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01 芝加哥滨河步道
Chicago Riverwalk Expansion
二期开放: 2015年5月
三期开放: 2016年10月
规划设计: Sasaki
地点: 美国
规模: 1.4公顷
图片: 由Sasaki提供
Phase Two: completed May 2015
Phase Three: completed October 2016
Planning: Sasaki
Location: USA
Scale: 1.4 hectares
Images: Courtesy of Sasaki
视频 Video
The Main Branch of the Chicago River has a long and storied history that in many ways mirrors the development of Chicago itself. Once a meandering marshy stream, the river first became an engineered channel to support the industrial transformation of the city. Following the famed reversal of the river, in which the city reversed the flow of the Main Branch and South Branch to improve sanitation, architect and urban planner Daniel Burnham introduced a new civic vision of riverside promenades with the addition of the Wacker Drive viaduct. Over the last decade, the role of the river has been evolving with the Chicago Riverwalk project—an initiative to reclaim the Chicago River for the ecological, recreational and economic benefit of the city.
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The goal of embracing the river as a recreational amenity seemed impossible years ago given the river's high levels of pollution. But today that vision is becoming a reality. Recent improvements in river water quality and the increased intensity of public recreational use signal growing life along the river, demanding new connections to the water's edge. Accordingly, the Chicago Department of Transportation and Ross Barney Architects led Phase One of the Riverwalk, an initial segment that includes Veteran’s Memorial Plaza and the Bridgehouse Museum Plaza.
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
In 2012, the team of Sasaki, Ross Barney Architects, Alfred Benesch Engineers, and Jacobs/Ryan Associates, supported by technical consultants, was tasked with completing the vision for Phases Two and Three: six blocks between State Street and Lake Street. Building off the previous studies of the river, the team’s plans provide a pedestrian connection along the river between the lake and the river’s confluence.
六种街区形态 Six blocks typologies
总平面图 Plan
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The task at hand was technically challenging. The design team, for instance, needed to work within a tight permit-mandated 25-foot-wide build-out area to expand the pedestrian program spaces and negotiate a series of under-bridge connections between blocks. Further, the design had to account for the river’s annual flood dynamics of nearly seven vertical feet.
Turning these challenges into opportunities, the team imagined new ways of thinking about this linear park. Rather than a path composed of 90-degree turns, the team reconceived of the path as a more independent system—one that, through changes in its shape and form, would drive a series of new programmatic connections to the river. With new connections that enrich and diversify life along the river, each block takes on the form and program of a different river-based typology.
码头广场区域平面 Marina Area Plan
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The Marina Plaza:
Restaurants and outdoor seating provide views of vibrant life on the water, including passing barges, patrols, water taxis, and sightseeing boats.
▼竖向高差近两米的场地 Nearly two vertical meters
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
L&R: ©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
小河湾区域平面图 Cove Area Plan
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
租赁与存放皮划艇与独木舟, 通过休闲活动将人与水真切地联系起来。
The Cove:
Kayak rentals and docking for human-powered crafts provide physical connections to the water through recreation.
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
L&R: ©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
河滨剧院区域平面 River Theater Area Plan
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The River Theater:
A sculptural staircase linking Upper Wacker and the Riverwalk offers pedestrian connectivity to the water’s edge and seating, while trees provide greenery and shade.
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Kate Joyce, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The Water Plaza: A water feature offers an opportunity for children and families to engage with water at the river’s edge.
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
码头区域平面图 Jetty Area Plan
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The Jetty:
A series of piers and floating wetland gardens offers an interactive learning environment about the ecology of the river, including opportunities for fishing and identifying native plants.
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
L&R: ©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
©Christian Philips, Images Courtesy of Sasaki
The Riverbank: An accessible walkway and new marine edge creates continuous access to Lake Street and sets the scene for future development in this critical space at the confluence.
As a new connected path system, the Chicago Riverwalk design provides both continuity and variety for a park visitor. The distinct programs and forms of each typological space allow for diverse experiences on the river ranging from dining opportunities to expansive public event programming to new amenities for human-powered craft. At the same time, design materials, details, and repeated forms provide visual cohesion along the entire length of the project. Paving, for instance, mirrors the contrasts of the existing context: A refined cut stone follows the elegant Beaux-Arts Wacker viaduct and bridgehouse architecture, while a more rugged precast plank flanks the lower elevations and underside of the exposed steel bridges.
