

音乐文献编译组 音乐文献编译组 2019-06-30

Women Threw Their Underwear At Him



Franz Liszt was a sex symbol the likes of which the world had never seen. Until then, classical musicians had considered an audience out of control if they applauded for a little too long. But once Liszt took the stage, people started throwing their underwear on the stage.[1]Not every woman brought a pair of unmentionables to hurl at their favorite Hungarian pianist, of course. Some were a bit more modest. Those with a little more self-control would simply throw handkerchiefs, bouquets of roses, or a few torn-off articles of clothing. Or else theyd politely sit in the front row a few inches away from him, peering at him through binoculars so that they could make out every pore on his face.Others simply couldnt muster up the strength to throw anything. During one chaotic show in Berlin in 1842, several women burst into uncontrollable, hysterical laughter at the sheer sight of Franz Liszt while others simply passed out. Those women missed out, though, because toward the end of that show, the girls who could still stand made history. For what might well be the first time in history, the audience bum-rushed the stage.


People Made Lockets From His Used Cigarettes


When a Franz Liszt concert was over, the riots began. Women would swarm onto the stage and try to steal any keepsakes they could find. They would fight over his handkerchiefs or, if they were feeling more charitable, tear his velvet gloves to shreds so that every girl there could take a little piece of Liszt home.Some came prepared. There are reports of women bringing glass vials to Liszt’s shows so that they could pour the dregs from his coffee cup into the vials when he was done playing. Then they would be able to carry something that had touched his lips around their neck wherever they went.One writer described seeing a woman grab Liszt’s used cigar stump out of the gutter.She didn’t just take it home. She had it encased in a locket with the initials “F. L.” written on it in diamonds. The locket reeked, of course. But she wore it everywhere she went.



The Men Loved Him, Too



It wasn’t just women who went crazy for Franz Liszt. Men loved him, too—so much so that they wrote long, enamored descriptions of just how handsome he was. After seeing Liszt in person, Russian critic Yuri Arnold wrote: “As soon as I reached home, I pulled off my coat, flung myself on the sofa, and wept the bitterest, sweetest tears.”He wasn’t alone. After seeing Liszt, two friends named Stasov and Serov wrote that they “took a vow that thenceforth and forever, that day, 8 April 1842, would be sacred to us, and we would never forget a single second of it till our dying day.”When Hans Christian Andersen wasn’t busy writing “The Little Mermaid,” even he would spend his time trying to capture Liszt’s charm in words. “When Liszt entered the saloon, it was as if an electric shock passed through it,” he wrote in his diary after seeing Liszt for the first time. “It was as if a ray of sunlight passed over every face.”


不仅仅是女人疯狂为了弗兰兹·李斯特。男人们也太爱他了,以至于他们写了很长时间的关于他有多英俊的爱慕的描述。在亲眼见到李斯特之后,俄罗斯评论家尤里·阿诺德(Yuri Arnold)写道:“我一回到家,就脱下外套,躺在沙发上,哭出了最痛苦、最甜蜜的泪水。”[3] 他不是一个人。在见到李斯特之后,两位名叫斯塔索夫(Stasov)和塞洛夫(Serov)的朋友写道,他们“许下了誓言,从今以后,直到永远,那一天,1842年4月8日,对我们来说将是神圣的,我们永远不会忘记其中的一秒,直到我们临终。”什么时候安徒生他并不忙着写“小美人鱼”,甚至他也会花时间试图用语言来捕捉李斯特的魅力。第一次见到李斯特后,他在日记中写道:“当李斯特进入酒馆时,我的感觉就像是触电一样。”“好像一缕阳光照过了每个人的脸。”


 People Lost The Power Of Speech Around Him



Franz Liszt could steal your girl. It didn’t matter who you were. Even if you were famous French novelist Honore de Balzac, Liszt would just have to see your wife once and she’d be writing poetry about his looks.Which is exactly what happened to poor Balzac. When he invited Liszt over to his house, Balzac’s mistress and future wife, Eva Hanska, went crazy. She was so excited about meeting Liszt that she couldn’t even speak. But when he left, she climbed into bed and fawned about him in her diary.“His eyes are glassy, but they light up under the effect of his wit and sparkle like the facets of a cut diamond,” Hanska wrote, presumably while Balzac wasn’t looking. She fawned about every part of him—his hair, his body, and his mouth, which she wrote “makes heaven dream.”


He Bought A Dog To Meet The Demand For Locks Of His Hair



Part of what made Liszt so popular was his dashing, rebelliously long hair. Nobody had ever seen anything like it, and some of them became obsessed. Women would send letter after letter begging Liszt to send them locks of his flowing mane so that they could press it into their diaries or keep it in lockets and have him with them always.Eventually, it got to be a bit much. Not wanting to disappoint his fans, Liszt bought a dog with his color of hair and clipped it every time he got a letter. The women who wrote him would receive a lock of dog hair and would usually be happy to have it.[6]They never stopped asking, even when he died. The woman who found Liszt’s body let his daughter know that her father had died, but the woman only gave Liszt’s daughter a moment to mourn. Then, hoping it wasn’t a bad time, the woman asked for permission to cut a lock of hair from his dead body.



