

音乐文献编译组 音乐文献编译组 2019-06-30

原文:“You may not know that I was destined for a sailor’s life and that it was only quite by chance that fate led me in another direction. But I have always held a passionate love for the sea.” With those lines written on September 12, 1903 tothe composer-conductor André Messager, Debussy prefaced the notice that he had begun work on La Mer. Debussy’s father was a sailor and his tales of vast oceans and exotic lands held Claude spellbound as a boy. A family trip to Cannes when he was seven years old ignited his life-long fascination with the thoughts and moods evoked by moving water.


原文:Twenty years later, he discovered an aspect of the sea very different from the placid one he had seen on the resort beaches of the Mediterranean. In early June of that year, he was traveling with friends along the coast of Brittany. Their plans called for passage in a fishing boat from SaintLunaire to Cancale, but at the time they were scheduled to leave a threatening storm was approaching and the captain advised canceling the trip. Debussy insisted that they sail. It turned out to be a dramatic, storm-tossed voyage with no little danger to crew and passengers. Those experiences of the sea — one halcyon, the other threatening — were captured years later in La Mer.


原文:In addition to the memories of his own experience of the ocean, Debussy brought to La Mer a sensitivity nourished by visual renderings of the sea. He was certainly in sympathy with the Impressionistic art of his French contemporaries, but moreimmediate inspiration for the work seems to have come from the creations of two foreign artists — the Englishman Turner, whom Debussy called “the finest creator of mystery in art,” and the Japanese Hokusai. A selection of Turner’s wondrous,swirling sea paintings, as much color and light as image, was shown in Paris in 1894 and probably seen there by Debussy. 

译文:除了对海洋的记忆外,德彪西还把对海洋的所赋予的视觉效果上的敏感度融入进交响音画《大海》(La Mer)的音乐中。德彪西当然赞同他同时代的法国印象派艺术,但更多的是这部音乐作品的直接灵感似乎来自两位外国艺术家的作品——英国人特纳(德彪西称之为“艺术之谜的最优秀创造者”)和日本的葛饰北斋(Hokusai)。1894年在巴黎展出了特纳的绝妙的作品集,关于翻涌奔腾的大海,海景同色彩光线一样千变幻化,也就德彪西可能就是在那里看到特纳的作品的。

原文:Japanese sea- and landscapes were also popular in Paris during the 1890s as a result of their introduction there at theUniversal Exhibition of 1889, and the exquisite drawings of Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) so pleased Debussy that he chose one of them, The Hollow of the Wave off Kanagawa, for the cover of the score of La Mer.From Dawn to Noon on the Sea, built around the play of thematic and rhythmic fragments rather than conventional melodies, is perfectly suited to expressingthe changing reflections of the morning sun in the air, clouds and water. The Play of the Waves is a brilliant essay in orchestral color, woven and contrasted with the utmost evocative subtlety. Dialogue of the Wind and the Sea reflects the awesome power of the sea as well as its majesty. 


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