

徐洪英 音乐文献编译组 2019-06-30

 Interview with Ingrid Fliter


By Brett Leigh Dicks

▲ 英格丽德·弗里特


 英格丽德·弗里特,2000年肖邦钢琴比赛亚军, 2006年获得吉尔莫艺术家称号,弗里特的演奏给人一种别样心境的诠释,她那从容自信、不疾不徐的弹奏极为放松,如同独白。高雅的格调、始终优美的旋律、无须炫技,在举手投足间展现出音乐的抒情性。或许没有快如电光火石触键的兴奋感,但这弹奏中有一种高度的歌唱性和平衡性,自然不造作的音乐性。

Born in Buenos Aires, Ingrid Fliter began her piano studies in Argentina with Elizabeth Westerkamp. The burgeoning pianist made her first public appearance at age 11 and her concerto debut at the Teatro Colon at 16.

英格丽德·弗里特出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯,在阿根廷她师从伊丽莎白.韦斯特坎普开始学习钢琴的。弗里特少年早成,11岁第一次公开演出, 16岁在科隆剧院完成了她协奏曲的处女秀。

 In 1992 she moved to Europe where she continued her studies at the Freiburg Musikhochschule with Vitaly Margulis, before heading to Rome to work with Carlo Bruno and Franco Scala and Boris Petrushansky at the Academy "Incontri col Maestro" in Imola.

1992年,她来到了欧洲,在弗里堡音乐大学师从维塔利·马古利斯继续她的钢琴学习。之后她去了罗马,在伊莫拉的 “国际音乐大师”学院与卡洛·布鲁诺、弗朗哥·斯卡拉和鲍里斯·彼得鲁什斯基一起工作。

 The turning point in her career came in 2006 when she was awarded the Gilmore Artist Award. The prestigious award is presented to exceptional pianists who, regardless of age or nationality, possess a profound musicianship and charisma and sustain a career as a major international concert artist. Fliter has certainly done that. She has established a reputation as one of the pre-eminent interpreters of Chopin, with her two all-Chopin recordings released through EMI Classics being a stirring testament to that.

她的职业生涯的转折点发生在2006年。这一年她获得了吉尔摩艺术家奖。这是个非常高的荣誉,只授予那些非常优秀的钢琴家,不论其种族和年龄,只要其拥有深刻的音乐素养和魅力,并在相当长的时间里作为一个重要的艺术家活跃在国际音乐舞台上。英格丽德·弗里特显然是符合这个要求的。她完美的诠释了肖邦, EMI Classics 唱片公司发行的两张全肖邦唱片就是最好的证明。

Perusing your coming schedule and you have quite a whirlwind itinerary lined up for the coming months. Is it difficult fleeting from one city to the next, from one orchestra to another, and from composer to composer?


That was exactly the same question I was just asking myself. I just received my schedule from January on and I was asking myself how I felt about that because I'm really going all over the place. I am changing cities, pianos, conductors, repertoires, and all the consequences that brings is not easy. I have to say you have to have a very strong will and passion towards what you do in order to keep a rhythm. I think there is a moment for everything in life and this moment for me is to somehow take advantage of these wonderful opportunities.


How does that play out on stage?


The moment you go on stage and you play for the people you have to be in top condition. You have to give the best of yourself for the sake of the music. That's your role and mission. You become a translator and medium through whom the music goes to the people. So you have to be in good condition for that and sometimes it's difficult, but your education and preparation and experience allows you to overcome the difficulties.


You schedule is very diverse. What draws you to particular performances? What was it about this opportunity with the Santa Barbara Symphony that resonated with you?


I have played in Santa Barbara and I love the place and I love working with the people and atmosphere. It is a wonderful place to work in ideal situations and I was invited by the Santa Barbara Symphony to play a concerto I love the most, which is the Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2, so for me that's pure joy. I am really looking forward to this because it will all be a good balance between working and enjoying.


Your most recent recorded releases have focused on Chopin, who of course also features in the Santa Barbara performance. What is it about Chopin's works that keeps you coming back to it?


I recorded two Chopin Concerts with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. That was a fantastic challenge for me because the quintessence of the piano is in these works. In Chopin there is nowhere to hide, you are completely naked in front of everyone.


He is one of the most difficult composers to play because it demands absolutely everything of you--a good sense of touch, lyricism, balance between romanticism and classicism. It is very difficult technically as well.


But most importantly he is a composer that touches your heart and that is what I feel when I play Chopin. The people recognize the music as if it was theirs--it is music that speaks to them directly. I love that.


Your coming schedule features works from a number of different composers. Contemporary musicians go out on the road and play the same songs night after night, but your tour goes from one complicated piece to another. How challenging is it to keep jumping from one piece to another?


It's like being an actor who's interrupting character in the moment. When you go on stage you become the piece itself. I'm not Ingrid Fliter anymore, I am the story that's being told in the piece. In order for me to make a performance believable to the public I have to be hand in hand with the composer and it is challenging, but it is all a question of will.


Just like the composer had this need and will to write the music down, I also have to get into that mental state. The beauty of this job is that it allows you to be so many different characters. There is a freshness to that. Even if you do play the same piece of music every night like you mentioned I think because you know the piece so well there is a freedom there to explore. So there is a freshness there too.


What initially drew you to the piano?


There was a piano at home. My father used to play some Chopin by ear so I got related to this instrument in a natural easy way, like a joke or a game. My mother asked if I wanted to have some lessons and know a bit more about the piano and I agreed because I thought it would be fun. It started this way and little by little I discovered I enjoyed practicing. This is very weird because at 10 or 12 you just want to play with your friends and have fun, but I was happy at home practicing. Nobody pushed me so in a way it became a very natural choice.


You moved from Argentina to Europe in your late teens. What was that transition like?


It was fundamental I must say because I always knew that I must go somewhere else to develop as a musician and as a person. When you are alone in the world you have to overcome so many things by yourself and that reinforces your beliefs and needs and thoughts. Leaving was not easy, but that is exactly what I found. Until I was 17, my parents took care of everything and then one day I was alone in the middle of Germany and not even speaking the language. It was not easy, but it helped me discover my strengths and this is very important for a concert artist. You have to be strong.


But it must have also been an incredible experience to finally be in Europe where the music you played all your life was inspired and created...


The main reason I immigrated to Europe was I felt I had to go to the genres of where all this began. The atmosphere I felt there was so very inspiring. You don't only learn from your teachers, but you also learn from the people you relate to. I found friends who were very cultured and passionate about Lieder for example and I discovered the beauty and importance of the German Lieder, like Schumann and Schubert for the piano.


The ambiance in which you move and the influences which you get in such an atmosphere like Germany, or more lately in Italy where I live now, really enhances your possibilities and push you to discover more and more.


What was it like to finally then come and perform in the United States?


I am always amazed at the level of the orchestra. For example when you go to the first rehearsal in the United States they are absolutely ready. It feels like they have already played the music a hundred times and they're so professional that they already know what to do. What impresses me the most about the United States is the level of preparation all the orchestras have.



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