码头区生态策略 Ecological strategy:
植物种植递进层次:耐淹植物 - 挺水植物 - 沉水植物
Inundation tolerant - Emergent - Submergent
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
Areas for educational opportunity - Environmental graphics - Fishing
Images Courtesy of Sasaki
02 林肯纪念堂景观与倒影池
Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool
完成时间: 2012年
规划设计: Sasaki
地点: 美国
规模: 30英亩
图片: 由Sasaki提供
Completed: 2012
Planning: Sasaki
Location: USA
Scale: 30 acres
Images: Courtesy of Sasaki
林肯纪念堂于1922年首次开放,国家广场在填平的土地上扩展2500英尺向西面波托马克方向延伸, 创造出壮观的全新国家景观。今天,林肯纪念堂与倒影池广场是美国最具标志性的景观之一。但是,随着21世纪的到来,这处著名的市政景观迎来众多新的挑战。
When the Lincoln Memorial opened in 1922, the National Mall was extended 2,500 feet westward toward the Potomac on filled land, creating a significant new national landscape. Today, the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool constitute one of the most iconic and recognizable landscapes in the country. However, the 21stcentury has introduced extraordinary new demands on this prominent civic landscape.
With over 4.5 million visitors annually, the site was being used far beyond the capacity of the original design—causing stress on the landscape, paths, and other pedestrian areas. Security and accessibility were also outdated. Finally, the Reflecting Pool was filled with potable water and, due to failing structural conditions, water loss necessitated refilling two to three times each year—using nearly six million gallons of potable water each time. The National Park Service sought Sasaki to update and revise this landscape to meet contemporary needs while preserving the defining character of this national landmark. Through an integrated approach, Sasaki resolved accessibility and security issues, increased the resilience of the site, and incorporated sustainable solutions.
Sasaki created new paths parallel to the Reflecting Pool to accommodate the thousands of people who walk each day from the Lincoln Memorial to the World War II Memorial. The existing Elm Walks flanking the Reflecting Pool are updated with new paving, benches, and baffled LED lighting that preserves the dramatic reflective quality of views to the Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument. Sasaki’s design also introduces new paths that descend to the Reflecting Pool with flanking walls that create a new security barrier. The walls relate and connect to the original terraces and are constructed with granite supplied from the quarry used for the memorial. The Reflecting Pool is deepened at the west end to serve as a new vehicular barrier, thus preserving the open view between the memorials at each end of the pool.
During preliminary design Sasaki studied numerous options for supplying the water to the Reflecting Pool in a more sustainable manner. The selected direction eliminates potable water and plans to supply the Reflecting Pool with water from the Tidal Basin that is filtered and recirculated to improve water quality. The sumps in the subterranean pump room of the World War II Memorial will supply daily water replenishment. Sasaki worked with engineers from Louis Berger in the final design of the water supply plan and site engineering.
03 辛辛那提斯梅尔滨河公园
Smale Riverfront Park
完成时间: 2010年
规划设计: Sasaki
地点: 美国
规模: 13公顷
图片: 由Sasaki提供
Completed: 2010
Planning: Sasaki
Location: USA
Scale: 13 hectares
Images: Courtesy of Sasaki
The John G. and Phyllis W. Smale Riverfront Park is a 32-acre park along the banks of the Ohio River in downtown Cincinnati. The largest in a series of public parks along the high banks of the river, the park is framed by great city landmarks including the Roebling Bridge, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, the Paul Brown Stadium, and the Great American Ball Park. With implementation currently underway, the riverfront park completes a necklace of open spaces on the river, links statewide recreation trail and bike systems, and reconnects the heart of downtown Cincinnati to the great Ohio River. Sasaki's design for the park creates an appropriate setting for the Roebling Bridge—a historically significant architectural icon—along with areas for large gatherings, passive recreation, and programmed events.
The park acts as a setting and catalyst for civic activities and entertainment venues and is supported by partnerships with private and public funds. Typical park events range from small picnic-like activities to larger pre- and post-game activities for the Bengals and Reds, concerts, and Tall Stacks—a music, arts, and heritage festival which brings 350,000 visitors to the downtown. The park includes several interactive water features, a performance stage, a sculpture play area, a pavilion, bench swings, water gardens, and Cinergy Trace, a 1000-foot-long riverfront promenade. Public landings and seasonal docking and wharves service the public and commercial cruise boat traffic. Park amenities are enhanced by a series of sustainable strategies, including an integrated bicycle center, support, and locker room facility and a new restaurant pavilion supported by a geothermal heating and cooling system.
In the surrounding waterfront district, a six-block, mixed-use development is planned that will bring roughly 400 residential units and office and commercial activities to the area.