
IJTCS | 特别推荐:青年博士论坛


首届国际理论计算机联合大会(International Joint Conference on Theoretical Computer Science,IJTCS)将于2020年8月17日-21日在线上举行,由北京大学中国工业与应用数学学会(CSIAM)、中国计算机学会(CCF)、国际计算机学会中国委员会(ACM China Council)联合主办,北京大学前沿计算研究中心承办。  






肖  涛






Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation: Provably Efficient Algorithms and Hardness Results


Modern reinforcement learning problems are often challenging due to the huge state space. To tackle this challenge, function approximation schemes are often employed to provide a compact representation. In this talk, I will present provably efficient algorithms and hardness results for reinforcement learning with function approximation. In the first part of this talk, I will present exponential lower bounds for value-based and policy-based learning with function approximation. These results emphasize that more structural assumptions are necessary to enable efficient reinforcement learning. In the second part of this talk, I will present an algorithm with polynomial regret bound when the value functions admit an approximation with a function class with bounded eluder dimension. Our algorithm generalizes recent progress on RL with linear value function approximation and does not make explicit assumptions on the model of the environment. Moreover, our algorithm is model-free and provides a framework to justify the effectiveness of algorithms used in practice.



Why Are Convolutional Nets More Sample-Efficient than Fully-Connected Nets?


Convolutional neural networks often dominate fully-connected counterparts in generalization performance, especially on image classification tasks. This is often explained in terms of "better inductive bias." However, this has not been made mathematically rigorous, and the hurdle is that the fully connected net can always simulate the convolutional net (for a fixed task). Thus the training algorithm plays a role. The current work describes a natural task on which a provable sample complexity gap can be shown, for standard training algorithms. We construct a single natural distribution on R^d×{±1} on which any permutation-invariant algorithm (i.e. fully-connected networks trained with most gradient based methods from i.i.d. initialization) requires Ω(d)samples to generalize while O(1) samples suffices for convolutional architectures. Furthermore, we demonstrate a class of tasks with an O(1) vs Ω(d^2) gap. The proof idea is to take into account the symmetry by the algorithm on learnt networks.



Fast Sampling and Counting K-SAT Solutions in the Local Lemma Regime


We give new algorithms based on Markov chains to sample and approximately count satisfying assignments to k-uniform CNF formulas where each variable appears at most d times. For any k and d satisfying kd < n^o(1) and k ≥ 20 log k + 20 log d + 60, the new sampling algorithm runs in close to linear time, and the counting algorithm runs in close to quadratic time. Our approach is inspired by Moitra (JACM, 2019) which remarkably utilizes the Lovász local lemma in approximate counting. Our main technical contribution is to use the local lemma to bypass the connectivity barrier in traditional Markov chain approaches, which makes the well developed MCMC method applicable on disconnected state spaces such as SAT solutions. The benefit of our approach is to avoid the enumeration of local structures and obtain fixed polynomial running times, even if k=ω(1) or d=ω(1). Joint work with Heng Guo (University of Edinburgh), Yitong Yin (Nanjing University) and Chihao Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University).


何  昆

Lovasz Local Lemma: Variable and Quantum


Lovasz local lemma (LLL) is a very powerful tool in combinatorics and probability theory to show the possibility of avoiding all "bad" events under some "weakly dependent" condition. Over the last decades, the algorithmic aspect of LLL, especially under the variable setting, has also attracted lots of attention in theoretical computer science. A tight criterion under which the abstract version LLL holds was given by Shearer. Recently, Ambainis et al. introduced a quantum version LLL (QLLL), which was then shown to be powerful for the quantum satisfiability problem.

In this talk, we prove that the tight bound of variable version LLL (VLLL) goes beyond Shearer's bound. We also prove that Shearer's bound is tight for QLLL, affirming a conjecture proposed by Sattath et al. For the commuting version LLL (CLLL), the LLL between the variable version and quantum version, we prove that the tight regions of CLLL and QLLL are different in general.



Coreset Construction for Clustering


Clustering is an essential tool in data analysis and is used in many application domains. Given a collection of points in a metric space, the goal of the (k,z)-clustering problem is to find a subset of k "centers" that minimizes the sum of the z-th powers of the distance of each point to the closest center. An arising problem of clustering algorithms is the large cost of storage space and computational time for massive datasets. One approach to the problem is called coreset, which is a small subset of the data allowing for fast approximate inference. In this talk, I will present recent progress on coreset construction for clustering in several metric spaces, including Euclidean metrics, doubling metrics and graph metrics.



