various experiences and knowledge to make a living or to survive during their current life. Transmundane wisdom, on the other hand, denotes liberation from the three realms and is a uniquely Buddhist wisdom. The term liberation suggests that a sentient being can step out of the stream of transmigration. In other words, Buddhist transmundane wisdom refers to the choice of experiencing the path to liberation and the path to Buddhahood.

佛法中的解脱道,是先教导众生如何超越三界生死的法门,总共有四个果位。四果阿罗汉,方便称为证得涅槃。而修行成佛之道,得先具有菩萨心性,再加上基础的福德与智慧,然后修行六度波罗蜜,获得善知识的指导,于时节因缘成熟时而能亲证真实心 – 法界的本源。


The teachings on the path to liberation are about how to transcend samsara, leaving the three realms of existence behind and attaining nirvana. On the other hand, the path to Buddhahood is about initially attaining awakening to the true Self (aka personal realization of the existence of the true Self, the origin of the dharma realm). In Buddhist terms, it is stepping across the threshold to gain prajna wisdom, enabling bodhisattvas to understand the true meaning of the Mahāprajñāpāramita-sūtra.

释迦佛陀出现人间的一大因缘,就是来宣说每一位有情众生都本具有成佛的本质 ——真实如来藏,并可依此次第修行而成就佛道。


According to the Buddha, all sentient beings innately have a Buddha nature (reality suchness) and can become a Buddha through the sequential and persistent cultivation based on their Buddha nature. Helping others is a way of cultivating our merits and virtues, which will enhance our wisdom in dealing with all matters.



In light of the foregoing, attaining Buddhahood denotes the process of perfecting two different fields; that is, bodhisattvas can extensively benefit others outwardly and at the same time experience and enhance their prajna wisdom by reflecting on and changing their negative qualities in their thoughts and behaviors. This way, the adverse habitual seeds stored in their Buddha nature can be purified, and they can thus slowly but surely completely traverse the cultivation path toward Buddhahood. 

After fully going through the predetermined 52 cultivation stages and obtaining the perfect wisdom of a Buddha, we will then be able to largely benefit all beings, like a Buddha, while abiding by the state of nirvana. We can fulfill the Four Great Vows we initially made as Buddhists.





