
英语演讲角(第1期)| 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞

电影《 当幸福来敲门》

里说:“那些一事无成的人,想告诉你也成不了大器,别让别人告诉你你成不了才,如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。”是的,在成长的道路上,难免会有人否定你,质疑你,但给自己一点掌声,无畏的心更加坚定;给自己一点掌声,战胜内心的怯懦;给自己一点掌声,温暖独自前行的路。其实你比他人想象的更强大更优秀。2021年3月31日,我校传统外语活动——英语演讲角(speaker’s corner)在学校八方广场举行。本期主题是“I’m much better than you imagine.”(我比你想象的更优秀) ”。来自初二1班的陶紫、夏睿阳,2班的杨芊蔚,3班的唐礼蜜、刘露遥,4班的李文曦,6班的刘毅,7班的戴欣乐以及10班的程卓君和田健宇参加了本次演讲角。围绕本期的演讲主题,优秀的演讲者们在演讲中呼吁同龄人要勇敢自信,宠辱不惊。给自己一点掌声,不只是对空虚的灵魂一些填充,更是人生路上历经风雨后的一种从容、自信、欣赏以及责任。



There is an I in "happiness",There is no Y in "happiness",It's an I.




As for me, god is not fair when he creats us. People are born different, heavy or thin, tall or short, kind or selfish, good or bad, and so on. There may be geniuses, but there also are people born with disabilities. But one thing is for sure. That is, everyone is different and unique.



I still believe that as long as I have a clear goal, never be afraid, brave strides forward and study hard, I can get good grades in the new term, and I want to tell my parents loudly that I'm better than you imagine. Because I believe I am much better than my imagination.



Napoleon once said, The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “Impossible”.

If you are always trying to be normal, you will never 

know how amazing you are.keep trying, then, you are much better than others imagine.


Now there is a tough problem in front of me, math. I studied hard but I couldn't get a higher score. Very depressing. Give up? No, of course no. I have a strong belief that with my determination, I can handle it. I believe I can be better than I imagine and be better than you imagine. 



You don't need to feel inferior for those shortcomings. You have to know, your shortcomings are like cracks, which is where the light comes in! A weakness is not a proof that you are bad. It gives you more opportunities to become better. Believe it or not, you are more powerful than you think.



We will always meet difficulty, but we can’t be afraid of that. It’s not a strong girl or boy do. How strong you are depends on how brave you are. Try your best and you will find that you are much better than you imagine!



The person you should try to be better thatis the person you were yesterday.


Even a person grumpy and annoying as he is willing to do what he can to save whome he loves from danger and pain. He is not the one people used to know. He is much better than others imagine.



Mom, I know I'm not good enough in your eyes, but I will try to be better and better. In fact, I have tried. I am trying and I will keep on trying. Mom, could you trust me? Could you praise me? Could you please be proud of me, even once? I'm not as bad as you think. I'm not as lazy as you thin. I'm much better than you imagine!







