第三讲回顾 | 比利时鲁汶大学Hendrik De Smet教授历史语言学系列讲座(3)
12月1日18:00-19:30,比利时鲁汶大学Hendrik De Smet教授历史语言学系列讲座第三讲于腾讯会议顺利开讲,讲座由孟庆楠博士主持。
第三讲 语法构式的能产性及创新性
Productivity and innovation
The factors that make morphological and grammatical patterns productive are well-known, involving particularly type and token frequency. In this talk, I approach the topic from the perspective of individual variation, to test claims in the literature against a different data set. Findings confirm what is known, but also throw further light on the relation between type and token frequency, with special relevance to the mechanisms that lead to innovations in language change.
第四讲 历时语料库的创建与使用
Compiling and using historical corpora
In this talk, I offer a practical discussion of the difficulties inherent in the compilation of historical corpora, and how those also affect the use of those corpora in research. Various solutions are highlighted, as well as some exciting new opportunities.
责编/Jack Lili