
装置 | Sanitas Studio不同材质表现的空间艺术

Sanitas Studio mooool木藕设计网 2019-12-03

 关于 Sanitas Studio

Sanitas Studio是一个景观和艺术工作室,由Sanitas Pradittasnee领导,拥有一支建筑和景观设计团队。Sanitas工作室在景观建筑和美术领域创作,受到社会背景、深层次的文化研究以及景观建筑和美术的启发。

Sanitas Studio的作品包括雕塑、艺术装置和景观建筑项目。通过接触不同规模尺度的项目,每项工作都在探索构建环境的意义以及与人之间的互动关系。

01. Crafted Land

地址: 泰国


设计:Sanitas Studio

Location: Thailand

Completed: 2014
Designer: Sanitas Studio



总平面图  Master Plan

Sanitas Studio被委托为曼谷CBD地区毗邻中央世界的一个新的公共公园——Patumwananurak进行艺术设施的设计。

Sanitas Studio were invited to work on the art installation for a new public park, Patumwananurak Park next to Central World in CBD area of Bangkok.


The city context there is very dense and diverse. We wanted to create a sequence for people to follow and move from an urban position where our mind can be everywhere to that of being in nature where you may feel smaller and more aware of your surroundings. We call it ‘CRAFTED LAND’ and there are only two materials, rammed earthand the reflective stainless steel. People can visit the park to relax and have a conceptual experience as they cut through the topography and find their own space while also becoming more aware of themselves in the city.

02. In the Mountain

地址: 泰国


设计:Sanitas Studio

Location: Thailand

Completed: 2016
Designer: Sanitas Studio

Sanitas Studio应邀为清莱黎敦山一年一度举行的冬季艺术节做装置设计。设计师了解到当地基金会自1988年成立以来,通过造林项目为当地人民的生活带来了巨大的改善。

Sanitas Studio were invited to work on an installation for an annual winter festival held at Doi Tung, Chiang Rai. They began learning what the foundation has been working on and the tremendous improvements it has made since its onset in 1988 to the local people’s lives through its reforestation projects.




“Helping people to help themselves is the Doi Tung development project’s aim, which allows for people and the forest to coexist in a sustainable way. The reforestation of the area, recreating green hills from bald mountains, isan “Unfinished Project” that needs to be continuously worked upon.”



“In the Mountain”(“在山上”)装置由织物制成,与土地有密切的关系,因为每一块织物都是由磨碎的咖啡和茶油水果皮制成的,茶油水果皮是黎敦山的植物物种。装置规格为15×15×3米。

The ‘In the Mountain’ installation is made of fabric with a close connection to the land it hangs above, as each piece is made from ground coffee and the skin of tea oil fruits that are the plant species utilized in the Doi Tung development project which have allowed for the people and the forest to coexist in a sustainable way. The specification is 15 x 15 x 3 meters.



Mae Fah Luang花园现有的绿色住宅被选为设置装置艺术的地点,意在传达“待完成项目”的含义。主要的设计理念是利用黎敦山的地形,来创造和代表这座山的消极空间。让游客通过使用织物的框架线而成为“山”的一部分。

The existing green house in Mae Fah Luang Garden was selected as the location for The installation art, whichintend to communicates the sense of Doi Tung, “the Unfinished Project”. The main design concept is to create and represent the mountain’s negative space by using Doi tung’s topography. And let visitors to become the part of the mountain by using the framed lines of fabric.




Suspended over the rise and fall of the typography of the land, “In the Mountain” moves up the hill almost as if growing in lightness. Furthermore, as it climbs, the installation itself remains in constant motion, succeeding tooutline and reference the lives of Doi Tung’s inhabitants and the manner in which their well-being has responded to, followed, and built upon the opportunities this platform they live upon has provided.



“In the Mountain”(“在山中”)作为一种视觉语言,以多种方式传达着黎敦山“待完成项目”的内涵,经过它的安装引导使消极空间变为可见,并通过不断的重复提升其可识别性。

“In the Mountain”acts in many ways as a form of visual language, communicating the sense of Doi Tung: “The Unfinished Project” as it traces and makes visible the negative space of the mountain through its installation, thus allowing for the land to repeat itself through visible recognition of the manner in which the ways in which we choose to build upon that which we stand can support growth that spans in many more directions than one.


总平面图  Master Plan

03. River Ordination

地址: 泰国

设计:Sanitas Studio

Location: Thailand

Designer: Sanitas Studio


From the past, there is a crucial relationship between the city and The river. Chaopraya River is a part of Thai and a breath of Bangkok City.



“River ordination”(“河流排序”)是一个反映人与河流关系的概念。从概念上来说,丝带代表着人类和河流之间不可分离的关系。在物质空间上,丝带反映了沿河各地区之间的联系。

River ordination is a concept that shows the relationship between human and river. Conceptually, The Ribbons represent the relationship between human and river not to be separate from each other. Physically, The Ribbons reflect the connection of each district along the river.



这些连接既位于沿河的路上,也与周围的地区相连。从Rama7桥到Phuttha Yodfa桥,黄丝带连接了沿河寺庙;粉红丝连接了当地沿河社区;绿丝带连接了沿河公园;红丝带连接了沿河的官方场所。

The connections are both on the paths along the river and shortcuts connection with the surrounding area. The Yellow Ribbon is the connection of temple along the water from Rama7 bridge to Phuttha Yodfa Bridge. The Pink Ribbon is the connection of local community along the river. The Green Ribbon is the connection of park along the river. The Red Ribbon is the connection of official place along the river.



丝带分布图  Distribution Diagram

图文来自Sanitas Studio

更多Sanitas Studio作品下方点击 “阅读原文” 






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来自Vin Varavarn Architects的村落化酒店设计

