
OMA丨巴厘岛 Potato Head Studios 度假酒店

国际设计 2023-09-17

项目俯视图 ©OMA

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虽然巴厘岛的本质在于不同文化之间的互动,但目前巴厘岛和其他类型的热带目的地度假村不太和谐地强调了酒店客人的专属享受,却往往与当地人的生活脱节。Potato Head Studios位于塞米亚克仅有的未被占用的海滨遗址之一,它挑战了典型的度假村类型:“排他性”的概念被抛弃,度假村被重新考虑为当地社区的一部分。

While the essence of Bali lies in interaction between different cultures, the ubiquitous resort typology currently in Bali and other tropical destinations paradoxically emphasizes hotel guests’ exclusive enjoyment, detached from the life of the local community. Located on one of the last remaining unoccupied beach front sites in Seminyak, the Potato Head Studios challenges the typical resort typology: the notion of “exclusivity” is abandoned; the resort is reconsidered as a part of the local community.

Desa Potato Head是一个村庄,包括一个海滩俱乐部和两个酒店,它的三栋建筑之一是Potato Head的工作室,提供私人客房和设施,以及公共空间。一个底层架空柱支撑的“漂浮”环状体量可容纳客房和其他功能,包括展览空间和大型日落酒吧。这样的配置产生了一个与海滩相连的文化活动场所,或称为一个开放的平台,直通向海滩。开放的平台是度假村的核心——一系列活动的舞台,如节日庆典、文化活动和日常休闲活动等。

One of the three buildings of Desa Potato Head—a village (desa being the Indonesian translation of village) that includes a beach club and two hotels—the Potato Head Studios is a resort open to the public: it offers private guestrooms and facilities, and public spaces. A floating ring lifted by pilotis accommodates the guestrooms and other functions, including an exhibition space and a large sunset bar. This configuration has resulted in a cultural ground plane, or an open platform, which leads to the beach. The open platform is the centerpiece of the resort—a flexible stage for a range of programs such as festival celebrations, cultural events, and day-to-day leisure activities that welcomes everyone to experience Balinese culture.

项目效果图-外立面 ©OMA

项目效果图-外立面及庭院 ©OMA


The roof top—conceived as a public space and a sculptural park—is accessible through a public route that winds up the floating complex, which connects amenity spaces including restaurants, pools, and spas.

项目走廊 ©OMA

Potato Head Studios设计理念考虑了印度尼西亚的背景。一层的开放平台和二层的私人花园让人联想到印度尼西亚的庭院和传统的巴厘庭院风光。
The Potato Head Studios was designed with the Indonesian context in mind. The open platform at the ground level and a private garden on the second floor evoke both the raised courtyards in Indonesia, and traditional Balinese courtyards found at the ground level.

项目效果图-庭院 ©OMA

Potato Head Studios是一个开放的而并非私人的度假胜地。它为社区提供了一个全新的空间,不论你是酒店来宾还是普通游客,都可以在其中感受巴厘岛文化,并同时成为这种文化的缔造者。

The Potato Head Studios is a resort for open engagement rather than private consumption. It is a new space for the community where visitors of all kinds—hotel guests and the general public—experience contemporary Balinese culture, while making it.

项目效果图-内部走廊 ©OMA

项目效果图-中庭 ©OMA

项目效果图-外部走廊 ©OMA

项目效果图-宾馆卧室 ©OMA

项目名称 Potato Head Studios

项目类型 旅游度假村

项目地址 巴厘岛·印度尼西亚

建筑面积 20000㎡

占地面积 23500㎡

建筑设计 OMA

主创设计 David Gianotten, Ken Fung

设计时间 2012年-2017年

建造日期 2017年-2020年


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