

国际设计 2023-09-17

Founded in 2010, YUANYE AWARDS is aimed at building the most ideological and influential competition in the industry, exploring and commending excellent development, design and construction works, enhancing the creativity and influence of global designers, and promoting international exchange and development of the industry.

经过11年的发展,园冶杯国际竞赛已成为参与面最广、参赛量最多、规模最大的国际赛事之一。第十一届园冶杯国际竞赛共吸引 20 多个国家及地区参与,其中专业奖项有500多个企业近1000件企业作品参赛,大学生奖项有431所高校、8000多名学生的3000余件学生作品参赛,近200位国内外专家学者参与评审。

After an 11-year development, YUANYE AWARDS has become one of the international competitions with the widest participation, the largest number of participants and the largest scale. The 11th YUANYE AWARDS has attracted more than 20 countries and regions to participate. Among the professional awards, there are more than 500 enterprises and nearly 1000 design works participating in; among the student awards, more than 3000 works from more than 8000 students of 431 universities participated in the competition. Nearly 200 experts and scholars from China and abroad participated in the review.


YUANYE AWARDS is hosted by YUANYE AWARDS Organizing Committee and organized by Global Design. The first review for design works in architecture category of YUANYE AWARDS 2020 has finished now, and the on-line voting session is going on during 1st-5th February, 2021. The best popularity awards will be selected according to the result of the voting.


An online review meeting of architectural design works in YUANYE AWARDS will be held on 5th February. Chief designers of the entries which participate in the meeting will give a presentation about their design work and the jury will have a Q&A with the participants. 


The online voting will begin at 17:00pm (Beijing time), 1st February. All entries which enter the final review will be displayed on our website (www.globaldesign.cn). All followers of Global Designer We chat Platform have the right to vote for the entries they like.








About the Vote

1. Time: from 17:00 1st February 2021 to 24:00 5th February 2021(Beijing time).
2. Access: Please copy the following link<http://yyb.chla.com.cn/index.php?m=Index&a=Enterprise&r=GdVote&f=votelist> and open it in the internet browser .or visit Global Design website (http://www.globaldesign.cn) to start voting.
3. Rules: One IP account can vote one time a day and it can vote for more than one projects each time (If two companies have equality of votes, we will decide the result according to the page view of each project).
4. Winners: The top 5 design works  win “The best popularity awards” after the closedown of vote box .
5. The online review meeting will be broadcasted live on Xiao E Tech platform, please scan the QR code to watch it.