Rapid Mixing from Spectral Independence beyond the Boolean Domain


In this talk, I will talk about our recent extension of the notion of spectral independence (introduced by Anari, Liu, and Oveis Gharan) from the Boolean domain to general discrete domains. This property characterises distributions with limited correlations, and implies that the corresponding Glauber dynamics is rapidly mixing.

As a concrete application, we show that Glauber dynamics for sampling proper q-colourings mixes in polynomial-time for the family of triangle-free graphs with maximum degree Δ provided q≥(α+δ)Δ where α≈1.763 is the unique solution to α=exp(1/α) and δ>0 is any constant. This is the first efficient algorithm for sampling proper q-colourings in this regime with possibly unbounded Δ. Our main tool of establishing spectral independence is the recursive coupling by Goldberg, Martin, and Paterson. Joint work with Weiming Feng, Heng Guo and Yitong Yin.



Lower Bound for Succinct Range Minimum Query


The Range Minimum Query problem (RMQ) is a classical data structure problem in computer science. Given an integer array A[1..n], the RMQ asks to preprocess A into a data structure, supporting RMQ queries: given a,b∈[1,n], return the index i∈[a,b] that minimizes A[i]. The best known data structure uses 2n+n/(log n/ t)^t bits and answers queries in O(t) time, assuming the word-size is w=Θ(log n). In this work, we prove the first lower bound for RMQ. Our lower bound shows that the state-of-the-art data structure is optimal in the regime of constant time. In general, we show that if the data structure has query time O(t), then it must use at least 2n+n/(log n)^{Õ(t^2)} bits, in the cell-probe model with word-size w=Θ(log n).


李  博

Fair Resource Sharing and Dorm Assignment


In this work, we study the fair resource sharing problem, where a set of resources needs to be shared by a set of agents. Each agent is unit-demand and each resource can serve up to a limited number of agents. The agents have (heterogeneous) preferences for the resources, and preferences for other agents with whom they share the resources. Our definition of fairness is mainly captured by envy-freeness. Due to the fact that an envy-free assignment may not exist even in simple settings, we propose a way to relax the definition: Pareto envy-freeness, where an assignment is Pareto envy-free if for any two agents i and j, agent i does not envy agent j for her received resource or the set of agents she shares the resource with. We study to what extent Pareto envy-free assignments exist. Particularly, we are interested in a typical model, dorm assignment problem, where a number of students need to be accommodated to the dorms with the same capacity and the students' preferences for dorm-mates are binary. We show that when the capacities of the dorms are 2, a Pareto envy-free assignment always exists and can be found in polynomial time; however, if the capacities increase to 3, Pareto envy-freeness cannot be guaranteed any more.


阎  翔

Incentive Analysis on Peer-to-Peer Resource Sharing Networks


We consider a sharing economy over a network where each vertex player contributes resource to its neighbors, in return for their shares. Each vertex's utility is the total shared resource with all its neighbors. General equilibrium theory applies here to solve this group decision problem of resource allocation and pricing. While it was known that a proportional response sharing protocol achieves the market equilibrium solution (unique to everyone's utility value), we are particularly interested in the mechanism design issue whether a player may manipulate its private information in order to gain more resource allocated in the market equilibrium solution. We provide mathematical proofs for the truthfulness against three types of manipulative strategies (feasible weight cheating, edge deleting, and false name strategies), and the tight bound for the incentive ratio of another manipulative strategy (Sybil attack). This work establishes the first robustness result for a practical distributed network resource sharing protocol. This is a crucial property to free Internet resource sharing protocols against an agent's manipulative strategies.


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推荐 → 大会特邀报告(二)

日程 → 分论坛:算法博弈论

日程 → 分论坛:区块链技术

日程 → 分论坛:多智能体强化学习

日程 → 分论坛:机器学习理论

日程 → 分论坛:量子计算

日程 → 分论坛:机器学习与形式化方法

日程 → 分论坛:算法与复杂性

推荐 → 本科生科研论坛



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John Hopcroft








高  文


梅  宏













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