Welcome back to Huili Nursery Hangzhou
Angela Zhou
Deputy Head of Early Years
The new and returning children were so excited to enter the classrooms and greet their new teachers on their first day back at Huili Nursery Hangzhou. They were curious to discover all the different aspects of their new learning environment.
The Nursery atrium has also been renovated to house a large atelier, which provides a light and open space for both art and music classes. In response to pupil feedback, the role play area was also enhanced, introducing new resources while creating a warm and inviting home away from home atmosphere.
Staff have participated in lots of training throughout the summer including bilingual teaching plans, team management, understanding of pupils’ physical and mental development and how to maintain effective communication.
The Nursery is once again a vibrant and exciting environment now the children have returned.
We are now taking applications for Huili Nursery Hangzhou. Please scan the QR code to submit an enquiry form or call our admissions team on 0571-82396388.
Huili Nursery Hangzhou
At Nursery, we believe that every child has the right to a well-planned, joyful and holistic education. Early years education has a lifelong impact on how young children view and value learning. Key to our educational ethos is full commitment to the Nursery, with staff, children and parents all playing their parts in creating and maintaining a truly unique and vibrant atmosphere. Our Nursery staff are committed to encouraging their students to embrace a wide range of experiences and to foster in them Huili Values and the Huili Identity.
In furthering the delivery of international education in a Chinese context, we have merged the UK EYFS Development Matters with the Chinese curriculum for 3-6 year olds to support our children.